Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Club Run - Three Bridges

Hello blog lovers

I really didn't know if I was going to make it running this evening, not after trying to self diagnose my illness!  Google is a wonderful thing, but for goodness sake do not ever look up your own symptoms.  By the time I had looked at everything I really shouldn't be here!  Anyway, the doc put me right, and she diagnosed a......sore throat.......  sometimes that is all it is!  But what with me feeling just a little under the weather physically, emotionally and everything-else-ally it all just got to me I think.

So with reassurance from the doctor that I don't have strep throat, tonsillitis or impeding tropical hippy festival/camping type disease I left for running with a happy heart!  This is going to be good.....tough..... but good.  I am not one for breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth, so I know my sore throat is going to complain!  Just as well I had my paracetamol earlier!  "It's a cold, Old Girl, stop acting like a guy and get on with it!"  That's what is going on in my head at the moment as I am writing this!  It is just a cold, fortunately it's all above the neck, not on my chest, perfectly ok to run in my opinion!  (but then again, in my opinion I did have some tropical festival super bug!)

Anyway, enough of my wallowing in self pity, back to the run.  I had decided that going through the woods for the entire run is not possible now, but I do like going into the woods, and so does everyone else.  My route today was going to be just going along through Dog Poo Ally and then left along by the rail lines to the bridges!  Yup that's right, i was taking them over three of them!  I 'accidently' told them two, but that was my brain shorting out (due to this tropical hippy flu!) and forgetting Little Thrift that we had to cross over to get to Jubilee Park.

We were only just touching on the park this evening as I led them out again through Tent Peg Lane to do the rest of our run on the pavements.  We were all keeping together really well, all 11 of us so my pacing is not too bad.  We are running as fast as group 2 do, but we have more walking stops.  Our group is the run/walk method, no pressure and of course it is a shorter distance.

We ran along Crescent Drive and all the way round to Shepperton Road.  We took another breather there and walked a bit before running all the way to the top.  We were still well grouped together, with just a little bit of a gap for one with our lovely sweepers, J.J. and LittleJ.  But we didn't have far to go now, just along to Tudor Way and then the Sprint Finish to the rec.

I stopped the watch and walked into the rec with the rest of group one!  I was just a bit annoyed with myself for not running in to make it 3 miles exact!  My Garmin read 2.95 miles! Next time I will look before I switch it off!

Geeky stats.

<iframe src='https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/embed/1296454977' title='Group 1 Run' width='465' height='500' frameborder='0'></iframe>

Oh and just one thing.  I should have written a blog about Thursdays activities!  So a quick summary.  On Thursdays mornings, as you know, I take the kids for games and races and stuff, but last Thursday there was only 1 child!  Little Miss M.  Now she is a sporty girl anyway, loves her football, so instead of her mum taking her back and her missing the morning run with the gang I still offered to look after her, and me and little Miss M will go for a couple of miles run instead.  After all she has done park run in something ridiculously fast for someone her age (I think!) anyway her pb is faster than my pb!

The thing was, I wasn't actually prepared to run, I had only just finished my morning cuppa, I usually brought it with me to finish in the rec, so my tea was sloshing about when we were running!  So to keep this 'short as the proverbial'  she was running ahead the whole time and I was saying 'ok lets take a walking break"  Just a couple of miles but boy it felt like 10k!

Here's our geeky stats for that day.

<iframe src='https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/embed/1296454655' title='Thursday Morning [kids]' width='465' height='500' frameborder='0'></iframe>

And that evening I also went to core and speed training as well.  I made up for my 'unreadiness' earlier in the day and I tried my hardest to keep running as hard as I can (without doing injury to my self Michael.B.!) but just enough to know that I worked hard!

So although I haven't blog for a while, I have been doing something.  And now that I know my tropical hippy super bug is just .....a sore throat....... I will get right back to where I need to be, training my ass off! Literally!  It's huge! It needs to go!

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