Hello blog lovers.
It is now Saturday and I am only just writing up my blog for Tuesdays club run! Why! I can feel you all asking. It's simple, its Christmas time! Straight after Tuesdays Club run a few club members went to the local wine bar and indulged in a bit of pre-Christmas festivities! Well, it will be the last club run for this year, and it would be rude not to.
So why haven't I written anything down in the following days? Well, I can tell you that, and it's the same as above! Its Christmas! I have been busy out shopping, buying, sight seeing in London and still working! (although having my grandson is an absolute pleasure!)
So lets talk about Tuesday. Well, I do remember it was quite a pleasant evening for December, I mean, it had been so much colder in the days before. Singstar Jo was leader today, and I was sweeper, even though she tried to encourage me to get up the front and push myself. Being at the back means I can keep the other girls jogging along nicely!
Singstar Jo chose a route that we had done before, we headed out, with me bringing up the rear. I felt good, the weather was just perfect for running (it wasn't raining!) and I was feeling in such a good mood! It feels good to be out running with my buddies!
The two ladies who were with me at the back, JJ and Kay were feeling the hills today, and we formed our own little group as we chased after the the main group. I kept their spirits up (I hope at least!) and reminded them of the Christmas spirit and cheer after the run.
It was a great run, I had the two girls sprinting along to the finish at Willet Way rec, and can you believe it, Kay jokingly called me a hard task master, for getting her to sprint the last couple of yards! Now I know I have become a encourager of running!
A great time was had by all at the wine bar, Heathcote and Crook, Illustrious leader had come along as well to celebrate with us and also to present an award to one of the residents who live in the BR5 area and entered our 10k. She was first of the BR5 ladies to finish.
Ok, so not so much about the running this blog, but it is about our running club. Yes, we take our running serious, but we also have fun and socialise we each other, and encourage each other from Group 7 through to Group 1. Its a great club to belong to, and being sweeper for a while is a great way for me to give back to this club.
Thanks Pettswood runners for another great year of being part of the best running club around. Here's to the next year, and I know I am going to be asking my club for tons of help over the next few months, as soon as Christmas is out of the way I will be back to serious training, and maybe even that dreaded word, diet!
Geeky stats will be added a little later
I am loving running. I can say that with almost true conviction. After all, if I didn't love it, then I wouldn't still be writing this blog, right? So dive in, enjoy the ramblings of my open diary.
Saturday, 22 December 2012
Thursday, 13 December 2012
Speed Session! Don't Laugh!
Hello Blog lovers!
Well, I thought I would go along to one of Kitmans Interval Sessions, get some tips, find out stuff, check out things with our coach. Guess what! He gave us the 'drilling' and the route that we had to do, and then said, "Erm sorry, people, I am not going to be there, its my sons 21st today!" Of course we forgave him. Drinking and celebrating, or cracking the whip in the cold and rain! ....Exactly!
But there were four brave souls that turned up, to try and complete Kitmans last interval sessions for the year... Well, I say four brave souls, I meant 3 brave souls and a complete 'leagally Blond, clueless' Old Girl, namely me! I didn't know what I had let myself in for. Well I had done something like it before, when the Thursday sessions first started. Illustrious Leaders other half, Daddancer Richard. I remember going to one of his sessions, and the whistle blowing. Apparently when you heard the whistle you were supposed to run, and then when you heard it again you slowed down to a jog!
Well, back then I was even more unfitter (is that a word?) and I remember people lapping me. I couldn't even remember doing the running faster bits! But I though to myself, I have been running for quite some time now, I have entered the marathon and I am going to need all the help from all over, and as much as I can get! So Kitmans Mike speed session is where I am at.
We met at the Corner of Towncourt Lane, funnily enough quite near to where Kitman lives, maybe we should all pop in....... no, no, speed session. I arrived first. I was looking around, no one was about. I checked my facebook page to make sure I was at the right place. Then I saw some one run up to the corner. I got out of my car and walked over to him. "Hi" I said to him, "I believe there will be two others turning up" I said as we waiting around. "What group do you run in" I guesstimated that he ran in group 7, and I was right! "Blimey, he will be lapping me several times" I thought to my self. we waited a few more minutes and then Alison came up the road too. I found out that she was in group 4 (Is there not going to be any group 1 runners) Then out of the woods emerged Mr.S. Well, he is deffo not a group 1 runner. He is a.....group 3,4,5 or what ever group he decides I think!
Now Mr.S has decided that he wants to do the barefoot running thing. He has been 'practcing' in some sort of shoe that he was wearing about the office, and he finally got him self his very own 'monkey feet' of FFV to those of you in the know, and to those that don't know they are called Five Fingers Vibrams.
Literally soles for your feet and toes, nothing else, not cusioning, not 'special' insoles for over/underpronate, no gel/air filled heels. Just soles. The look like monkey feet, and yes he does take them through the woods!
Mr.S very kindly decided to run with me, he was here to do exactly that, (plus he gets a couple of more miles in his FFV) See, I am useful for all sorts of things. We decided to just set off, no chatting, as it was quite cold. And with that the three of them took off at break neck speed "What the.......?!" I tried desperately to keep up! There was no warm up into the first half mile. But then, when you think about it, these guys, it probably was the slowest pace!
