Hello blog lovers.
It's group 0 time. I do enjoy these sessions. It gives me a chance to asses myself as well as to encourage others. I am learning to listen to myself as I encourage the group members. Which is why I was only going to do group 0 again this evening, and maybe next week I will stay and enjoy group 1 after.
I sent out my email a little later that usual, and I knew who wasn't coming along. But I also knew that sometimes there can be newbies that turn up, so I was I will always make my way there. There was only Kim that was waiting for me, and I was so pleased to see her. She hasn't been for a while, due to this and that, but hopefully now she is on the up!
The route I was taking is just one of the usual winter routes, up Hazelmere, along Great Thrift and Woodside to the memorial hall where we take our first stop. Then right turn to go over the walking bridge and then run down the High Street. Its the short route of our winter runs, but I think it was just what both Kim and I needed.
We only started to use the lamppost to lamppost method when we got on to the other side of the rail way lines along Tudor Way and was running towards the Daylight Inn. Not bad running for someone who has had a few weeks off! I think Kim even surprised her self!
By the time we got to running back down Woodside on the way back to the rec, the lampposts were becoming very helpful indeed. Kim was choosing which lamppost that she was going to run to the only thing I said to her is if she ran past one then she wasn't allowed to walk until she got to the next lamppost. It worked really well. When we was near Crossways our goal was to not stop running until we get to the sign directing to the rec. Easy peasy, in fact she almost flew passed it!
No geeky stats really, as I had only started my Garmin after we set off, probably somewhere down Great Thrift, but the satellites didn't find us anyway. My guess is we took about 37 ish minutes to do the winter route no.2.
The main groups were all assembling as we were doing our stretches Diane came over to me and loaned me her DVD, it's a pilates dvd, I am still suffering a bit with my back although todays session didn't seem to bad. PhysioMike also saw me and gave me some advice as well. I know he has told me before, as well, but I guess 50 odd years of doing something one way is hard to change, but I will try. I have to try and stand straight! My mother was always telling me to stand up straight, and not slouch, but I think I slouch and stick my belly out, arse out and shoulders rounded as well! I shall leave you with that though!
I am loving running. I can say that with almost true conviction. After all, if I didn't love it, then I wouldn't still be writing this blog, right? So dive in, enjoy the ramblings of my open diary.
Tuesday, 29 September 2015
Sunday, 27 September 2015
Goosey Goosey Gander!
Hello blog lovers.
I am a bit late writing up my blog for yesterday, just as I was late yesterday! I [thought] had set my alarm the night before, as I really so enjoy working and encouraging the beginners that we have in this Autumns beginners course, so of course I wanted to make sure that I was up. I was in fact woken up the migrating geese honking their way across the sky, right over my house. I think they must be on the same flight path as Biggin Hill!
It was 8:40 when they woke me up. My bed was just so nice and cosy, I could quite easily have turned over and gone back to sleep. But that is not my way! I clambered out of my bed and quickly gathered my running gear and flew (not like the over head geese though) out of the door. Thank goodness I had the use of the car, otherwise I would have been really late.
I got to the rec entrance just as one of the beginners was getting there as, so at least I won't look to conspicuous rolling on up to the group. They were already just about finishing the first warm up walking lap with CoachHels leading and a smattering of other PWR's! "Oh, no, we haven't missed those warm up drills!" said my co-latecomer!
We joined in with second walking lap and then we did those drills, the skipping, and funny walks, and side jumps! It really is necessary, just to get all those muscles awake and ready for what we were about to do, and I really needed to wake up anyway!
The session was 3 minutes running and 3 minutes walking, half and half, time to start working on breathing techniques! The first 2 weeks is all about just getting that jogging thing happening, but now, the hard work begins. The routine of getting up on a Saturday morning is well underway (well, as long as people remember to set alarms) and now it's time to get that motivation boosted, find the mojo, get the bit between the teeth!
There are some good runners in the group and they are jogging around at quite a good pace, and there are some who are at the back, apologising for being there! But I know exactly how they feel, I really do! I used to hate being the last one to get to the catchup points, making everyone wait, or slowing the pace down for everyone! But there is just no reason to apologise, not ever. I am hoping by they time they have finished this course that 'sorry for not running faster' will turn into a 'I am here, and I am running and I will stay running!' Maybe even 'I am going to enter a 5k, 10k, half......' Ok so maybe not straight after the course, but I am sure that some of them will be able to get some good times in races!
