Hello blog lovers.
It is now Saturday and I am only just writing up my blog for Tuesdays club run! Why! I can feel you all asking. It's simple, its Christmas time! Straight after Tuesdays Club run a few club members went to the local wine bar and indulged in a bit of pre-Christmas festivities! Well, it will be the last club run for this year, and it would be rude not to.
So why haven't I written anything down in the following days? Well, I can tell you that, and it's the same as above! Its Christmas! I have been busy out shopping, buying, sight seeing in London and still working! (although having my grandson is an absolute pleasure!)
So lets talk about Tuesday. Well, I do remember it was quite a pleasant evening for December, I mean, it had been so much colder in the days before. Singstar Jo was leader today, and I was sweeper, even though she tried to encourage me to get up the front and push myself. Being at the back means I can keep the other girls jogging along nicely!
Singstar Jo chose a route that we had done before, we headed out, with me bringing up the rear. I felt good, the weather was just perfect for running (it wasn't raining!) and I was feeling in such a good mood! It feels good to be out running with my buddies!
The two ladies who were with me at the back, JJ and Kay were feeling the hills today, and we formed our own little group as we chased after the the main group. I kept their spirits up (I hope at least!) and reminded them of the Christmas spirit and cheer after the run.
It was a great run, I had the two girls sprinting along to the finish at Willet Way rec, and can you believe it, Kay jokingly called me a hard task master, for getting her to sprint the last couple of yards! Now I know I have become a encourager of running!
A great time was had by all at the wine bar, Heathcote and Crook, Illustrious leader had come along as well to celebrate with us and also to present an award to one of the residents who live in the BR5 area and entered our 10k. She was first of the BR5 ladies to finish.
Ok, so not so much about the running this blog, but it is about our running club. Yes, we take our running serious, but we also have fun and socialise we each other, and encourage each other from Group 7 through to Group 1. Its a great club to belong to, and being sweeper for a while is a great way for me to give back to this club.
Thanks Pettswood runners for another great year of being part of the best running club around. Here's to the next year, and I know I am going to be asking my club for tons of help over the next few months, as soon as Christmas is out of the way I will be back to serious training, and maybe even that dreaded word, diet!
Geeky stats will be added a little later
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