Then I heard Mr.S say "Ooo, better slow down a bit!" And I just said "Oh, thank you, thank you" My sides hurt! My breathing was...., well, anyone would think I was having a panic attack and I was going to hyperventilate! But I got into the groove once it had all settled down.
It was on the first mile Mr. S. got the measure on this Old Girl. "I'll tell you what, we shall do 1 mile then stop for a minute, then do that twice more" Yep, I could live with that. Going up the hills was awful, but Mr.S non stop chatter somehow kept me going, (mostly) but when I stopped running I thought maybe he had been in cahoots with the Old Boy, "No, we don't stop on hills, just run to that car, it's just up the top" I managed to start jogging along again. "I got to do these hills 3 times?" I thought to myself.
I was quite surprised at the first mile. We had done it in under 11 miles. That has not happened for quite some time! It must have been that breakneck speed we had done in the beginning. Geeky stats are at the bottom if you want to check out the speed we went at!
The second mile was more a sedate one. A typical Old Girl mile. Moaning all the way round, while Mr.S kept up the constant chatter. How it does it I don't know. I kept having to keep up with him because he was in the middle of stories that I want to hear the end of, or words that, who knows one day I might use. The longest word in the dictionary is........... darn it I forgot! I'm sure Mr.S will enlighten me again. Stories of, his students, of his work, of drinking wine, cider, beer, running barefoot with Duncan, the relentless chatter that he gives to the Pettswood members on a Tuesday all kept me from noticing the rain coming down.
The third mile was half way done. And as we had already decided to only do 3 laps I was feeling ok with what I had done. Maybe its not the most speedy of speed sessions Kitman Mike has ever had on his training sessions. But to me getting up 'them thar hills' was an achievement. Ok, so I walked the second on, but the first one, on this lap I had ran up the whole of it.
As we were approaching the 'finish' of our 'speed' session Mr.S said "I think we could do just half a lap more, what do you think" Well I knew what I thought, if I did half a lap then I might as well go the whole hog and do the other half! Whats the point in doing things by halves. (I know my speed sessions have a lot to be desired!) So we went around again.
The forth lap is when we finally bumped into on the other other runners! We hadn't actually seen them! I thought they would have passed us by a couple of times at least, but here on our finally lap we bump into Alison. "I knew you were still running" she said "I could see your foot prints on the road, The Old Girls shoe prints and your feet!" she described them "They look like a yetis footbrints" We were being hunted by Alison!
We carried on with the last of the laps together. By now the rain was falling down, very softly, and misting up my glasses. "I can't see Mr.S" I said "Oh good, so you can't see the hill, there is no hill anyway" With that thought in mind, and Mr.S's constant chatting, and now with Alison joining in the chatting I managed to jog the whole way up the two hills! With hands held high I tried to shout with joy, I'm not sure I did! "Don't stop now" the both said, "It's all down hill!"
I carried on with my jogging, I tried to pick up the speed a little bit more, I'm not quite sure I had managed it, but over the top of my glasses I thought I could see the end of the road "Is that the end there Mr.S" I said,
"Yes, that's it" he replied
"Great, now lets sprint the rest" and with that I took off leaving the other too slightly shocked!
"Blimey, if you can do that now, why didn't you do that back there" Said Mr.S as he ran, and 'slapped' his feet down on the tarmac "You're making me run in me monkey feet" he called out, Alison was sounding a bit surprised to "Oh wow" she said, "lets go"
So that was my 'speed' session, I just hope I didn't hold Mr.S. back too much, but thanks so much for running along with Jez. Michael, had already said that he would shoot off straight after the session, we didn't see him at all on our laps! I'm sure he made up his own route.
Geeky stats, and don't forget to check out the speed in the beginning and and the end! I feel quite proud of that :-) (big smile)
Photographs curtesy of Mr.S.
Well, I thought I would go along to one of Kitmans Interval Sessions, get some tips, find out stuff, check out things with our coach. Guess what! He gave us the 'drilling' and the route that we had to do, and then said, "Erm sorry, people, I am not going to be there, its my sons 21st today!" Of course we forgave him. Drinking and celebrating, or cracking the whip in the cold and rain! ....Exactly!
But there were four brave souls that turned up, to try and complete Kitmans last interval sessions for the year... Well, I say four brave souls, I meant 3 brave souls and a complete 'leagally Blond, clueless' Old Girl, namely me! I didn't know what I had let myself in for. Well I had done something like it before, when the Thursday sessions first started. Illustrious Leaders other half, Daddancer Richard. I remember going to one of his sessions, and the whistle blowing. Apparently when you heard the whistle you were supposed to run, and then when you heard it again you slowed down to a jog!
Well, back then I was even more unfitter (is that a word?) and I remember people lapping me. I couldn't even remember doing the running faster bits! But I though to myself, I have been running for quite some time now, I have entered the marathon and I am going to need all the help from all over, and as much as I can get! So Kitmans Mike speed session is where I am at.
We met at the Corner of Towncourt Lane, funnily enough quite near to where Kitman lives, maybe we should all pop in....... no, no, speed session. I arrived first. I was looking around, no one was about. I checked my facebook page to make sure I was at the right place. Then I saw some one run up to the corner. I got out of my car and walked over to him. "Hi" I said to him, "I believe there will be two others turning up" I said as we waiting around. "What group do you run in" I guesstimated that he ran in group 7, and I was right! "Blimey, he will be lapping me several times" I thought to my self. we waited a few more minutes and then Alison came up the road too. I found out that she was in group 4 (Is there not going to be any group 1 runners) Then out of the woods emerged Mr.S. Well, he is deffo not a group 1 runner. He is a.....group 3,4,5 or what ever group he decides I think!