I am looking forward to next weeks session, they have all been given 'homework' for the week, and that is to continue with the 3/3 walking/jogging at least twice during the week. I am here, I am running and I am enjoying encouraging others to do so!
I am a bit late writing up my blog for yesterday, just as I was late yesterday! I [thought] had set my alarm the night before, as I really so enjoy working and encouraging the beginners that we have in this Autumns beginners course, so of course I wanted to make sure that I was up. I was in fact woken up the migrating geese honking their way across the sky, right over my house. I think they must be on the same flight path as Biggin Hill!
It was 8:40 when they woke me up. My bed was just so nice and cosy, I could quite easily have turned over and gone back to sleep. But that is not my way! I clambered out of my bed and quickly gathered my running gear and flew (not like the over head geese though) out of the door. Thank goodness I had the use of the car, otherwise I would have been really late.
I got to the rec entrance just as one of the beginners was getting there as, so at least I won't look to conspicuous rolling on up to the group. They were already just about finishing the first warm up walking lap with CoachHels leading and a smattering of other PWR's! "Oh, no, we haven't missed those warm up drills!" said my co-latecomer!
We joined in with second walking lap and then we did those drills, the skipping, and funny walks, and side jumps! It really is necessary, just to get all those muscles awake and ready for what we were about to do, and I really needed to wake up anyway!
The session was 3 minutes running and 3 minutes walking, half and half, time to start working on breathing techniques! The first 2 weeks is all about just getting that jogging thing happening, but now, the hard work begins. The routine of getting up on a Saturday morning is well underway (well, as long as people remember to set alarms) and now it's time to get that motivation boosted, find the mojo, get the bit between the teeth!
There are some good runners in the group and they are jogging around at quite a good pace, and there are some who are at the back, apologising for being there! But I know exactly how they feel, I really do! I used to hate being the last one to get to the catchup points, making everyone wait, or slowing the pace down for everyone! But there is just no reason to apologise, not ever. I am hoping by they time they have finished this course that 'sorry for not running faster' will turn into a 'I am here, and I am running and I will stay running!' Maybe even 'I am going to enter a 5k, 10k, half......' Ok so maybe not straight after the course, but I am sure that some of them will be able to get some good times in races!
I am looking forward to next weeks session, they have all been given 'homework' for the week, and that is to continue with the 3/3 walking/jogging at least twice during the week. I am here, I am running and I am enjoying encouraging others to do so!
Thursday, 24 September 2015
Almost Didn't Make it!
Hello blog lovers.
Almost didn't make it out running! This morning when the Old Boy woke me up and asked me "Are you really going running in that?" and he opened the windows to show me what it was like out there! The wind was bending the top of the tree, the rain was coming down, I really wasn't 'feeling it' after I saw that! I sent a message to my clubs face book page, saying that "If there is no other group 1 running this morning, then I would go from my house, when the rain stopped?" I really wasn't expecting anyone to say they would be turning up!
But of course, Ishouldn't do, not my club, I underestimated PWR members! They are made of strong stuff, "Oh that's good, do you still meet at the rec like Tuesdays?" came the answer from Diane. Of course I had to say "yes, see you there." I just snuggled down, just for a little bit more, into my duvet, wishing that maybe I shouldn't have even looked at facebook let alone posted anything.
I eventually got up and got myself ready for the run. I was pleased to see that the rain had actually stopped and the wind seemed to have died down too. "Oh that's brilliant" I said out loud, as now it's just me in the house! I went outside to get my bike from the shed, the Old Boy still has my car, and then made sure I had everything I needed for todays run.
I decided that I would wear my bike rain jacket, It just looked like it could pour down again at any minute, and I do hate getting wet! When it was time to go I rode on to the rec and went in through the Towncourt gate. I looked over and saw quite a few pink shirts, followed by DiscoRich coming through the other gate on his bike, and Ralph joined afterwards, running all the way!
I joined the throng of keen runners and we chatted for a few moments, decided which route we would all be doing and then we left. My route was taking us up to top of Crofton Road and back again, taking in Place Farm estates. I felt sure the woods would be just too yucky to go through. As soon as we started running, I could feel that little niggle in my back start up, just a few more minutes and the tightening began again, with that ache that makes you want to stop breathing!
