Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Club Run - Last Club Run

Hello Blog Lovers.

Ok, so not quite my last run with the club, I'm sure you all knew that, but this is the last time I shall be running with them before the big race, the last time I shall be running as a 'Marathon trainee', The next time I will be a qualified, bonafide, marathon runner!

Today there seemed to be an increase number of our group 1! The ranks seemed to have swollen, and it looks as if we are an entire club just in our, very popular, group 1. We looked quite formidable!  As I have already said, this is also the last club run for me before the Marathon, my last run in fact, because now I want to really totally, rest and meditate (not the enforced one I had last week!), and keep safe, no twisting ankles or back muscles again. Maybe I may go for a very short jog on Thursday afternoon,  without the Garmin, just for fun. I will just see how I feel.  I don't want anything to happen between now and Sunday!

A whole year has gone by since I put my name on the ballot box for a place in the VLM, months of waiting silently, for confirmation or commiseration of my application. And then days keeping it all quiet when I received my 'Congratulations, You're In' magazine! I think I was in shock and denial! If you remember, I didn't actully tell anyone of my mad cap scheme to become a marathoner!

All the months of training, the miles and miles of pounding the pavements, some tears of sadness, some from pain, one blackened toenail, aching limbs, blood, sweat and more tears.  And now I have come to this, the last club run before the big day.  It seems incredible to me. I never expected that I would do anything of this magnitude, in one of the worlds iconic marathons, I never expected that there would be little old me, a 50 year, ex-couch potato, jogging along with thousands of others in THE LONDON MARATHON! WOW!

My run today felt like all the runs I had done before with the club. It felt as if I had never hurt my back at all, just over a week ago! So I must say thank you to Physio Mike, and all else I badgered, asked and who offered help and advice (especially going to see magic hands P.M.) for helping me get to this stage! And to everyone who has encouraged, nagged, and who ran along with me, in His wonderful creation that we here, call PettsWood. Running in the cold, the heat, the rain, and the snow just to get this far. And a huge thanks to my lovely Old Boy! The nagging has been superb! If he couldn't run along with me, because of his housemaids knee, then he took to his bike, carried my drinks and produced chocolate just when I needed it.

Can I thank my hair dresser, my make-up artist my personal shopper,......ok, so I am going on now. But seriously, you all have helped me get this far!

Well, thats all I am going to say for this blog! I need to rest up my fingers for the mega blog to come, sometime next week!

And one more thank you, and thats to you, my blog readers.

My geeky stats.


  1. Running doesn't stop after Sunday Donna...I expect to see you at the pub with a medal around your neck next Tuesday...promise?

    1. I will be there Jerry :-), I will probably be first their!
