I managed to pick up a place in the Harvel 5 run this year (I was a bit late in getting my registration done and it had all sold out) but fortunately for me HelsHart couldn't use her place and we did a swap! I am sure I have told you before but I really am not that confident at driving, not on motorways and not to places that I don't know, so getting there I relied on my running buddies to come to the rescue. David 'Marmite' and Pherenice offered to take me. Then someone had a brilliant idea of getting a coach to take them. I said that I would take a place on there if they didn't fill it all, as I already had a lift anyway, but they did fill it. And it's no wonder really, who would want to run when you are doing a Harvel Hash House Harriers race? Harvel Hash House Harriers, the drinking club with a running problem! Thats how they describe themselves!
So, I was ready to go by 12;15, Marmite was outside waiting, all went swimmingly. We picked up Pherenice and headed on to Harvel. Here, this is village sign.
We collected our race numbers and located our club mates, which wasn't difficult as the village green is not huge, and we had our flag up with a tent as HQ. Here are some of our members before the run, and me as well of course.
The race count down began, we made our way to the start which is just about 200 meters away and of course took the obligatory start pen selfie.
Then a big bang was heard and the crowd started to move, My running buddies soon started to move away from me, I think I am the only one from group 1 here today, but I didn't have any expectations of trying to keep up with them. I am just happy to running this great fun run!
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Ok, not strictly a selfe! |
Although the sun wasn't shining brightly it was quite a muggy warm day, either that or am am just hot stuff! The first part of this run is uphill, just a slight incline, but it's still there. You can feel it. I just plodded along, everyone seemed to be passing me by, but I decided that it won't worry me. I know I am not going to be last, I feel sure of that, I maybe the last PWR that comes in, but I won't be the last one that comes in on the face.
I head some music behind me, getting closer and closer, somebody has their ipod playing really loudly I thought, and then I head "Hello Old Girl" it was Marmite and Pherenice! I thought all the PWR's had passed me by already. Now I know I am the last one! We were on the roads for a a bit, I was expecting the woods to be a bit damp, which is why I put on my old trainers! I had my other trainers with me as well, I thought going home in someone else's car with muddy shoes is probably not very polite!
When we got to the road that runs around the outside of the little housing estate I heard the icecream van. I was having wishful thinking about it stopping along the road that I am on so I could indulge, but do you do know, that icecream van seemed to be doing the rounds on all of the roads that I seemed to be running parallel too! I could here it, just over the trees, it seemed to be following me, taunting me with its cheerful tune, alerting everyone that there was some lovely freezing ice lollies and icecream to enjoy!
When I got to the woods the runners were really spread out, I kept my eye on one chap, he was my race for a while, he kept over taking me and then I would over take him. Getting to the water/beer stop meant I had to have a complete stop. I wasn't going to indulge, but then I thought, why not, this is one of the highlights of the Harvel 5, beer stop! I don't think I know of any other race that do this, rude not too really. So I enjoyed my cup of beer!
By this time I was about half way through the race, almost to the turn around point. It's a sharp left turn going down hill! If the weather had been really inclement this could have been a 'fun' spot to watch the runners! I kept on my feet, thankfully, and started the run back. About 3 miles in it felt like I was the only person in the woods. Here this where I was running,
And this is my 'race' behind me. He looked quite warm when I passed him. There is something to be said about running in technical tops, and not cotton tops like he had on! It just looked most uncomfortable!
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You can just about see them behind me! |
And this is the view I saw on my right just a little further down. How lovely is that!
Just a little further on I caught up with Kat and her friends. She was doing brilliantly. 'Just a parkrun to do" I said as I passed them. There were groups of people somewhere in the woods, (I can't quite remember the exact place) but they were all shouting out and encouraging all the runners, it really does give a boost to us runners. And the marshals are so encouraging too, everyone of them ready with a cheer and a clap! And not only that, but with just one mile to go another beer stop! Just when you think I'm going to give it some welly! As I was enjoying my drink Kat and her mates came along, she took her drink, water, and just poured it over her head, as I said it was blimmin warm!
After my refreshment I carried on running. The last mile, I didn't want to stop this time, Kat had already passed me by, she didn't actually stop at all, I didn't think I would catch her up, but when I saw her up ahead I just had to 'race' her. The gap started to close and I started to feel that maybe I could be passing her by if I don't stop. Nearer and nearer I got until I was side by side! So far so good. "It's good to see you, not seen you for ages" Kat said. Oh darn it, there was me racing but I need to chat to her now (not that she knew I was racing) and not that I don't like talking to Kat!, but still, I had my race head on! I did run along besides her and we had a lovely chat actually. How I could answer her though I don't know.
But then the count down started for the finish, I focused again and I started to pull away from Kat and her pals. 400 meters to go, 15000 cm to go! Now that sign did make me smile, it almost put me off my stride! I could hear the crowds cheering and the announcer saying everybodys name as the cross over the mats! Keep going Old Girl, still no time to slow down, got to keep it going! I turned the corner and the crowd began cheering me in! I put a bit of a sprint on as I ran towards the mats that would give me my time! Stopped my Garmin, picked up my medal and breath! I can't remember if I said thank you to the young ladies that handed me my medal and water, so I will say it here, thank you so much!
It was a brilliant day, and it didn't end there! Picnic on the green, more beer and fizzy wine and did I mention beer! Then there was the awards! Well, what can I say........no, I didn't get into those realms but our PWR Ladies team won first prize while our PWR Mens came second!! How cool is that! I am sure if there was a 'mob' award with would win that too! Look how many of us showed up!
This is us at the end, bottles of beer and fizzy wine!
Oh, and this is my number and my medal, how cool are these, they are useful too, for opening up beer bottles!
Of course HHH have this fantastic in house competition to decorate the porta loos, and this year was just brilliant. I forget to get pictures but these are some that the PWR's took! PoOLympics! Brilliant
Of course HHH have this fantastic in house competition to decorate the porta loos, and this year was just brilliant. I forget to get pictures but these are some that the PWR's took! PoOLympics! Brilliant
Marmite and Pherenice had plans on leaving early and I managed to grab a place on the 'party bus' back home. And that was stopping in Petts Wood, near the pub! Perfect end to a perfect day.......or was it! Because after the pub the faster runners were still celebrating and I was still with them! The next stop was a curry! Now this is one brilliant club! There is no barriers between the faster runners and the likes of me when it comes to celebrating! We are all in the same pen!!
Here are some more pictures from the day!
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