I am so going to have to seek advice about this, I feel a chat with PhysioMike coming on! So we, that is just me and Diane, as the others were running with DiscoRich, walked and ran all the way around my planned route with me saying "so sorry for walking" but she was just fine about it. She wanted a a nice slow run anyway, and besides, in PWR, our motto is "Everyone is a runner, just some run faster than others!
I started to feel really glad that I had came out today and so was Diane. It has definitely made me realise that I do need to ask for some advice and Diane was pleased to be out, because just sitting in doors thinking about doing housework just in it's self brings on a huge case of tedium and possible lethargy, in worse case scenario lazyitus! And we know where that can lead us, yup right back to couch potato!
It was a great run, we chatted, we discussed, we moaned and we laughed but most of all we ran, well, all the while my lazyitus was under control, and my breathing, and my sore legs, and back and.....I think I deffo need to lose weight too!
Geeky stats.
Almost didn't make it out running! This morning when the Old Boy woke me up and asked me "Are you really going running in that?" and he opened the windows to show me what it was like out there! The wind was bending the top of the tree, the rain was coming down, I really wasn't 'feeling it' after I saw that! I sent a message to my clubs face book page, saying that "If there is no other group 1 running this morning, then I would go from my house, when the rain stopped?" I really wasn't expecting anyone to say they would be turning up!
But of course, Ishouldn't do, not my club, I underestimated PWR members! They are made of strong stuff, "Oh that's good, do you still meet at the rec like Tuesdays?" came the answer from Diane. Of course I had to say "yes, see you there." I just snuggled down, just for a little bit more, into my duvet, wishing that maybe I shouldn't have even looked at facebook let alone posted anything.
I eventually got up and got myself ready for the run. I was pleased to see that the rain had actually stopped and the wind seemed to have died down too. "Oh that's brilliant" I said out loud, as now it's just me in the house! I went outside to get my bike from the shed, the Old Boy still has my car, and then made sure I had everything I needed for todays run.
I decided that I would wear my bike rain jacket, It just looked like it could pour down again at any minute, and I do hate getting wet! When it was time to go I rode on to the rec and went in through the Towncourt gate. I looked over and saw quite a few pink shirts, followed by DiscoRich coming through the other gate on his bike, and Ralph joined afterwards, running all the way!
I joined the throng of keen runners and we chatted for a few moments, decided which route we would all be doing and then we left. My route was taking us up to top of Crofton Road and back again, taking in Place Farm estates. I felt sure the woods would be just too yucky to go through. As soon as we started running, I could feel that little niggle in my back start up, just a few more minutes and the tightening began again, with that ache that makes you want to stop breathing!
I am so going to have to seek advice about this, I feel a chat with PhysioMike coming on! So we, that is just me and Diane, as the others were running with DiscoRich, walked and ran all the way around my planned route with me saying "so sorry for walking" but she was just fine about it. She wanted a a nice slow run anyway, and besides, in PWR, our motto is "Everyone is a runner, just some run faster than others!
I started to feel really glad that I had came out today and so was Diane. It has definitely made me realise that I do need to ask for some advice and Diane was pleased to be out, because just sitting in doors thinking about doing housework just in it's self brings on a huge case of tedium and possible lethargy, in worse case scenario lazyitus! And we know where that can lead us, yup right back to couch potato!
It was a great run, we chatted, we discussed, we moaned and we laughed but most of all we ran, well, all the while my lazyitus was under control, and my breathing, and my sore legs, and back and.....I think I deffo need to lose weight too!
Geeky stats.
Tuesday, 22 September 2015
Petts Wood Runners - Club Runs!
Hello blog lovers.
I have two reports to tell you about. First is the Saturdays Beginners Group, which started a week last Saturday. And the second is about todays group 0.
But fist the Beginners group. I rode my bike along to Towncourt Road and entered the rec through the back gate. I was happy to see quite a few people over near the pavilion. We always have a great turnout of people. Some continue on through to the end and become fully fledged members of PWR. some only make a couple of weeks, and yet others have come back to start all over again! To try and get that fitness bug going! And being part of a group does help with the motivation!
I have joined in week 2, I didn't make it the first week, Big Son was 21 on the Friday, I will say no more! So already they were up to 2 minutes running and 4 minutes walking. I think I will be able to keep up with them all and to try to do my best to encourage anyone. I know my back was hurting a bit after Thursday morning run, but I think I will be ok, as long as I take it easy!
