Thursday, 9 February 2017

Double Day!

Hello blog lovers!

Morning Run

This morning there was only 3 of us, me, K and Amy.  Tracy wasn't feeling to well and J.J., well she just wasn't up for it! If Tracy and called K to tell her that she wasn't going to be here then K would not have come!  So I am so glad that she didn't call her! Amy is still not ready to go with the faster group yet, still recovering from her fall.  It's best to go slowly, build up your stamina and confidence again.  It will come back quicker that you think, but as long as you don't think you can step back into the same pace as you used to run!

I decided that I missed the woods last week, so we just have to go through there today!  Yes, it has been raining, and yes it will be sticky in places!  But I have my old shoes on!  I mentioned that we will be running in the woods anyway, so hopefully the other two had their old shoes on too!  We ran through Dog Poo ally, and turned right, we are go up to Orpington Road first.  It's the easier way up, believe it or not.  It's a longer undulation just not as steep as the middle path.  We ran at K's pace, chatting away to her to keep her encouraged, all the way to the top!  We took a little breather walk, and then continued with our run.  That side of the woods wasn't to bad, quite firm just a few sticky bits to get passed.

It was a really pleasant run, blimmin chilly, but we warmed up nicely getting that first little undulation.  We were running pretty well and got to the top of the middle path in great time.  So I suggested that we continue on along the top of the woods to Botany Bay Lane.  Both of the ladies were up for it.  We ran along there, passing the place where I fell a few weeks ago, and then up the hill.  We walked it, it was quite a muddy hill! 

Once we were at Botany Bay Lane we started running down there, stopping only to let the postman in his van go by!  I had a look at my watch, we still had plenty of time left, we could so easily continue our run.  I mean we were out running, so we might as well take the longer route, and once we got to Botany bay, we might as well go the long longer route!  We were out after all, not out out, just out!  We are going out out, next month, for a curry, but not after we've been out for run!  No, we shall got out out in the evening, when we all looking gorgeous with the 50 other PWR'S.  Anyway!  We went the long longer route, which was Goss Hill!  K remembered that she had ran up this particular hill, so it was nice to run down it!  We couldn't run particularly fast as it was really sticky and muddy! The run along by the river was really nice though.

We got back to Botany bay and ran up to the rail lines.  From here until we go back to Dog Poo the paths were a bit sticky.  We were looking for the best paths!  There was a runner behind us, chatting away, I could hear her getting closer and closer.  She got to us just before the board walk.  I was waiting for the other runner but she was actually chatting away on her phone!  

We covered 5k, 3.2 miles this morning, it was a bit sticky in places, and there were some undulations to cope with.  But I think we all did really well!  Geeky stats.

Track Evening

I really had to tear myself out of my cosy chair this evening.  It really turned cold!  It had been raining, it was wet and damp!  But I had to go, I had a big lunch and I needed to run it off!  I needed to run fast!  So in my car I got, and this time as really shouted out loud as I was driving along "It's flipping Freezing!"  Oh my goodness! I had my cycling jacket on to keep me warm and snug and dry for running in, and I had my big coat on over that to wear while I get to and from track.  I was still so cold.  I couldn't find my running gloves and there is no way I am running with no gloves on so I will have to run with my leather gloves!  At least I will have warm hands.  

When I pulled up in the car park I sat there for a few minutes, figuring out if I should take my big coat off in the car or to walk into the track with it.  I opted for the first, get acclimatised to the weather straight away!  It was so cold!  I paid my money and walked to the top of the track where we all meet. I was a bit early! There was only a couple of other people there, PhysioMikeTheMod being one of them.  I read on Facebook what the session was, it sound interesting!

The other runners all drifted in, ran a warm up lap and then it was time to listen to PMTM.  The first part of this evenings activities was a 12 min tempo run.  I managed to run 4 laps in those 12 mins, finished just at the beginning!  I was pleased with that.  Then the next bit was good.  In fact I felt pretty good.  I felt like one of the faster people.  We were all running for the exact same time, we will all be taking a 90 second break at the same time, it will virtually be like I am running with them!  Which I was, of course, when we started, and when the over took me!  So the session was two 5 minute runs with a break run at a little faster than the tempo run!  I had to see what I had in the tank.  Then after that it was 4 x 3 minutes running.  I know that I can run around the track within 3 minutes, so I will be finishing each lap at the stop/start!  My challenge to myself was to see how far past the stop/start line I could get each time.

I think I did it, on that last lap I did!  I slowed down a bit because I didn't want to walk back to much! I should have kept going really! But I felt good that I ran for the whole of the time that I was supposed to! Yup, it was a good session, almost tailored made for me!

Geeky stats.



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