Hello blog lovers.
Today was certainly 'a day of two halves' wasn't it. Beautiful sunshine this morning, even if it was a bit chilly, just seeing blue skies puts you in a better place. This morning I put my bike in for a service. I'm thinking it will all go to help with capturing my cycling mojo! Anyway, that was this morning, I guess I am quite pleased really. There's nothing worse than cycling in the cold and rain. This evening though, was different. It was cold, dark (obviously because of the time!) and it was raining! This was going to be a tough one this evening!
I drove up to J.J.'s and got out to walk up to J.J.'s door and noticed that the rain was almost over, "That's good" I thought to myself "J.J. won't have an excuse for not coming out now" I chuckled. She doesn't like the rain, and I know how she feels. It's harder to actually walk out the door in the rain than it is to keep on running once when the rain comes after you started! But, now I know she will be there.
It was just as well she came though, I had a very small group, just five of us. J.J., Carole and Michael, Christine and me! The route I chose was one of our hillier ones, not major hills, ooops undulations I mean, not like it was on the train run where it seemed to go on and on for ever! Just little challenges. It's good to have these in our list of routes to choose from and it's good to do different ones too.
We were all ready to go and so we set off, nice and steady while we warm up, and we will warm up quiet quickly on our first incline, Birchwood. On a cold day this road really does wonders in keeping or getting you warm! A great start really. We were all pretty tight together too, even up the incline. We took a break at the time, and just walked over to the crossing on the left. As soon as we were over it was back to running. I don't know about anyone else, but I was really feeling tired, sluggish, being out running while you feel like this is good! I think! Because I know the endorphins will kick in, I know I will be feeling pretty smug and pleased with myself. That's when you know at least your running mojo is well and here to stay!
We did the loop of the Berens and Kevington. I remember when I first took the group out on this route, I had planned it on map my run or plotaroute, I can't remember which one, but what I didn't do was to check on the elevations! It's all a bit undulationy (I just invented a new word) but that cheeky little hill on Kevington Drive felt like a vertical wall this evening!
We came out of the loop and then ran down to the round about on Petts Wood Road. This down hill is going to feel good, I just know it! My legs were feeling like lead, I think it's because I haven't eaten the right things today, I needed more of something, I'm not sure what. But fuel throughout the day I am sure is what you need, is what I need! When were were running up to the memorial hall, I sent them all up at their own pace. Michael was like he was let out of the stalls, like a race horse he was! Me and Christine ran up side by side, and walked when we needed! She asked me if we were running a little faster than usual, I think we were on the odd occasion, the geeky stats says we were 14 m/mi avg. Not too bad for a group 1 pace.
We had the last little down hill of Kingsway to enjoy and hopefully put a spring in our step for a sprint finish!
Here is those geeky stats for you:
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