It's great to see everyone really looking forward to seeing what they can do, with the warm up drills to get their muscles warmed up done it was time for the first of five 2 minute jogs. It really is great just listening to the runners as they run around the green "I don't think I will ever be able to run 5k" and "We gotta do this 5 times?"
Just encouraging them to get to the end of each two minutes jog session is all they need. After the four minute walk they are recovered enough to do it again. It doesn't sound a lot, but when you have never run before each two minute section is a huge step!
At the end of the session is was brilliant to hear comments like "I did it!" "I didn't think I would be able to do that last one" But you know they will be back! They have a mission to complete!
I have two reports to tell you about. First is the Saturdays Beginners Group, which started a week last Saturday. And the second is about todays group 0.
But fist the Beginners group. I rode my bike along to Towncourt Road and entered the rec through the back gate. I was happy to see quite a few people over near the pavilion. We always have a great turnout of people. Some continue on through to the end and become fully fledged members of PWR. some only make a couple of weeks, and yet others have come back to start all over again! To try and get that fitness bug going! And being part of a group does help with the motivation!
I have joined in week 2, I didn't make it the first week, Big Son was 21 on the Friday, I will say no more! So already they were up to 2 minutes running and 4 minutes walking. I think I will be able to keep up with them all and to try to do my best to encourage anyone. I know my back was hurting a bit after Thursday morning run, but I think I will be ok, as long as I take it easy!
It's great to see everyone really looking forward to seeing what they can do, with the warm up drills to get their muscles warmed up done it was time for the first of five 2 minute jogs. It really is great just listening to the runners as they run around the green "I don't think I will ever be able to run 5k" and "We gotta do this 5 times?"
Just encouraging them to get to the end of each two minutes jog session is all they need. After the four minute walk they are recovered enough to do it again. It doesn't sound a lot, but when you have never run before each two minute section is a huge step!
At the end of the session is was brilliant to hear comments like "I did it!" "I didn't think I would be able to do that last one" But you know they will be back! They have a mission to complete!
Group 0
I had decided on Thursday that I may just only do Group 0 this time, as my back was a bit sore, and today it was a definite that I would only be running in group 0. This weekend my daughter came home from Chicago so we were having family time for most of the weekend! On Sunday, after a very long visit in the local establishment we walked back from Petts Wood, via the Kebab shop, to my house. It's about a mile walk. Now my daughter has long legs, and so does her husband, and the were striding along while I was running after them......in my heeled boots!
My shins were suffering the day after, on the Monday! Even walking was hurting them! Today however, it wasn't as bad as it was yesterday. But I am going to take my own advice and take it easy and not to run in group 1.
Some of group 0 have now gone back to group 1, and a couple of the others have had other things that have kept them from getting here today, but I had a newbie! Jenny! She actually came along the past two weeks, but she didn't realise that I had cancelled! (She is now firmly in the loop, via email and Facebook page!) She came along at 7 but then waited until 8 to join in group 1. So she has actually been able to run in the next group even though she said she was at the back! I personally can't see anything wrong with that, as that is usually where I am at every race.
Thats always a good thing as its experience of what it's like to move up to the next group! But for now group 0 is where she wants to be. I told her that we will be running up Birchwood, get the hill out of the way first, (even though there will be a couple of smaller undulations). It's always good to get a hill out of the way, especially knowing that for the next part it's all flat and then a lovely down hill.
This run was all about Jenny, run when she could, for as long as she could, with a couple of scheduled stops to just gain composure. It's a chance to work on her breathing technique, to get control and keep control of her breathing. Sometimes running in a group you have the added pressure of trying to keep up, especially if like me you are the one at the back. All thoughts of breathing tend to go out of the window!
Group 0 is about practise, about gaining experience of running in a group but with out the added pressure of keeping up! Which is why I only ever keep our distances to 2-2.5 miles! I think Jenny did really well today, and I think I did pretty ok too! At least my shins didn't hurt as much as I thought they were going to! My back wasn't as bad either!
See, sometimes I do listen to myself! Even though I was really tempted to run with group 1 this evening, especially when I saw all my running pals! The rain had stopped, the temperature felt perfect for an evenings run! But, I must do what I tell others to do!
Here is the geeky stats, from my very worn, broken (strap only) Garmin! I must write a letter to the man in the red suit this year!
