Thursday, 3 September 2015

More Walk Than Jog!

Hello blog lovers.

So it's Thursday and I usually go and meet all the other PWR's at the rec for a run though our woods. But today I didn't as most days I am by myself and having no car, meant either running their, which is good of course, or taking my bike!

So I decided, after putting out a message asking if their will be any group 1 runners to meet up with (which there wasn't by the way), to go for a run from my house instead.  And just that decision caused me to procrastinate! (love that word!)

How I procrastinated

1. Have a shower!! (why, I don't know!)
2. Lay in bed for extra time
3. Try sorting out my watch (the strap has broken elastic bands don't work!))
4. Quick tidy up (again why, I don't know could be done when I get back!)
5. Try to convince myself to wait for parcel (it was due between 12:39 and 13:39) it came at 13;03
6. Check Facebook!  always check Facebook! News, weather, who's around, who's running, who's            working!

Anything but get my ass out there!  I love running, But I LOVE my routine.  Drive to the rec, meet PWR's and then run!  That's what happens on Thursday mornings during school time!  So if things change then I go to pieces, I become lazy, I find things to do that will keep me in the house! In the warm!

But eventually I got out, My Garmin is in my hand, and the 'battery is low' screen is showing!  I thought I would have enough for at least a 5k run.  I have ran quite a way with that screen showing! I started off running along my road and turned left!  Then the pain started!  I couldn't believe it!  It wasn't too bad, not then anyway.  It was as painful as when I used to run a few of years ago, after I had finished a run!

But the pain stayed with me only when I was running, as soon as I walked it disappeared!  Right in the mid back, left hand side.  Why? Why is this happening now!? After all these years I've been running.  I was feeling so disappointed!

I decided that maybe I wouldn't be able to do 5k, I would just do the 1.75 mile route!  Up to the Harvester and then through the park, just seen what I can do to alleviate the pain.  Whether it's my gait, my breathing, my shoes or my stride! But just try and figure out while I am running!

It was a very slow walk/jog to the Harvester, and I couldn't try adjusting anything (of course shoes would have been difficult to change!) because as soon as I started running my back tightened up again and the ache started, and my breathing went out of the window because I started to hold my breath!

I walked/jogged my way through the park, trying to look at least as if I belong in my running clothes, but even my Garmin was disgusted with me as it turned off! (ran out of battery!) Feeling totally dejected I came home, still trying to jog some of the way.

I got in, and realised I couldn't even make a cuppa for myself because I didn't have any milk!  I just got stuck into my housework, cleaning, hovering, washing, with no bloomin back pain!!  Time to see someone I guess!

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