Hello blog lovers.
I am a bit late writing up my blog for yesterday, just as I was late yesterday! I [thought] had set my alarm the night before, as I really so enjoy working and encouraging the beginners that we have in this Autumns beginners course, so of course I wanted to make sure that I was up. I was in fact woken up the migrating geese honking their way across the sky, right over my house. I think they must be on the same flight path as Biggin Hill!
It was 8:40 when they woke me up. My bed was just so nice and cosy, I could quite easily have turned over and gone back to sleep. But that is not my way! I clambered out of my bed and quickly gathered my running gear and flew (not like the over head geese though) out of the door. Thank goodness I had the use of the car, otherwise I would have been really late.
I got to the rec entrance just as one of the beginners was getting there as, so at least I won't look to conspicuous rolling on up to the group. They were already just about finishing the first warm up walking lap with CoachHels leading and a smattering of other PWR's! "Oh, no, we haven't missed those warm up drills!" said my co-latecomer!
We joined in with second walking lap and then we did those drills, the skipping, and funny walks, and side jumps! It really is necessary, just to get all those muscles awake and ready for what we were about to do, and I really needed to wake up anyway!
The session was 3 minutes running and 3 minutes walking, half and half, time to start working on breathing techniques! The first 2 weeks is all about just getting that jogging thing happening, but now, the hard work begins. The routine of getting up on a Saturday morning is well underway (well, as long as people remember to set alarms) and now it's time to get that motivation boosted, find the mojo, get the bit between the teeth!
There are some good runners in the group and they are jogging around at quite a good pace, and there are some who are at the back, apologising for being there! But I know exactly how they feel, I really do! I used to hate being the last one to get to the catchup points, making everyone wait, or slowing the pace down for everyone! But there is just no reason to apologise, not ever. I am hoping by they time they have finished this course that 'sorry for not running faster' will turn into a 'I am here, and I am running and I will stay running!' Maybe even 'I am going to enter a 5k, 10k, half......' Ok so maybe not straight after the course, but I am sure that some of them will be able to get some good times in races!
I am looking forward to next weeks session, they have all been given 'homework' for the week, and that is to continue with the 3/3 walking/jogging at least twice during the week. I am here, I am running and I am enjoying encouraging others to do so!
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