Thursday, 17 September 2015
Three Park Run
Hello blog lovers.
My first run two weeks, and was I going to do a little 1 miler? No I was not! I know I tell all my group 0's not to rush back or do too much, but I am not going to take my own advice! Daft I know! But I was going to take it easy! Just see how I go.
I had asked if there would be any other group 1 runners who would be meeting up to go running at 9:30 this morning, and SingstarJo said that she would be there. I was quite pleased that she said that too, as usually, if I am planning a solo run I do tend to procrastinate! A lot! But no only that, I've not seen SingstarJo for ages, and it's going to be cool to catch up........and we are going for a Costa Coffee too!
I had to take my bike up to the rec to meet up with the other PWR's, there were about 5 of so of them for group 2 and me and S.J. for our group 1. I hadn't really planned a route and due to the awful rain we had I knew the woods wouldn't be on the agenda either. And that decision was made even more right by the fact that S.J. had her road shoes on anyway!
So I suggested a three park run. Just because we are not going through the woods doesn't mean that we have to run along by the traffic for 3 or so miles or however long this route is. I was a bit apprehensive about my back and how it would hold up, remembering how only a couple of weeks ago I couldn't even get to the end of my road without my back tightening up!
We started running up Hazelmere road, and so far it felt good. I have been keeping up with some exercises, well mainly my cycling, I've not gone into complete couch potato mode! But I soon realised that even though It's been only 2 weeks I can notice the difference of running and not running! My breathing was all over the place, my legs were wondering what on earth was going on, and my back had a little twinge, just to say "oi, remember me?" But I kept going.
But I could run again! I was just so pleased, I love my running and I have missed it and my running buddies. And now I was running further than I could a couple of weeks ago, pain free! I just hoped that it would stay that way.
Our route was going through Jubilee Park, so we ran to Little Thrift and went along the path. I could feel that tell tale tightening in my back again, only this time it was on the right, and not half as bad as it was. I chose to ignore it, and try and relax as I run. I know it sounds like a contradiction in terms, but you can really run relaxed! I often heard PhysioMike say it on track days, "Now run, and keep relaxed, keep those shoulders relaxed" And you can do it!
From Jubilee Park we ran up bBackbrook Lane and crossed over the road. Our next park was Parkfield. We were only going to run through on corner of it and then come out and run up Lovelace Avenue. But just along here my back started to remind me of why I stopped running for a couple of weeks. I was running and walking along and I was really beating myself up for taking all the walking breaks, but S.J. reminded me of the fact that I was still out.
I often forget that when I am running, the fact that at least I am out running! I am not sat in doors, or snug in bed, which I could so have done today! And also I have had two weeks off, and I have had a sore back! She was telling me all the stuff that I tell my group 0 members.
I thought about that when I got home actually. It's good to be exactly where I am at this moment, because then you can understand what the others are feeling and probably thinking about their running. To be able to identify with the people that you are running with and therefore understand the frustrations and the the doubts they feel is just what you need to know and will help whenever you lead a group!
Anyway from Parkfield we ran along Lovelace Avenue to Southborough Park. We just run straight through there and come out on to Southborough Lane. We still got to do the up hill section of this road, but at least we haven't had to run up the whole of it, which for me is just so boring! We crossed over the bridge by the Newsshopper car park, "Lets do the long way back" I said to S.J. I think she was pleased with that. We ran/walked our way back along Woodside, Great Thrift and Hazelmere.
But just along this bit I had decided that I had done enough running. But I wasn't going to beat myself up about not running the whole way, after all, I would have probably done a lot less if S.J. wasn't with me, and it was all about just seeing how I did! Well, I did ok! We walked back to the rec and stretched out, and then........we went for a coffee and twist!
My geeky stats are just not worth uploading, tonight as it didn't even find me until I got back into Petts Wood High street somewhere, but I will put it up tomorrow just to show the time lapsed.
![]() |
It was a large coffee type of morning! |
My first run two weeks, and was I going to do a little 1 miler? No I was not! I know I tell all my group 0's not to rush back or do too much, but I am not going to take my own advice! Daft I know! But I was going to take it easy! Just see how I go.
I had asked if there would be any other group 1 runners who would be meeting up to go running at 9:30 this morning, and SingstarJo said that she would be there. I was quite pleased that she said that too, as usually, if I am planning a solo run I do tend to procrastinate! A lot! But no only that, I've not seen SingstarJo for ages, and it's going to be cool to catch up........and we are going for a Costa Coffee too!
