Monday, 3 April 2017

Beginners Week 5

Hello blog lovers.

I am a bit late in writing up my blog about our fantastic beginners on Saturday!  There were 38 beginners and about 8 or so PWR's to help the through the session.  The session was a step up from our 4 minutes of running, because we went straight to 6 minutes!  But of course, if you are good at maths, we were only doing 4 reps and not 5!  It it all still adds up to about half an hour run/walk which is what we have been doing since the beginning!

If you could have seen their faces, the looked so anxious, like I had suggested we run 5k non stop already!  But there was no need to be anything but totally confident they could do it!  I knew they all could, and it was us at PWR  to help them find it in themselves to believe it too!

The warm up two laps walking was good, as it gives us a chance to chat to people to see how they are doing, followed by the drills to get those muscles warmed up nicely ready for our running.  I kept a good eye on the time this time, ZippySherry was away as she was ill, so she wouldn't be there to remind me, and Michael and Carol were away too, and Michael is very good at reminding me about the time!  I think he can remember when he was doing the course this time last year and I had them running more than they should have done!

To watch them all keep on going is such a rewarding experience, I feel totally proud of each and everyone of them.  It's not easy, I know, and there were some that started walking in the running sections.  I ran on beside them and chatted away, and got them to do the 'mini-goal' running.  Looking for trees, benches, bins to run to before even thinking of running!

By the time we were on the fourth rep they were all smiling!  I am not sure if it was because it was the last one but I like to think it was because they were totally thrilled with what they had done!  Some of them couldn't even believe that we didn't have to do another one!  I think I remember Tracy saying that!

With the cool down stretches we could chat to everyone, and answer any questions, or just to breath, relax and stretch out and just listening.  It was a great session, and next week I shall try not to forget to knock for my neighbour who came along for the first time on this week five!  Sorry Shalini!

Geeky stats

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