Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Club Run - Last time In the Woods?

Hello blog lovers.

Club nights! I do love club nights.  It gives me a sense of purpose (when it comes to my running of course).  These club nights have been my 'bread and butter' of running.  It has kept me going, week in and week out, just knowing that people will be waiting for me to lead them out on a run, that has kept me positive.

The route this evening was the same as last week, just because we get to run through the woods just for a few minutes. Our summer time seems to be rapidly coming to an end! Well, when it comes to running through the woods in the evening!  Taking a big group through though, well I just hoped I wouldn't lose any of them!

There were 17 of us in this evenings group as well as a couple of new chap, they hadn't run for a couple of years, and, as one of the chaps said, "need to blow the cobwebs away".  Group 1 is a perfect place to dust off your running shoes, a nice gentle run to get back into it. I told Carole that today, about how this group 1 started out as Group Zero to Hero, for beginners to ease into club life, club members coming back from injury, or even just to have a plod out for some brilliant banter if they don't fancy stretching themselves, but want to keep their legs moving.  But it is just a stop gap!  To get ready for group 2! I feel I will have to encourage really loudly in the next couple of months for them to try group 2 out!

I know it's difficult to get out of your comfort zone, I mean look at me, I am so into my comfort zone I have grown roots!  But today  did push them all just a little bit harder.  It was having the faster group all about me that kept my pace just a little faster that I should have, and I really had to keep an eye on my Garmin and slow down to get the pace right!  I know the overall avg pace will be the normal avg pace for our group, but I do try and keep to a nice steady 12:30 min mile.

I was a tad mean to our group, for the own good of course, and I said that they should all keep a nice faster pace while going up and over all three bridges!  My goodness, don't that hurt the quads!  But it feels good when you stop at the top of each bridge! At least that is what I was telling myself!  It would be good to carry on through the park and finish off running through the woods, but the light would not be good enough, I do need to think about the safety of my group!

So out at Tent Peg Lane and ready to hit the pavements.  Auriol was with us again, she has been off running for a while, so it really was good to have her back in the fold.  Also Illustrious Leader was with us, she was taking up the middle section while Janet and Michael were sweeping.  Auriol, I think was glad that we were going this way, if she needed to peel off and go back home then this route is perfect for her, but I was so pleased to see not to hear from half way along Crescent Drive that she was leaving.  To see her come along Shepperton up to the top, Crofton Lane put a smile on my face!  I know I've said it before but I will say it again, us folk at PWR are made of stern stuff!

With just the nice easy run back along Crofton to Tudor way our run was done!  Some of them did a faster sprint finish to the gate, others just like me, just continued at a nice steady pace and the others came along just a few seconds after!

A great run and all 17 finished together, nobody peeled off and left early.  We finished off with out stretches at the rec.  Geeky stats.

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