I had to take my bike up to the rec to meet up with the other PWR's, there were about 5 of so of them for group 2 and me and S.J. for our group 1. I hadn't really planned a route and due to the awful rain we had I knew the woods wouldn't be on the agenda either. And that decision was made even more right by the fact that S.J. had her road shoes on anyway!
So I suggested a three park run. Just because we are not going through the woods doesn't mean that we have to run along by the traffic for 3 or so miles or however long this route is. I was a bit apprehensive about my back and how it would hold up, remembering how only a couple of weeks ago I couldn't even get to the end of my road without my back tightening up!
We started running up Hazelmere road, and so far it felt good. I have been keeping up with some exercises, well mainly my cycling, I've not gone into complete couch potato mode! But I soon realised that even though It's been only 2 weeks I can notice the difference of running and not running! My breathing was all over the place, my legs were wondering what on earth was going on, and my back had a little twinge, just to say "oi, remember me?" But I kept going.
But I could run again! I was just so pleased, I love my running and I have missed it and my running buddies. And now I was running further than I could a couple of weeks ago, pain free! I just hoped that it would stay that way.
Our route was going through Jubilee Park, so we ran to Little Thrift and went along the path. I could feel that tell tale tightening in my back again, only this time it was on the right, and not half as bad as it was. I chose to ignore it, and try and relax as I run. I know it sounds like a contradiction in terms, but you can really run relaxed! I often heard PhysioMike say it on track days, "Now run, and keep relaxed, keep those shoulders relaxed" And you can do it!
From Jubilee Park we ran up bBackbrook Lane and crossed over the road. Our next park was Parkfield. We were only going to run through on corner of it and then come out and run up Lovelace Avenue. But just along here my back started to remind me of why I stopped running for a couple of weeks. I was running and walking along and I was really beating myself up for taking all the walking breaks, but S.J. reminded me of the fact that I was still out.
I often forget that when I am running, the fact that at least I am out running! I am not sat in doors, or snug in bed, which I could so have done today! And also I have had two weeks off, and I have had a sore back! She was telling me all the stuff that I tell my group 0 members.
I thought about that when I got home actually. It's good to be exactly where I am at this moment, because then you can understand what the others are feeling and probably thinking about their running. To be able to identify with the people that you are running with and therefore understand the frustrations and the the doubts they feel is just what you need to know and will help whenever you lead a group!
Anyway from Parkfield we ran along Lovelace Avenue to Southborough Park. We just run straight through there and come out on to Southborough Lane. We still got to do the up hill section of this road, but at least we haven't had to run up the whole of it, which for me is just so boring! We crossed over the bridge by the Newsshopper car park, "Lets do the long way back" I said to S.J. I think she was pleased with that. We ran/walked our way back along Woodside, Great Thrift and Hazelmere.
But just along this bit I had decided that I had done enough running. But I wasn't going to beat myself up about not running the whole way, after all, I would have probably done a lot less if S.J. wasn't with me, and it was all about just seeing how I did! Well, I did ok! We walked back to the rec and stretched out, and then........we went for a coffee and twist!
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SingstarJo! |
My geeky stats are just not worth uploading, tonight as it didn't even find me until I got back into Petts Wood High street somewhere, but I will put it up tomorrow just to show the time lapsed.
Thursday, 3 September 2015
More Walk Than Jog!
Hello blog lovers.
So it's Thursday and I usually go and meet all the other PWR's at the rec for a run though our woods. But today I didn't as most days I am by myself and having no car, meant either running their, which is good of course, or taking my bike!
So I decided, after putting out a message asking if their will be any group 1 runners to meet up with (which there wasn't by the way), to go for a run from my house instead. And just that decision caused me to procrastinate! (love that word!)
How I procrastinated
1. Have a shower!! (why, I don't know!)
2. Lay in bed for extra time
3. Try sorting out my watch (the strap has broken elastic bands don't work!))
4. Quick tidy up (again why, I don't know could be done when I get back!)
5. Try to convince myself to wait for parcel (it was due between 12:39 and 13:39) it came at 13;03
6. Check Facebook! always check Facebook! News, weather, who's around, who's running, who's working!
Anything but get my ass out there! I love running, But I LOVE my routine. Drive to the rec, meet PWR's and then run! That's what happens on Thursday mornings during school time! So if things change then I go to pieces, I become lazy, I find things to do that will keep me in the house! In the warm!