![]() |
Mr.S. new shoes |
Literally soles for your feet and toes, nothing else, not cusioning, not 'special' insoles for over/underpronate, no gel/air filled heels. Just soles. The look like monkey feet, and yes he does take them through the woods!
![]() |
Mr.S, dirty new shoes! |
Mr.S very kindly decided to run with me, he was here to do exactly that, (plus he gets a couple of more miles in his FFV) See, I am useful for all sorts of things. We decided to just set off, no chatting, as it was quite cold. And with that the three of them took off at break neck speed "What the.......?!" I tried desperately to keep up! There was no warm up into the first half mile. But then, when you think about it, these guys, it probably was the slowest pace!
Then I heard Mr.S say "Ooo, better slow down a bit!" And I just said "Oh, thank you, thank you" My sides hurt! My breathing was...., well, anyone would think I was having a panic attack and I was going to hyperventilate! But I got into the groove once it had all settled down.
It was on the first mile Mr. S. got the measure on this Old Girl. "I'll tell you what, we shall do 1 mile then stop for a minute, then do that twice more" Yep, I could live with that. Going up the hills was awful, but Mr.S non stop chatter somehow kept me going, (mostly) but when I stopped running I thought maybe he had been in cahoots with the Old Boy, "No, we don't stop on hills, just run to that car, it's just up the top" I managed to start jogging along again. "I got to do these hills 3 times?" I thought to myself.
I was quite surprised at the first mile. We had done it in under 11 miles. That has not happened for quite some time! It must have been that breakneck speed we had done in the beginning. Geeky stats are at the bottom if you want to check out the speed we went at!
The second mile was more a sedate one. A typical Old Girl mile. Moaning all the way round, while Mr.S kept up the constant chatter. How it does it I don't know. I kept having to keep up with him because he was in the middle of stories that I want to hear the end of, or words that, who knows one day I might use. The longest word in the dictionary is........... darn it I forgot! I'm sure Mr.S will enlighten me again. Stories of, his students, of his work, of drinking wine, cider, beer, running barefoot with Duncan, the relentless chatter that he gives to the Pettswood members on a Tuesday all kept me from noticing the rain coming down.
The third mile was half way done. And as we had already decided to only do 3 laps I was feeling ok with what I had done. Maybe its not the most speedy of speed sessions Kitman Mike has ever had on his training sessions. But to me getting up 'them thar hills' was an achievement. Ok, so I walked the second on, but the first one, on this lap I had ran up the whole of it.
As we were approaching the 'finish' of our 'speed' session Mr.S said "I think we could do just half a lap more, what do you think" Well I knew what I thought, if I did half a lap then I might as well go the whole hog and do the other half! Whats the point in doing things by halves. (I know my speed sessions have a lot to be desired!) So we went around again.
The forth lap is when we finally bumped into on the other other runners! We hadn't actually seen them! I thought they would have passed us by a couple of times at least, but here on our finally lap we bump into Alison. "I knew you were still running" she said "I could see your foot prints on the road, The Old Girls shoe prints and your feet!" she described them "They look like a yetis footbrints" We were being hunted by Alison!
We carried on with the last of the laps together. By now the rain was falling down, very softly, and misting up my glasses. "I can't see Mr.S" I said "Oh good, so you can't see the hill, there is no hill anyway" With that thought in mind, and Mr.S's constant chatting, and now with Alison joining in the chatting I managed to jog the whole way up the two hills! With hands held high I tried to shout with joy, I'm not sure I did! "Don't stop now" the both said, "It's all down hill!"
I carried on with my jogging, I tried to pick up the speed a little bit more, I'm not quite sure I had managed it, but over the top of my glasses I thought I could see the end of the road "Is that the end there Mr.S" I said,
"Yes, that's it" he replied
"Great, now lets sprint the rest" and with that I took off leaving the other too slightly shocked!
"Blimey, if you can do that now, why didn't you do that back there" Said Mr.S as he ran, and 'slapped' his feet down on the tarmac "You're making me run in me monkey feet" he called out, Alison was sounding a bit surprised to "Oh wow" she said, "lets go"
So that was my 'speed' session, I just hope I didn't hold Mr.S. back too much, but thanks so much for running along with Jez. Michael, had already said that he would shoot off straight after the session, we didn't see him at all on our laps! I'm sure he made up his own route.
Geeky stats, and don't forget to check out the speed in the beginning and and the end! I feel quite proud of that :-) (big smile)
Photographs curtesy of Mr.S.
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Solo run, On A Wednesday!
Hello blog lovers.
As you can see, I was a lone runner today! The Old Boy seems to have pulled, twisted or tore something in his leg, so decided not to go running with me, or even to go on his bike and tinkle his bell at me! I was being heavily persuaded not to go running. The Old Boy looked so cosy wrapped up in the blanket, watching t.v. with the dinner already to go into the oven to finish cooking!
