Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Just Group Zero To Hero!

Hello Blog lovers.

I guess you probably wondering where yeterdays club run blog is. Well it's here, its now!  I have had a bit of a hectic week, with one thing and another, which is also why I had only done my group 0 yesterday.

Anyway, here is the gist of it.  Fotunately I had managed to get Peter to come along and help with the faster runners, (again I had left things late for sorting out!) But  JJ, Denise and Wendi all came along, eager to get their fitness levels back to where they were.  They other Hero members had life stuff getting in the way of their running. Don't you just hate it when that happens!  So the route for them was going to be up Birchwood, which was also suggested by JJ.  I think next week I will take them over the underulating route, as a bit of a tester!

I was going to be sweeper, as usual, and to encourage Wendi along, but also to keep her on the straight a narrow!  Now Wendi did the Edinburough marathon last year, but also she managed to injure herself, (not on the marathon though, some time after!) and like all runners coming back from injury she expects her body to fall into what her mind says, which is of course 'Run at full fitness pace, please body'! Where as the body says to the mind 'You got to be kidding me, I have had a nice break, now be a good girl and go get me a cuppa and a biscuit!'

Coming back from injury, or maybe even just that stuff, 'life', which has got in the way of your running is going to take a bit of time, no matter how much your mind remembers the good times! And sometimes you need someone to just gently remind you to build back into things slowly. 

It was a good run, and everyone did really well.  Peter even managed to get JJ and Denise to do just a little bit extra while me and Wendi were stretching out.  They came back, JJ was looking like she had done the usual group 1 and Denise was looking very pleased with herself for doing the extra loop.

Anyway, here is the geeky stats from Group 0 for yesterday!

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