But eventually I got out, My Garmin is in my hand, and the 'battery is low' screen is showing! I thought I would have enough for at least a 5k run. I have ran quite a way with that screen showing! I started off running along my road and turned left! Then the pain started! I couldn't believe it! It wasn't too bad, not then anyway. It was as painful as when I used to run a few of years ago, after I had finished a run!
But the pain stayed with me only when I was running, as soon as I walked it disappeared! Right in the mid back, left hand side. Why? Why is this happening now!? After all these years I've been running. I was feeling so disappointed!
I decided that maybe I wouldn't be able to do 5k, I would just do the 1.75 mile route! Up to the Harvester and then through the park, just seen what I can do to alleviate the pain. Whether it's my gait, my breathing, my shoes or my stride! But just try and figure out while I am running!
It was a very slow walk/jog to the Harvester, and I couldn't try adjusting anything (of course shoes would have been difficult to change!) because as soon as I started running my back tightened up again and the ache started, and my breathing went out of the window because I started to hold my breath!
I walked/jogged my way through the park, trying to look at least as if I belong in my running clothes, but even my Garmin was disgusted with me as it turned off! (ran out of battery!) Feeling totally dejected I came home, still trying to jog some of the way.
I got in, and realised I couldn't even make a cuppa for myself because I didn't have any milk! I just got stuck into my housework, cleaning, hovering, washing, with no bloomin back pain!! Time to see someone I guess!
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So it's Thursday and I usually go and meet all the other PWR's at the rec for a run though our woods. But today I didn't as most days I am by myself and having no car, meant either running their, which is good of course, or taking my bike!
So I decided, after putting out a message asking if their will be any group 1 runners to meet up with (which there wasn't by the way), to go for a run from my house instead. And just that decision caused me to procrastinate! (love that word!)
How I procrastinated
1. Have a shower!! (why, I don't know!)
2. Lay in bed for extra time
3. Try sorting out my watch (the strap has broken elastic bands don't work!))
4. Quick tidy up (again why, I don't know could be done when I get back!)
5. Try to convince myself to wait for parcel (it was due between 12:39 and 13:39) it came at 13;03
6. Check Facebook! always check Facebook! News, weather, who's around, who's running, who's working!
Anything but get my ass out there! I love running, But I LOVE my routine. Drive to the rec, meet PWR's and then run! That's what happens on Thursday mornings during school time! So if things change then I go to pieces, I become lazy, I find things to do that will keep me in the house! In the warm!
But eventually I got out, My Garmin is in my hand, and the 'battery is low' screen is showing! I thought I would have enough for at least a 5k run. I have ran quite a way with that screen showing! I started off running along my road and turned left! Then the pain started! I couldn't believe it! It wasn't too bad, not then anyway. It was as painful as when I used to run a few of years ago, after I had finished a run!
But the pain stayed with me only when I was running, as soon as I walked it disappeared! Right in the mid back, left hand side. Why? Why is this happening now!? After all these years I've been running. I was feeling so disappointed!
I decided that maybe I wouldn't be able to do 5k, I would just do the 1.75 mile route! Up to the Harvester and then through the park, just seen what I can do to alleviate the pain. Whether it's my gait, my breathing, my shoes or my stride! But just try and figure out while I am running!
It was a very slow walk/jog to the Harvester, and I couldn't try adjusting anything (of course shoes would have been difficult to change!) because as soon as I started running my back tightened up again and the ache started, and my breathing went out of the window because I started to hold my breath!
I walked/jogged my way through the park, trying to look at least as if I belong in my running clothes, but even my Garmin was disgusted with me as it turned off! (ran out of battery!) Feeling totally dejected I came home, still trying to jog some of the way.
I got in, and realised I couldn't even make a cuppa for myself because I didn't have any milk! I just got stuck into my housework, cleaning, hovering, washing, with no bloomin back pain!! Time to see someone I guess!
Wednesday, 2 September 2015
Club Runs
Hello blog lovers.
Sorry yesterdays blog is happening today! I was way to uncomfortable yesterday!
Sorry yesterdays blog is happening today! I was way to uncomfortable yesterday!
Group Zero to Hero!
