Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Straight As An Arrow!, Just like Scooby Doo!

Hello blog lovers.

I can't believe I haven't done any form of exercise since Thursday!  Tut, tut, I am so going to have to address this situation! Pretty darn soon!

So what's happened then, well, I won't tell you whats happened since Thursday and now, but I shall tell you all about yesterdays club run.  There was only the one run yesterday, there wasn't any group 0's meeting up, in fact one of the group 0's has fledged and joined in group 1!

I was hoping that I would be able to keep up with the main group as I hadn't run the extra 2.5 miles before hand, but then again, my running is a bit slower these days anyway.  I didn't know who was taking the lead and it was a lovely surprise to find out that PhysioMike was leading group 1!  In fact all the ladies made it know that that they were nicely surprised that he was leading.  And then he said "So, we're doing 4 at 11 minute mileing...." Well, the ladies of group 1 soon let him know that 4 miles at that pace is definitely not what we are used to!

After all the announcements were made we were on our way, with quite a few of us opting to be sweepers!  I wonder why!  PhysioMike did say that he will shorten the route slightly, and of course we informed him of how many stops (catch ups) we have during our perfect social club runs!   So we ran off down Crossways and then turned left to run up Pettswood road.  We were going to be going on a route that I haven't been on before.

It was a very psychological run yesterday.  There were quite a few parts of the route that we had been on before on other runs, but we were going in the opposite direction!  The pace was spot on really, PhysioMike kept on asking how we were all getting on, making sure that we were not running beyond our pace.  But like all the good leaders in our club, for those that were wanting to run a bit faster, then he told them to run to a junction and then run back to us at the back!  That way we all kept moving and no one cooled down!

The first of our 'mental testing' sections of this run was at Willet Way.  We came into it in the middle, and at first I didn't realise where I was, so it didn't have that big a deal on me.  It wasn't until we got to the end of that road that I realised where I was, but as it was still early days it wasn't so bad.  We continued down Cardiac hill, which we all love doing, and we all know that it's on the way back.  But I was thinking it was going to be a short route if we go this way!

Then I remembered that P.M. said that we were going to go along St. Johns and Beaumont road.  I hadn't quite thought about it when he first said it at the rec, but just then I understood.  It was a very different route indeed.  Some where along our route PhysioMike gave us some great advice and tips about how to run effectively. One of the things he said, which amused me the first time he told me about it, is that we should be running like Scooby Doo and the gang!  You know, lightly, silently!  Like we are creeping up on the bad guys!  I have remembered that, and always try to practise this!  It's always good to know how to improve how you run!

So there were were, running along down the Covert and into St Johns road.  We usually run all the way to the end of St Johns Road to then start the last straight back to the rec.  Now it it was getting a psychological!  The head is saying "It's just down there" and our leader is saying "We're running up Beaumont Road", another road we usually run down when we are this far into our run!

It was a slow run for us back runners, with a sneaky walk or two to get to the end of the road.  But I am glad to say that we were all running whenever we bumped into the other groups, I think we passed Davids group 2....twice!  Once we got to the end of that road we turned right and ran along to the Off License.  Then I knew we were on our way back.  We couldn't go in the other direction as it will be just to long a route!

While we were running along here we passed another group group of runners, this time it was the Orpies!  I saw Ali running along with them!  I am not sure where they meet up but I think they still got a way to go to get back to their starting point!  But ours was just along here, Down to the roundabout and then under the bridge..........oh hang on.......I remember now, PhysioMike said something about running through the high street first!

See what I mean about it being a psychological run! So we ran passed by Tudor Way and headed up the High Street and then turned right by the car park.  From there we ran down Petts Wood Road and turned left into Crossways.  Our run was done!

We made it with in the hour, well there was still 3 minutes left! And, if I had ran into the rec, instead of turning my Garmin off at the sign post it would have been 4 miles!  Not bad for a Tuesday Club Run!

Geeky stats for you!  Hey, take a a look at the route!  It's an arrow!!

Today, though, I decided not to have a complete rest day, I decided to have another go at the Pilates DVD. So after I got back from the school run, I got changed into gym (ok my running gear!) and stuck the disc into the machine.  This time, however, I decided to look at the very beginning of the DVD, not just jump into the exercises.

The lovely, smiley, bendy, flexible and did I say smiley lady, told me that I should do as many reps of each exercises as I felt comfortable with!  And also to try only about 5 or 6 to begin with!  Well, I felt a bit better about bailing out the first time I tried this!  So I did exactly what she said.  I didn't try to keep up with her, I tried to keep my breathing in check, but what I couldn't control was all the groaning and involuntary noises of "uurggghh" when ever I tried to do each exercise!

But at least this time I didn't swear at her smiley face, the lady that bends double touching her toes and I can just about reach the end of thighs!  Next time, smiley lady, next time!

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