But I resisted! It took all my effort to block out the images, of warmth, the smell of the dinner, a delicious cottage pie, wafting to my nostrils! I plugged in my earphones and took off. My route was going to be the usual one, up Southborough to the A21, along there to the Posh house. But this is where it differs slightly, I am going to go straight passed here and run up the next hill to Locksbottom! Well, that was what I was hoping at least. And then from there turn left and head to Crofton, up to the roundabout, left and then follow the road all the way through Pettswood. Again slightly different, just to add the extra minutes that I need to be out running today.
The plan said that I needed to do the interval running (yeah, I know! I still can't do it), but I did count up all the minutes that I should be out doing stuff and it came to 90 minutes. 90 minutes! An hour and a half! Up bloomin hills! I must be crazy! Well, actually we have already established that runners, and cyclists are total crazies. In fact any one out doing their thing in the cold and icy conditions is!
So I started off, gentle of course, (probably going to be gentle all the way round!) My toe doesn't seem to mind at the moment, being constricted in my compressions socks and shoved into trainers. Maybe it has 'toughened up' and is not going to hurt anymore!
The music kept me from thinking about it being cold, (even though it's not as cold as it was yesterday) but these silly earplugs are just no good for my ears! They keep falling out! they are big and round, my ears are not that shape. But I chose these ones as I can answer the phone from the little button attached, and don't need to get undressed to get my phone, Those of you you know me, you know where I keep my phone!) I had to slow down even more that I was just as I turned the corner of my road to put it back again.
It felt strange being out running by myself. I know I did it yesterday, but that was just for about a mile and half, and a mile and half back again. But this is a long run. I wondered if I would be hard on myself, whip myself into a running frenzy, surprise everybody by my running prowess. Yeah right! All I can say is, it's not wonder all the kid have me wrapped around their little fingers! But, as the lovely ladies said yesterday on our club run, the fact that I am out here, doing it is worthy of praise! Especially as I could so have sat down with the Old Boy and snuggled under my blanket.
I really wasn't that tough on my self. All bark and no bite! I stopped at places I should not have stopped at. Hark at me, I am even calling them stopping now! And having ridiculous excuses as well. To change the song, to put ear phones in, to put the phone in the pocket of the coat, instead of down my bra!
Going up the A21 I stopped (walked) quite a few times. But I had the attitude, 'well you running Old Girl, thats good enough' But by the time I got up to Locksbottom, and half way down Crofton Road, the expletives where just tumbling out. Anyone would think I was on a Turkey run in Ditton! My toe started to bother me again. I was thinking that maybe the nails on toes seem to be a blooming nuisance now! I was imagining the blisters on the tip of my tow getting bigger, and maybe even popping! Eww gross. I don't like feet. Feet and toes. Feet and toes with blisters, ewwww toes with no nails! It just gets worse!
This running malarkey, its not the most glamours sport is it. First of, shoving my feet in what is probably not the most prettiest looking trainers, (well thats what I thought before I became a runner!, now I zone in to asics, feel the weight, check out the colours, the webbing, the sole, everything about it) then folding and pushing as much of my fat ass into a thin, tight pair of long pants, that make you feel as if you are naked. And the tops, the layers that I have on! But at least they are in pink! Top that with a luminous fluorescent woolly hat. Its not catwalk material. And I certainly don't look like I did when I appeared in 'Women's Running' magazine.
I was really cross with my self from Pettswood until I got home. But I still didn't move as fast as I should have done. There were a few good tunes on my Iphone library which kept me totally focused and my pacing out to one tune was just perfect! I think it was Scissors Sisters! Another one I can remember running along to was Chris Rea's Julia! But My constant stopping going down Southborough Lane had me saying quite loudly "Get a move on, you lazy mare" I was just so glad there was no one in front of me, just in case they thought I was talking to them!
I was quite pleased I got to the 'road that I never stop on'. Because I have really disciplined my self to run the whole of this, no matter what state I am in! I ignored the throbbing from my toe, ignored my tired complaining legs, and just looked at the pretty lights, concentrated on my music, thought about Christmas, thought about my mum! Before long I was heading up my path, as fast as I could at that time!
Geeky stats
As you can see, I was a lone runner today! The Old Boy seems to have pulled, twisted or tore something in his leg, so decided not to go running with me, or even to go on his bike and tinkle his bell at me! I was being heavily persuaded not to go running. The Old Boy looked so cosy wrapped up in the blanket, watching t.v. with the dinner already to go into the oven to finish cooking!
But I resisted! It took all my effort to block out the images, of warmth, the smell of the dinner, a delicious cottage pie, wafting to my nostrils! I plugged in my earphones and took off. My route was going to be the usual one, up Southborough to the A21, along there to the Posh house. But this is where it differs slightly, I am going to go straight passed here and run up the next hill to Locksbottom! Well, that was what I was hoping at least. And then from there turn left and head to Crofton, up to the roundabout, left and then follow the road all the way through Pettswood. Again slightly different, just to add the extra minutes that I need to be out running today.
The plan said that I needed to do the interval running (yeah, I know! I still can't do it), but I did count up all the minutes that I should be out doing stuff and it came to 90 minutes. 90 minutes! An hour and a half! Up bloomin hills! I must be crazy! Well, actually we have already established that runners, and cyclists are total crazies. In fact any one out doing their thing in the cold and icy conditions is!
So I started off, gentle of course, (probably going to be gentle all the way round!) My toe doesn't seem to mind at the moment, being constricted in my compressions socks and shoved into trainers. Maybe it has 'toughened up' and is not going to hurt anymore!
