Hello blog lovers,
What an awful wet day it's been! It' wasn't looking good for my 7 o'clock start group 0 run either. But when I walked out of the door there was just a very, ever so slight, sprinkle of rain in the air. I was hoping it was going to stay away.
I had the car, so I drove to the rec and walked inside. There were two members today, Jenny who cam a couple of weeks ago and Elena, a newbie from the beginners course. I had planned a different course for this evenings route. It's a flattish one, I just wasn't quite sure of the over all distance, but I feel it is group 0 spec.
I did some quick warm ups to make us ready for the route, as I wasn't sure just how far it was going to be. We will also run quite slowly for the first part as well, so we shall be warming up even more. It was quite dark, and I know there is a big dark rain cloud up above as well. I noticed it on the way to the rec.
We were running along Tudor way, just nice and steady. lamppost to lamppost! Well, actually, Jenny was counting, she ran at least 7 lampposts before taking a walk to the next lamppost! I think we ran at least 4 minutes, around about the same time as the beginners did on Saturday, so completely on track with them so far.
Jenny liked the lamppost to lamppost method of running. We were running at least 3 lampposts or maybe even 4 and walking just 1 lamppost. I was leading them to the 'Off License' why we still call it that I don't know, it's been a convenience store for ages now! There we will take our first stop, stretch the legs before continuing our way.
I know it is just a mile to the Off license, it's the return journey that i am not quite sure about. It's obviously at least a mile back, but I am going over the bridge and the turning left to go along St Johns. I think that will add maybe another half mile. A perfect distance from group 0!
After a few stretches, and quick chat about where we are going now and then we started on our way back. Across the road and then over the bridge, being careful of the silly 'lip' that is there. It always manages to catch people out. It's just a little bit of uneven path where the bridge meets the path way again. If I had a pound for every one who has tripped up there, I would be able to build my own mini hospital on the corner....to deal with the injuries it causes!
We ran along the road to St Johns road and ran up there. It' is an undulating road and Jenny wanted to make sure she was getting to the top. She stepped it up a bit, stuck her feet into the next gear and attacked the hill! Me and Elena were chasing after her! She flew up there "I just wanted to get to the top of the hill" she said, once we caught up with her!
The next hill I suggested that maybe she stick to the same pace....not the speedy one.....the one we were doing before, and just pick away at the hill. It will save energy so that we can continue running on the other side of the hill. She did that for the second hill, all though it wasn't so steep as that first bit of undulation!
We were soon back on to Tudor Way, just the last straight to go. When we crossed over I suggested that maybe she can run all the way to the end, no stopping, after all there is no need to save any energy now as we have finished our run. So the lamppost when out of our thoughts and instead focused on the signpost pointing out the park!
We did it. I think the other two ladies enjoyed them selves! We went inside the rec to do our cool downs. I had already decided that I wasn't going to run with group 1, my back was feeling tons better, and I think the shorter distances have been doing some good. And now I have my new shoes I am hoping my running style will be back to how it should be!
Geeky stats, oh and I accidentally started it up again! Now that it's a hand held device I shall have to take more care of pushing buttons on and off!
By the way! Just looking at facebook posts for the club runs and it seems everyone got quite a soaking! So maybe I had a close call!
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