Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Two For One!

Hello blog lovers.

So, yesterdays blog is here, mingled in with todays blog!  After our AGM last night I was a bit tired so it didn't get written up.  The two for one offer, is because I went out again this morning!

I shall start with yesterdays run, a club run.  We started at 7:30 last night because of our AGM, and it looked as if most people had remembered as there was a full quota of runners!  The posts had been changed around, just to keep people on their toes.....and also so that we can split our ever growing club down the middle so that half go out the back gate and the other goes out the main gate.  My group was heading for the main gate.

I had 11 runners with me including Janet and Auriol to sweep.  I had a little idea in mind, just for a bit of fun and to challenge us all a bit. It's sometimes a bit difficult to get in a bit of a challenge when we do just 5k or maybe just a bit less.  We need a challenge, we thrive on challenges, and it's also something that our new runners haven't done yet, hill training!  It's only a short hill, nothing like what group 11 does, they do a 'few reps' of Summer Hill! But horse for course and all that.  I hope they will like it.

To get there its up hill, up Birchwood Road!  It's ok, we can do that.......the undulations of Woodside and Great Thrift might make them not like me very much, but I felt sure that this group will thrive on a little challenge!  The run up Birchwood went really well with everyone running the whole way.  We even caught up with group 2 who were taking a break at the top!

Once my group had caught up we just walked along for a bit as we watched group 2 disappear up the road.  We then crossed over the road and headed for Tillingbourne Green, a delight that I will show the group on another occasion!  But for today we were just going to run up and down the little hill, for a bit of training, get our legs stronger, see how fast we can get up each time.  Piece'o'piss.  Just being there half an hour earlier the traffic seemed to want to disturb our run!  We had to wait and wait.  In the end I sent them up two at a time on the pavement!  Eighty percent all the way to the top.  The first two went quickly followed by the next, then the next, next and then the last three, which included me.

All of them done really well and were even looking forward to doing the next one.  We walked down and then had a short break before I sent up the first two, and then the next and so on.  Me Janet and Auriol were the last three, I could hear Auriol on my right I am sure I heard her say, "Lets race"  So I did!  I got faster and fast, Auriol stayed at my side the whole way up, faster and faster we ran, breathing hard.  There was no 80% for me, I was eyeballs out getting up to the top, I wanted to win!  It was neck and neck all the way, but I think I just had the edge!

That was two reps!  I thought there would surely be a couple of them that wouldn't want to do another, then I could stay at the top and keep them company!  But no!  They all wanted to do another rep! I of course, being the leader, had to go again!  This time tho, I think I only gave about another 60% to get up the hill.

It seemed as if everyone enjoyed that!  That was good, and so to the undulations!  We ran all the way down to  the end of Petts Wood Road and up again to the memorial hall.  We had a little break at the top before setting along the undulations.  We were all still a pretty tight group, but along this bit we did spread out a bit more.  I was leading from the front for a change while the other ladies did their brilliant job of sweeping!  I noticed that that along here were were doing slightly faster than our adviterised pace!  As we were nearly there, just past Manor way then Towncourt, I sent the four front ladies together to Crossways and I picked up the middle ladies and the sweepers.

Other groups started to pass us by and run in the opposite direction to us as they headed for the back gate.  We carried on to Crossways to go in through the main gate. I think it was a well time run if nothing else as all the other groups were there or just arriving.  Just in time for our meeting, with a quick pop in to the One Inn the Wood! for a refreshment before the meeting!

Geeky stats

And todays run.  I thought I would treat them to some interval running again.  Just twice around the park, I am not the cruel!  But we were going to try hard. I picked up Tracy and drove to Normans park to meet up with Tanya. It was raining this afternoon, that will at least keep us cool, it was extremely muggy as well.  We started off with a walk to the gate at the beginning of the long straight.  Then we started our warm up lap.  Run the whole way without stopping, something that they have done now several times.  We chatted as we ran along, Max of course, our little running mascot running along with us.  He is just so adorable!  We soon covered the first lap.  I was thinking that maybe we should probably do another lap of running after the interval running!  But I will see how Tanya and Tracy do after the interval running.

We walked through the carpark ready for the interval running.  I spied several places to run to with a short run first, then fast paced and then short run or walk, however they felt after the speedy bit.  From the first bin we jogged along to the next bit, and then it was a speedy bit to the first clump of 4 trees.  Tracy took off!  I've never seen her run so fast.  I guess when you have a bit of stress to get rid of you can really go to town!  But this is just the first of the fast bits, I just hope she hadn't over done it.  After the walk, we had a short jog and then the fast bit again.  This time it was Tanya who put a rocket into her shoes!  You know it's in there, and then you bring it out!  Fantastic. Makes me feel so proud!

After those two bits of fast pace the next few were a little slower, but we still did it!  All the way around the park, with maybe just a little bit of complaining from the two ladies, a bit like what I do when I run along with NaggyNeighbour!

Here's to tomorrows sessions.  Geeky stats for you.

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