The music kept me from thinking about it being cold, (even though it's not as cold as it was yesterday) but these silly earplugs are just no good for my ears! They keep falling out! they are big and round, my ears are not that shape. But I chose these ones as I can answer the phone from the little button attached, and don't need to get undressed to get my phone, Those of you you know me, you know where I keep my phone!) I had to slow down even more that I was just as I turned the corner of my road to put it back again.
It felt strange being out running by myself. I know I did it yesterday, but that was just for about a mile and half, and a mile and half back again. But this is a long run. I wondered if I would be hard on myself, whip myself into a running frenzy, surprise everybody by my running prowess. Yeah right! All I can say is, it's not wonder all the kid have me wrapped around their little fingers! But, as the lovely ladies said yesterday on our club run, the fact that I am out here, doing it is worthy of praise! Especially as I could so have sat down with the Old Boy and snuggled under my blanket.
I really wasn't that tough on my self. All bark and no bite! I stopped at places I should not have stopped at. Hark at me, I am even calling them stopping now! And having ridiculous excuses as well. To change the song, to put ear phones in, to put the phone in the pocket of the coat, instead of down my bra!
Going up the A21 I stopped (walked) quite a few times. But I had the attitude, 'well you running Old Girl, thats good enough' But by the time I got up to Locksbottom, and half way down Crofton Road, the expletives where just tumbling out. Anyone would think I was on a Turkey run in Ditton! My toe started to bother me again. I was thinking that maybe the nails on toes seem to be a blooming nuisance now! I was imagining the blisters on the tip of my tow getting bigger, and maybe even popping! Eww gross. I don't like feet. Feet and toes. Feet and toes with blisters, ewwww toes with no nails! It just gets worse!
This running malarkey, its not the most glamours sport is it. First of, shoving my feet in what is probably not the most prettiest looking trainers, (well thats what I thought before I became a runner!, now I zone in to asics, feel the weight, check out the colours, the webbing, the sole, everything about it) then folding and pushing as much of my fat ass into a thin, tight pair of long pants, that make you feel as if you are naked. And the tops, the layers that I have on! But at least they are in pink! Top that with a luminous fluorescent woolly hat. Its not catwalk material. And I certainly don't look like I did when I appeared in 'Women's Running' magazine.
I was really cross with my self from Pettswood until I got home. But I still didn't move as fast as I should have done. There were a few good tunes on my Iphone library which kept me totally focused and my pacing out to one tune was just perfect! I think it was Scissors Sisters! Another one I can remember running along to was Chris Rea's Julia! But My constant stopping going down Southborough Lane had me saying quite loudly "Get a move on, you lazy mare" I was just so glad there was no one in front of me, just in case they thought I was talking to them!
I was quite pleased I got to the 'road that I never stop on'. Because I have really disciplined my self to run the whole of this, no matter what state I am in! I ignored the throbbing from my toe, ignored my tired complaining legs, and just looked at the pretty lights, concentrated on my music, thought about Christmas, thought about my mum! Before long I was heading up my path, as fast as I could at that time!
Geeky stats
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
PWR's Are A Tough Bunch!
Hello Blog Lovers.
It's my club night! Do we let a little thing like minus 3 degrees keep us from running around our streets. No! Of course not. We are made of strong stuff.....either that or we really are just one carrot short of a great casserole!
I decided to run to the meeting place this evening as I was by myself, and to be truthful, I really couldn't be bothered with defrosting the car! It seemed easier to just jog along to the club, its only a mile and half a way.
When I got there, all lovely and warmed up, Jogging Hippo saw me. I am afraid I didn't recognise anyone as my glasses were completely steamed up! Talk about soft focus lens, it was that soft focused everyone looked like pink blobs in Lycra! But J.H. said "I got something for you" It was only when I heard his voice that I realised who he was, but I took my glasses off and seeing him up close just to make sure! "Oh yes" I said in response, just as he dived into his pockets and pulled out this red material thing. "What you need is one of these" he said waving this piece of cloth thing at me. No, it wasn't his underpants, it was a buff! I do have some readers of my blogs out there. Well ok, I do make sure I post it all over the place so that it can be reached all over the world! I just thought what a lovely thing that was for him to do. He said he cycles and he finds these buffs just great. they can be worn in all sorts of ways! and for tonight, its going around my neck to keep me warm on my run. Thanks so very much J.H.
So back to the run. Our Illustrious leader wasn't feeling too good again today, and Singstar Jo seems to be kidnapped Leeds at the mo, so Cupcake Moy stepped into the breech and offered to take group 1 leadership. It will be her first time to take the lead role, and I offered to do the sweeping. As I have said before, I really enjoy the sweeper role, and as I have run up to the meet and I have to run back home again, its all good, and it all works out well. Maybe I should be doing that all the time now, hmm, something to think about!
Our route was heading up hill, up to the now re-opened bridge, and a little loop and the head back again, but going straight down to the round about. Kay, one our our new members, said that we would be running passed her house "Don't let me go in" she said But in the new breath she said "Actually I don't think I would do anyway" Don't it make you proud! And be inspired by our new members! as I said to her "You have the bug, I don't think I could force you to go in, even if I thought you needed to" Jane said that she hasn't go the running bug. Poor Jane, does she not realise that being out in the freezing evening just to run for the sheer pleasure of running, then the bug is definitely there. She is in denial of course.
