Hello blog lovers.
Another glorious afternoon, the sun shining brightly, everyone seems to be in bright summer, colourful clothing. There are people out and about, jogging, washing cars, doing gardens, generally out enjoying the sun. It seems to have been raining for far too long, and now people are coming out of the sodden homes, to breath in some wonderful clear air!
I have had a busy few days, missing a couple of runs, but today I just needed to get out and do it! After church I came back and got changed, shoved a wash in the machine and then made my way out the front door to try and catch the satellites! I waited, and waited, in the end I just pushed the start button and started running. I just couldn't hang about anymore. The things that needed doing indoors started creeping in my head, and I needed to get far away, before I decided that it needs to be done now!
I chose to go a different route, not the Turpington Lane route. I need a change of scenery too. I can't wait for the woods to be dried out! Even if you take the same paths, when the seasons change it is always different! The colours change, the look of the canopy changes, underfoot it changes. What you hear and see and feel changes! All of that just by using the same well run paths! Fantastic.
On the roads, well, what changes? not a lot apart from sometimes you're cold, and sometimes you're hot! Today, I was nicely warmed up! I ran up Hollingsworth road, my mind set on running to Pettswood. I started to think, not about anything important, but just to stop my mind from thinking! And I was thinking "What do runners think about when they are running" Well I know what I think, and that is to think about what others are thinking about!
I found this most amusing as I was running along towards Crofton lane, chuckling away to myself I was. If anyone had seen or, indeed, heard me they would have though I was delirious, maybe I had run an ultra marathon and was on my last mile, instead of the 1.3 miles that I had actually done! But still, I guess a runner laughing is a better advertisement than a runner crying! Unless of course it is an inane laughter!
But anyway, this thought, you know, the thought of what runners think about while running, well, it was all I could think about! Occasionally I sang along to the tune that was in my ears, but mostly, from that moment on, that question ran through my mind! So, at least you all now know what goes through this runners mind!
It was a very good run for me, in the fact that I was actually running! I needed to run today, and to totally think about nothing, even just for the few minutes. yes, my legs were hurting, (well if you go to my cycling blog you will see the undulating ride I did yesterday!) and yes it was a slow run, but I didn't mind! Just felt good to be out!
Geeky stats for you!
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