Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Zero To Hero!

Hello blog lovers.

Club night and I am looking forward to running in both groups today!  Last week was just so awful with that rain, I was wet, I was cold and I was feeling miserable waiting to start group 1 (which I decided not to do anyway) But this evening, the weather was "just perfect for running" as Michelle said. 

I decided not to go through the woods though, I am sure they will be a bit too sticky to have a good run, and I think Jo was quite pleased with that idea!  We also had one new lady turn up, with a rather pretty name I have not heard of before Auriol.  It reminds me of Ariel!  Maybe she should have come out running last week, because It sure felt like we were swimming!  Auriol has come through our beginners group.  I am sure she is going to enjoy it.

The route is our winter route, up Birchwood Road, which means that we will be coming down Pettswood Road and then along the undulating roads of Woodside, Great Thrift and Hazelmere, the nicer way!  Our warm up was going to be the run up the hill, just nice and steady.  I am going to try and remember my mantra, and keep that in mind as I encourage the ladies 'enjoy' the hill as well!  I am not sure how convincing I was!

But once at the top its virtually plain sailing all the way back, apart from the little undulations of course, near the rec! The nice long down hill run though helps to relax and get ready for the little ups and bumps of the roads.  The ladies did brilliantly! 

It really was a very good Group Zero run today! And I am looking forward to Group 1!  Here is the geeky stats for group 0 perfectly paced for an avg 12 and half minute miles!

And now..........for the Hero bit!

I didn't do Group 1! Instead I had to rush off and go and 'rescue' the Old Boy.  The lock that he was using was playing up and he couldn't get it unlocked after he had stopped off for his refreshment after 20 miles!  I had to be the hero and grab some wire cutters and hacksaws!  But when I got there he had decided to first try and breaking the lock!  Which he did! Which means that he didn't need me after all!

Oh well, I shall just have to have a longer run on Thursday to make up for it!

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