It was a great run today. The newbies are learning that running in freezing conditions is different, its harder work, its energy zapping, it makes you think your have run further than you actually have. This is where the determination kicks in. The dedication, the bloody mindedness. As we took the shorter route to get back to the meeting place we also put the 'guilt' on each other! That is worse than what ever the weather can throw at you.
I said to Jane just after she asked if it was difficult getting back to running if you have a week out. I said "The worse thing about taking time out is the guilt you feel about not running" And Kay said "Oh I don't like guilt"
"Well, don't let me and Jane down then" I said jokingly to her and the she turned it right back and said "Well as long as you keep coming then I shall keep coming" Oh wow, what a total brilliant volley back was that! Now I have to make sure I keep coming every week!
So our geeky stats to, I so wished I had a Garmin with a thermometer. And thanks everyone else for all your advice about how to keep warm on a bike (well apart from the Old Boy, his advice is to ride faster!)
This is the first little jog I did to get to the meeing place.
This is our route today, and also my jog home as well.
It's my club night! Do we let a little thing like minus 3 degrees keep us from running around our streets. No! Of course not. We are made of strong stuff.....either that or we really are just one carrot short of a great casserole!
I decided to run to the meeting place this evening as I was by myself, and to be truthful, I really couldn't be bothered with defrosting the car! It seemed easier to just jog along to the club, its only a mile and half a way.
When I got there, all lovely and warmed up, Jogging Hippo saw me. I am afraid I didn't recognise anyone as my glasses were completely steamed up! Talk about soft focus lens, it was that soft focused everyone looked like pink blobs in Lycra! But J.H. said "I got something for you" It was only when I heard his voice that I realised who he was, but I took my glasses off and seeing him up close just to make sure! "Oh yes" I said in response, just as he dived into his pockets and pulled out this red material thing. "What you need is one of these" he said waving this piece of cloth thing at me. No, it wasn't his underpants, it was a buff! I do have some readers of my blogs out there. Well ok, I do make sure I post it all over the place so that it can be reached all over the world! I just thought what a lovely thing that was for him to do. He said he cycles and he finds these buffs just great. they can be worn in all sorts of ways! and for tonight, its going around my neck to keep me warm on my run. Thanks so very much J.H.
So back to the run. Our Illustrious leader wasn't feeling too good again today, and Singstar Jo seems to be kidnapped Leeds at the mo, so Cupcake Moy stepped into the breech and offered to take group 1 leadership. It will be her first time to take the lead role, and I offered to do the sweeping. As I have said before, I really enjoy the sweeper role, and as I have run up to the meet and I have to run back home again, its all good, and it all works out well. Maybe I should be doing that all the time now, hmm, something to think about!
Our route was heading up hill, up to the now re-opened bridge, and a little loop and the head back again, but going straight down to the round about. Kay, one our our new members, said that we would be running passed her house "Don't let me go in" she said But in the new breath she said "Actually I don't think I would do anyway" Don't it make you proud! And be inspired by our new members! as I said to her "You have the bug, I don't think I could force you to go in, even if I thought you needed to" Jane said that she hasn't go the running bug. Poor Jane, does she not realise that being out in the freezing evening just to run for the sheer pleasure of running, then the bug is definitely there. She is in denial of course.
It was a great run today. The newbies are learning that running in freezing conditions is different, its harder work, its energy zapping, it makes you think your have run further than you actually have. This is where the determination kicks in. The dedication, the bloody mindedness. As we took the shorter route to get back to the meeting place we also put the 'guilt' on each other! That is worse than what ever the weather can throw at you.
I said to Jane just after she asked if it was difficult getting back to running if you have a week out. I said "The worse thing about taking time out is the guilt you feel about not running" And Kay said "Oh I don't like guilt"
"Well, don't let me and Jane down then" I said jokingly to her and the she turned it right back and said "Well as long as you keep coming then I shall keep coming" Oh wow, what a total brilliant volley back was that! Now I have to make sure I keep coming every week!
So our geeky stats to, I so wished I had a Garmin with a thermometer. And thanks everyone else for all your advice about how to keep warm on a bike (well apart from the Old Boy, his advice is to ride faster!)
This is the first little jog I did to get to the meeing place.
This is our route today, and also my jog home as well.
Sunday, 9 December 2012
Stop Press: Turkey Runs At Ditton!
Hello Blog Lovers,
Today was race day, and so here is my report!
"Oh no, We're running with the last runner marshal"
"Don't worry about it Old Girl" Said Singstar Jo, "Just keep going"
We came off the tarmac and then was into the footpaths, the wet muddy foot paths. The first few K were not as bad as I thought. At least it wasn't sticky, 'getting your shoes stuck' type of mud, but we were splashing about a bit. And the country side! Wow, just gorgeous! Of course we looked up when we could! To miss looking at this scenery would have been criminal! I wished I had had my phone with me to take some shots of the route. I didn't want to take the chance of falling over with it!
I must say just now, before I forget again (It's my age you know) I thought I had started my Garmin from when we crossed over the mats, but, as I was wearing gloves, I didn't quite manage to squeeze the start button, and what with the two other ladies running with me, both with Garmins, I thought the beep that I head was mine! So for the first half mile or so (or 5 minutes as it turns out) has not recorded! I was listening out for the Garmin beeps from either S.J. or Janes Garmin.
