Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Tuesday Run Club

Hello blog lovers.

I am writing this today even though it was yesterday that I ran with the club.  My internet server decided not to serve anyone last night, and not until quater past four this afternoon.  So it's today!  And I shall try and remember everything!

We met up.

We got in our groups.

We ran.

We came back and stretched.

Nah!  Thats not me at all is it?  I am sure you wouldn't like it if that is all I wrote, would you?  But met up we all did.  The summer time lets us all see each other again!  I love summer time, every ones lovely smiley faces, shorts sleeveless tops and looking forward to running in the woods!  Well, 2 out of three isn't bad!  Running through the woods is off the agenda!  It rained yesterday, and boy did it come down!  Flamining June they call it!  I am sure this must be one of the wettest Junes on record!  I had to chose another route, pavements, but with a bit of a challenge for the group 1's.  After all, running through the woods is a great challenge I have to try and keep it going!

With my group 1's ready to go with Auriol sweeping today, there were 9 of us today, by the way.  One newbie and one chap coming back from injury, I chose to go to Tillingbourne Green,  Usually once I turn right and not even touch on the green but today I decided that we were going to run around the green.

It's a sneaky little route actually.  I shall tell you why in a second.  We most of the groups gone I started off on our run, with a little prompting from Illustrious Leader, who was leading group 2 today.  We set off up Birchwood Road, the first of our hills today.  With my eye kept on my Garmin we steadily ran up the incline to the top.  We had a short walking break once at the top and then started running again. I was chatting to May Lin, the newbie runner, as we ran along.  I really wasn't paying attention to where we were.  I suddenly looked up and then looked back, I felt totally disoriented as to exactly where I needed to be, I could see a roan on the other side of the main road and I really thought I had passed the place I was heading for.  I looked ahead and could see another road just ahead.  It took a good few seconds for me to know exactly where I was and to know that we hadn't ran past the road that I needed!

We crossed over and continued on towards Tillingbourne Green, and the questions started, "Are we running around the green?" "Is there hills involoved"  With just a smile from me told them all they needed to know!  Running around the gree, up and down the hills and up again!  This is what I was going to say earlier.  When we approach Tillingbourne Green we are faced with a hill!  It's only a short steepish little hill, and then it goes down.  But it actually goes down further than we ran up, if you get my drift!  The hill on the other side goes down further than where we started!  Which means, that we have to run up to the starting point of the green!  Does that make sense?

The moans and groans of going up the hill was met with some happy sounds on the way down.  I don't think those that had not done this green before realised that we were going further down!  They sure notice though as they start running up to the beginning.  But I am not completely horrible, at least it's not as steep as the first bit!  And I am only making them do it once! This time!

Everybody did really well actually, they all made it look so easy! Once we got back to the beginning we ran up (did I say up!) well, it is only a short little hill, and then we turned right.  On our way back now.  I kept an eye on my Garmin,  I noticed that when I chatted to a runner next to me the running speed was just a tad faster and I kept having to bring the pace back to 12:30 min/m, especially with one of the coming back from injury, nice and steady, that's how we are.

Over the roundabout and keep on going along Petts Wood Road......all the way to the end, the little flick upwards and the end of the road. So, we like a few hills, we are Group 1, we can handle it, and I sure hope so as when we turn right again we have the little undulations heading back.  It was when we was at the top, just by the memorial hall when a car did this fantastic Starsky and Hutch type skid in the car, in front of us and out jumped the passenger and came up to us! Ok, so it wasn't quite like that, but a car did stop next to us and the lady passenger jumped out to chat to us all.  She wanted to know if we were an organised running group!  Obviously  new resident in the area! Who hasn't heard of Petts Wood Runners!?  We gave her all the information she needed and hopefully she will be with us next week!

With just the last long, long road to run down we were running pretty good, we were also a pretty tight group, not too spread out at all.  We got back to the rec and cooled down with some stretches!  A great run, and so nice to have some new people running with us, and great to have a regular runners too.!

Geeky stats.

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