Thursday, 5 June 2014

Busy Bee Thursdays!

Hello blog lovers.

Today seems to be jammed packed with stuff to do, from abs workout, running, prize gathering, phone calling , route mapping, core strengthening day!  Oh and some where in between there a bit of housework and some where I ate and had tea as well!  I like busy Thursdays!

I shall start off with the running.  Thursdays is down at the rec, of course, and the faster ladies and gentlemen are there, but the elites of group 1 have been troubled by that awful thing that effects most people, WORK!  So it's just little ol' me running alone again. 

The woods were not on the agenda today, but I still want to have that feel of running through the woods, so it was the cinder path for me.  I set off thinking that maybe I should have bought my tunes with me, just in case of things like this, But sometimes it's nice to listen to the rest of the world while you're running around it. 

The sun was shining, it felt really warm, a far cry from all the horror stories of gigantic hail stones that we have been threatened with soon.  It seems impossible that the weather is predicted to turn so bad.  I got to the cinder path with the sun shining down on the stables and the horses, I just felt that this run is destined to be photographed!

This horse all dressed up and no where to go, was having a great trotting around his paddock,
All dressed up!

 while these horses was just taking it easy, taking in the rays, eating a bit of grass.
munching breakfast!

 It was just lovely.  I was running, taking pictures, running, stopping to just look around! It was all just perfect.

You want leafy pathways, well there they are

Leafy pathways

You want tiny little bubbling streams, well that's here too!

Little streams

Bridges to cross, paths to follow, all traffic free.  And if you want, trail running in the woods on my right!  Just perfect! And all of that just yards from this.

The street.

Yes today wasn't about running hard, running fast, today it was deffo about just running!

So after my run I continued to ask local businesses to help support the tribute run I am organising and they really have been very generous.  Makes me feel very proud of the community that I live in!  Mapping out the route later in the day with my co-organiser and chief marshal gather and all the important bits, we are almost to the end of the organisation and it will be just the full on advertising, via Facebook, of our run.

Later in the evening it was our core training in the rec, so for the second time today I was heading there on my bike!  Sherry was doing this session today, and it was a very good session.  Fruit salad and buckets!  Speed running around our fellow core trainees, and then pyramids up to the buckets.

Don't worry it all makes sense to me!  The core session was interesting, Sherry was very accommodating and was asking how many reps of the exercises we wanted to do! But then she chucked into the reps 65 sec planks!  I didn't quite manage the whole of those!

But at the very end of the session, we had a few minutes spare, and someone jokingly suggested having a 'plank off'!  Last man planking!

Again I was one of the first people 'down' just after 30 secs.  But the champs must be Illustrious Leader and MarmiteDavid!  Both of them well over the 4 minute mark!

It was all great fun!! And can't wait to do it all again next Thursday.


  1. I'm not SO cruel to ask you to do 65 min planks! 65 seconds may be ...

    1. ooops, another brilliant typo from me!! I shall go and alter that now he he he