Now, I'm not sure, (My chronological gene is missing with me), but I think around about 1 and half miles, Jane, our birthday girl, decided it was getting remarkably warm, and so decided to remove a layer. But being a good Pettswood runner, she obviously put her club vest on over the top of her long sleeve jacket! So another first for her was doing a quick change, on the hoof, and swapping over her tops!, and tying her long sleeve around her waist! (she only had two layers on!) And of course a a sports bra!
"Oh good, half way" I said to the last runner marshal, who, as it appears, seems to be someone else! And changed sex, and costume. She was a very lovely marshal, running in a Mrs Santa outfit, with fetching gold flecked net tights! She was very helpful in not pointing out that we were not quite at the half way mark. I must have been hearing things, or seeing things on my Garmin that are not there! (another stage of next half centuryitus?) But as we we were heading up a hill (Yes, there is a hill!) in fact it looks a big hill!, is whenwhen S.J. said that we have covered, just about, half the route so far!
The hill seemed to go on for ever, all through the woods now! And the woods was wet, and sticky, and slippy. There were hidden hazards underfoot! Leaves covered up rocks protruding from the ground. Sticky huge puddles were the only route through the woods. Footprints two or three inches deep showed where the other runners had been. I have never had so much fun running! I was having a blast. I tried to avoid the puddles, but soon realised that, actually, the safest way was to go straight through the middle! Slowly of course!
For the next two miles all we had to run through was mud. We hadn't actually overtaken anyone up to this point, but in the muddy woods we gained ground. The last marshal sweeper, whose name was Ann by the way, encouraged us all saying "Look, you may be able to over take here ladies" as we saw two other ladies struggling through the mud. That seemed to give all three of us a much needed boost as we gained more ground (read as mud) and eventually caught them up. S.J. and Jane managed to overtake them before the path became single file only again. We had to go very carefully, the mud was mocking all of us. Just then, one of the ladies that S.J. and Jane had passed fell, I nearly toppled over her!
Ok, so I was on a timer, but I am also a fellow runner. I helped pick her up, and saw that she was ok.....before I over took and her friend! I caught up with my two buddies and we carried on at a steady pace.
I hadn't a clue as to where we were, but to me it didn't matter, if there were another couple of miles to do, and they were like this, then I would carry on! I don't think the marshals would be quite smiling then if I had!
We came in to the last few metres, our other club members we standing at the finishing line cheering us all on. We all decided to put on a bit of a sprint to the finish but all finish together!
Great fun, great company, great course and great marshaling by the Maidstone Harriers! We received our gongs, and our goody bag, with Christmas pud and long sleeve shirt, and had our timing chips taken from us. I can't wait to see what my time was for this 6.5 mile course, (my Garmin says 6.05) What more can I say about this morning!
On the way home I just had to say thank you to Singstar Jo who drove me to Ditton, and I had to thank her in the good old Pettswood runners style, with a pint at my local! (she had a pint of diet coke I might add)
Geeky stats, and as soon as I get the official results of todays race I shall post it on here as well.
Today was race day, and so here is my report!
Late Last Night
I suddenly realised I hadn't seen my race number for the mornings race. Searching, pulling out papers, boxes and getting hysterical about where I had put my number for the race in the morning. Still didn't find it, and the Old Boy said he couldn't remember ever seeing. But somehow I remember seeing it, in a brown envelope, yellow number! Surely I wouldn't throw it away! Well I shall just have to turn up there and explain or even pay again on the day!Singstar Jo Comes To Collect Me
Singstar Jo had very kindly offered to drive me to the race meet, (I can drive but I am such a nervous driver I would panic just coming off my estate!) I told her that I had lost my number, and just hoped they would have my name down some where. It was then she told me that no on has been given their numbers, you collect them at the meet! ....Duh.... all that panic and I didn't really have it anyway! Well, not to worry, dizzy as I am, I shall just concentrate the run now. I am feeling remarkably good, I was up early, (still looking for my number) had my porridge and a cuppa, and had everything else organsied, clean shoes, dry socks and even another warmer fleece to put on afterwards.Registration
After getting to Ditton, fairly easily with Jo driving, (only ignoring 'Jane', from the sat nav, once on route) we heading off to the registration. Well, it was a very well orgnised event so far! From the mashalls sorting out the parking to the plastic put down all over the floors in the registration room and corridors! We quickly found our numbers, all done in alphabetical queues, (something that S.J. pointed out to me, after I wandered about the whole room looking for my queue, see, I am totally dizzy) and then went back to the car to get sorted out, leave hats and jackets in the car, (as suggested by Singstar Jo) the day looks like it's going to be just perfect, blue skies and sunshine!Start Line
The start line was crowded, we all had our chips (no, not potato chips) our timing chips on our shoes, and then the 'hooter' went! I watched as all the fast runners crossed over the mats which were bleeping away. We watched as a turkey crossed over the mat, santas and mrs santas, someone with scars(!?) and even a christmas tree and a christmas craker ran on over the mats. I was running along with S.J. and with Jane. Jane is in our group 1 at my runnig club, it is also her 50th birthday today! What better way to celebrate turning a half century than to run in a very muddy race in the middle of December! It was also her first ever race as well!First 5k
We kept at our pace, our group 1 pace, just till we warmed up. Remembering everything that we have been taught, but we also know that it is a race! We kept plodding along, and I heard some one else behind me, running along, I thought to myself "Thank goodness, I'm not last!" But the I heard the man behind me say to the marshal, "This is all of them, there is a late starter behind me, but just one""Oh no, We're running with the last runner marshal"
"Don't worry about it Old Girl" Said Singstar Jo, "Just keep going"
We came off the tarmac and then was into the footpaths, the wet muddy foot paths. The first few K were not as bad as I thought. At least it wasn't sticky, 'getting your shoes stuck' type of mud, but we were splashing about a bit. And the country side! Wow, just gorgeous! Of course we looked up when we could! To miss looking at this scenery would have been criminal! I wished I had had my phone with me to take some shots of the route. I didn't want to take the chance of falling over with it!
