Hello blog lovers.
I don't know how I managed to get out of bed this morning, but somehow there I was collecting Tracy to go to parkrun! My daughter and her husband were home for just a few short days, and we all went out last night in london so they could see friends there too. So you can imagine I was feeling a tad fragile, but as I am doing a 10k on Monday I was only planning on going for a 'keep the legs loose' parkrun pace anyway! I was thinking that maybe even the Tracey's would be outrunning me today.
It was quite a nice morning, after parking the car we walked over to the start with Tracey, Michael and Carole and then we found others there, Rupalee, Abby, Lisa, and of cours the rest of the group one team, Wendimoo, J.J. and Janet! And it was so great to see SingstarJo there too. She is going to be walking the whole of the 5k today. With her long legs she is sure to beat me round!
The off was given after all the preliminaries were done and we started our run. Immediately I started thinking "This is not one of my best ideas" My stomach started rolling, my head was thumping and I wanted to go home. Ok, so this could be the first DNF I ever get! But I kept on plodding along behind the two Tracy's not speeding up and I don't think I spoke to much either!
It was a tough little run today, I think everyone was having an off day today, reading the comments on the Facebook page. Some days are like that!. But no run is ever a bad run. Even if its only going out for a mile after planning on going for 3, it's all good! But I was pleased that it was all over.
A very short blog today, as I am still not totally recovered from my night out! Must be an age thing!
My geeky stats for you.
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