Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Club Run!

Hello blog lovers!

Well, its back to the routine now! No more "Ooo, I can't run too far, I did a marathon" No, its man up and get on with it.  And maybe start thinking about another challenge or race to do.  But before I did the group runs I helped out PhysioMike with the new beginners group. I felt it only fair as I have brought along some people I know. My sister in law and a friend. Not only that but they brought a couple of friends along too, and my sister in law brought her son along as well!  That was good. It's nice to see the beginners from their first classes and then to see them at their first Park Run! Smiling and feeling proud of themselves. That is a good feeling.

After that I stayed on to the usual group runs. Just because I am a marathoner though (ooo that does sound good) I am still not quite ready to move up to group 2.  Group 1 is where I can run along comfortably, a nice steady run. And anyway, today even if I was in group 6 I think I would still run in group 1.  The tops of my legs were killing me! Just where my legs join my body (in the groin area)  My legs were only just forgiving me from making them do less than 2 miles on Sunday, and now I am taking them on a club run.  Well, we can't let the grass grow under out feet.

Our route was a nice flatish route, and I was so grateful for that.  Illustrious Leader is leading the group to the Cinder Path. This route is a very gently slope upwards, even though you don't even notice it.  I know this because on the way back, we go down Crofton Lane.

I was at the back, as usual, I offered to sweep. I knew my legs were going to hurt, they did when I did just a little bit of jogging on Sunday! So I was quite comfortable at the back. It was a pleasant night, but the chill seems to be back. The wind has a little bite it, just when we think the weather is going to be fine!

Jogging along, I could feel every step. I was wondering how long it will take before those 26 miles were finally shaken from my body. I know some PWR's have taken at least 9 days, but I know that I was getting too comfortable, too chillaxed. I needed to get out. So the best thing is to treat myself like a newbie. Just take it easy.

I was chatting to another lady, she is doing the Edinburgh Marathon on the 26th of this month.  It makes me smile to think that in our club, all abilities, through all the running groups, have the same opportunities. The marathons are not just for the fastest runners, and if a group  1 runner decides to run a marathon, then they get all the support and encouragement possible. Fantastic!

The end of the run was coming up, I checked behind to see that our Illustrious Leader was chatting to the last runner and then I took off. I needed to push myself a little bit harder than I have done so far.  Sunday's run was ok, but I just enjoyed myself plodding along, and even allowed myself to take a short cut! And today, at the back again, although I like being at the back, and to be honest, I don't think I could have kept up with the front runners anyway, I need to just gently remind my legs, that, actually I am a runner now, and I will remain a runner until the day that I can't run anymore!

I pushed a little harder along Tudor way, and the crossed over to the last little bit up Crossways. I started my sprint! No stopping, just keep going. I saw one of the faster runners up ahead and 'chose' her to be my 'race'. I wanted to catch up with her, and maybe even overtake, before we got to the sign!  I think she was just a tad ahead of me when we got there. But still, not a bad effort for a first club run since my........dare I say it again.........oh darn it! I will!.....My marathon!

geeky stats

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