Well, it was a bit hit a miss for me getting to the rec on time yesterday! But I got there with just a few seconds to spare. I knew there wasn't going to be the usual crowd as Kim wasn't going to make it, Janet was away, and I hadn't heard from J.J. or Wendimoo. But being as it was move up week then maybe Wendimoo will be going then.
But I did have two more newbies. One lady had already been along in group 1 before, but had let things lapse and also another lady, now I will try to remember their names, I think it was Biata and Sara! But I have a lousy memory for names!
The route I had planned was up Hazelmere and along the undulations towards Petts Wood. Over the walking bridge and then through the High Street to Tudor way and then under the bridge first left to run all the way through the station square and then back the same way we just did! It's a good little route, it has the undulations that is necessary to build stamina, but not too steep to put anyone off running.
Jo was also with us as well, she is quite able to do group 1 but the lure of 7 o'clock start keeps her coming along. We all did pretty well, it was nice a easy run and the two new girls were chatting away and enjoying it, feeling no pressure at all. Biata I think will be coming back to group 0 next week, she is recovering from injury so a few weeks running in group 0 to help with stamina and also tons of encouragement will so see her into group 1. Where as Sara I think will be trying group 1. She wants the extra bit of push that will come with doing a longer and slightly faster run.
A great run yesterday, and I think we will have two more new members of PWR fairly soon!
No geeky stats as my straps broken, so I actually forgot to pick it up when I left!
Group 1
Illustrious Leader is back from her travels, and she was took the lead yesterday. She also done a nice and easy route, virtually flat as well. Something I had actually hoped for, especially in move up week.. In group zero today my knee had just a little niggle. My shins seemed to have 'cured' themselves at the moment, so maybe my self diagnosis of shinsplints was a little premature. But the niggle in the knee is an old one that keeps coming back and going. I think maybe is the extra weight that I have put on, extra weight but doing more miles than I use to when I weighed this much!
I knew I would be at the back so of course I volunteered as sweeper! Kathy also kept me company. She was one of my group Zero to Hero members! I am so glad that group 0 exists, it's just the little stepping stone that people need. Whether they are coming back from injury and just need some confidence building and encouragement, or whether it's to help them with stamina and speed to step up to the next group!
I.L.'s group is the one going through Place Farm estates. I like this route, it is perfect for 'the movers' from group 0 to group 1, but unfortunately there were none yesterday! Next month maybe. I kept up with the group for a while, but I did begin to struggle, even before we got the first mile in! I didn't know if actually I.L. was feeling totally refreshed from her holiday or I really was way off pace myself.
With not having my garmin I had no idea of the pace, and just put it down to the fact that I really am just under the weather, a tad overweight (no sniggering now!) plus my mileage on my running has fallen quite a bit over the six weeks holidays as well!
I felt I was playing catch up the whole time and I was really beating myself up about it too, Until that is, Kathy told me that I shouldn't! Of course I shouldn't! That is what I tell everyone that I encourage! At least we are running faster and further than those sat on their sofas watch celbrity big brother rubbish!
It is going to take time for me to build up my stamina and fitness levels. I need to be able to push myself, but I will do that when I run solos, or Parkruns. Club runs are there for encouragement, for help, advice, for keeping up with your running. With the occasional bit of pushing yourself or each other to get up hills, to run that little bit faster, maybe do the extra loops that sometimes appear in our routes!
Playing catch up all the time was playing on me though, maybe I was running stressed, or maybe I need new shoes, or to run slightly differently (I've been looking through the Internet for answers, never a good idea really!) but I had to try to find out why my back started hurting. Its a mid back pain mainly on the left side.
It was with me when we was up the top of Crofton Road, but when I was running down Beaumont Road it really started to hurt. Every step seemed to take my breath away! Oh breathing could also be a contributing factor as well! So holding my breath while I try to run through it was not good!
I walked the rest of the way, and even that I could feel my back hurting with every step! It is an ache I have had before, but yesterday evening was just way more! Maybe a massage, or some sort of therapy, or maybe even just some guidance on my running will help. I think I will be ordering some new shoes though!
It was a great run though, pity I didn't manage to run the whole way! But still, I will try again next week! Whats a little ache between me and fitness! I stopped off at my car to collect some chocolate and chocolate medals to give to the mums of the children that attended the first of the PWR Summer Kids Games. Blog to follow about that!
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