Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Snow Snow Go Away, Oh, You have!

Hello blog lovers,

After waking up this morning to see the first snow settle in my garden I really thought my I would be needing skis to do my long run. But by the time my grandson had made his first snowman, see pic below, the snow had already started to melt (and may I add that he had me out in the garden at 9 in the morning before I had even finished my cuppa!) which meant that by the time it came for me and the Old Boy to go running there was not even a snowflake to be seen. In fact the evening, being as it's December, is quite pleasant, chilly of course!

Our route is going to be the usual one for the 6 miles but we are going to add a extra bit! Up Southborough to the A21 left towards Locksbottom and the left into the posh houses. So far so good, the same route as usual. I did stop a few times before I got to the new houses, coughing up, but I was quite pleased that I didn't stop more! It really was a nasty little cold!

By the time I got to the new houses I had made a pact with myself. I had to run all the way through this estate. Usually I stop before we turn right, and stop again, just so that I can gaze at the lovely house. Oh, and this house looks absolutely lovely with their Christmas lights on, ad a fantastic life size Santa standing on the balcony beautifully decorated with lights! But I didn't let the twinkly lights distract me from my mini challenge. I did it. I was pleased I did it. I ran a little further up the road to, well kind of rubber stamp the fact that I was out of the estate!

Up towards Crofton we jogged. At the mini round about we turned left, please notice that I didn't even use the little short cut either. I was concentrating had on the way I was running, taking in all the advice our Kitman gives to me and our club members. Things like, "Keep your head up, pretend it's being held up by a helium filled balloon" and also about my gait as well. I am trying not to run on my heels, which by the way still hurt!, and also I read the advice he gave to another runner about arms. Not to cross the chest, but to swing them by your side and then give a little extra swing to help get up the hills!

This is what I think about when I am running or jogging as the Old Boy calls it. But it don't matter what it is, it is definitely faster that walking, because we passed quite a few walkers! I was also singing along to my self. And right now I can't think what it was that I was singing. But I do know it was a MooshMix, two songs that I mashed together! It sounded brilliant in my head!

Now I know I said I was going to do more that the six miles this route takes us, and this means going over ground that we have already done! Up Southborough lane again. We turned left into lakes wood road when we got to Pettswood and headed on the homeward stretch. It felt so weird to be passing by top Oxhawth, and the bottom Oxhawth! Bottom Oxhawth is where we came from six miles ago! My legs we feeling tired now. But just for curiosity's sake I decided to take a quick gander at my Garmin to see what my pace was. I was surprised to see it just under 11 m/mi! But then I did reason with myself and remind myself that we were going down hill!

Reaching the Harvester the Old Boy said to me "Only a mile to go"
"0.75 of a mile to go" I said to him. I know this, for some reason from this point, going through the park to go home, that distance has stayed with me. In fact quite a few of my routes, the figures and distances have stayed with me!

I started to slow down a bit. But then I thought to myself I just need to get going. I need to just put in an extra little bit to get home. Home to a lovely spicy green Thai curry that is waiting for us!

Seeing my road was sheer delight. I pushed a little bit harder, picked up the pace to do a bit of a sprint. The Old Boy still kept ahead of me. I don't think he likes me getting in front of him, I try and try, even when we are on our bikes, to be the first back to our door! One day maybe, when I catch him sleeping!

Geeky stats for you.

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