I must say just now, before I forget again (It's my age you know) I thought I had started my Garmin from when we crossed over the mats, but, as I was wearing gloves, I didn't quite manage to squeeze the start button, and what with the two other ladies running with me, both with Garmins, I thought the beep that I head was mine! So for the first half mile or so (or 5 minutes as it turns out) has not recorded! I was listening out for the Garmin beeps from either S.J. or Janes Garmin.
Now, I'm not sure, (My chronological gene is missing with me), but I think around about 1 and half miles, Jane, our birthday girl, decided it was getting remarkably warm, and so decided to remove a layer. But being a good Pettswood runner, she obviously put her club vest on over the top of her long sleeve jacket! So another first for her was doing a quick change, on the hoof, and swapping over her tops!, and tying her long sleeve around her waist! (she only had two layers on!) And of course a a sports bra!
"Oh good, half way" I said to the last runner marshal, who, as it appears, seems to be someone else! And changed sex, and costume. She was a very lovely marshal, running in a Mrs Santa outfit, with fetching gold flecked net tights! She was very helpful in not pointing out that we were not quite at the half way mark. I must have been hearing things, or seeing things on my Garmin that are not there! (another stage of next half centuryitus?) But as we we were heading up a hill (Yes, there is a hill!) in fact it looks a big hill!, is whenwhen S.J. said that we have covered, just about, half the route so far!
The Second Half
I looked at my Garmin, and it showed, 2 point something miles into our run! "Oh darn it" I thought to myself, as I realised I was mistaken half a mile back! I Tried not to look at the hill, I kept thinking that as long as Jane is running then I must run too! Why I put that on myself I don't know! I can't even use the fact that she is younger than me, well, only by a couple of weeks!, But why don't she want to stop! I did stop for a walk! I couldn't help it. I know, I'm whinging again! But then I looked up and she was walking as well. I did stop and walk for other sections before I got to here though. But my excuse was that it was muddy, and I didn't want to slip and damage myself (I do have a marathon to run in April)The hill seemed to go on for ever, all through the woods now! And the woods was wet, and sticky, and slippy. There were hidden hazards underfoot! Leaves covered up rocks protruding from the ground. Sticky huge puddles were the only route through the woods. Footprints two or three inches deep showed where the other runners had been. I have never had so much fun running! I was having a blast. I tried to avoid the puddles, but soon realised that, actually, the safest way was to go straight through the middle! Slowly of course!
For the next two miles all we had to run through was mud. We hadn't actually overtaken anyone up to this point, but in the muddy woods we gained ground. The last marshal sweeper, whose name was Ann by the way, encouraged us all saying "Look, you may be able to over take here ladies" as we saw two other ladies struggling through the mud. That seemed to give all three of us a much needed boost as we gained more ground (read as mud) and eventually caught them up. S.J. and Jane managed to overtake them before the path became single file only again. We had to go very carefully, the mud was mocking all of us. Just then, one of the ladies that S.J. and Jane had passed fell, I nearly toppled over her!
Ok, so I was on a timer, but I am also a fellow runner. I helped pick her up, and saw that she was ok.....before I over took and her friend! I caught up with my two buddies and we carried on at a steady pace.
In The Zone
These last two miles just felt just so perfect! we were running along in single file and all three of us sound just perfect. Our breathing sounded as if we were just out for a walk, we were going along at a very steady pace, all of us, I felt, in the zone! I couldn't think of a single reason why anyone don't like running! And running in such a great place. The fields, the woods, the Oast houses, the marshaling! The marshals, ever single one of them were smiley and enthusiastic as we ran passed them! What is not to like! These last couple of miles were just perfect.I hadn't a clue as to where we were, but to me it didn't matter, if there were another couple of miles to do, and they were like this, then I would carry on! I don't think the marshals would be quite smiling then if I had!
We came in to the last few metres, our other club members we standing at the finishing line cheering us all on. We all decided to put on a bit of a sprint to the finish but all finish together!
Great fun, great company, great course and great marshaling by the Maidstone Harriers! We received our gongs, and our goody bag, with Christmas pud and long sleeve shirt, and had our timing chips taken from us. I can't wait to see what my time was for this 6.5 mile course, (my Garmin says 6.05) What more can I say about this morning!
On the way home I just had to say thank you to Singstar Jo who drove me to Ditton, and I had to thank her in the good old Pettswood runners style, with a pint at my local! (she had a pint of diet coke I might add)
Geeky stats, and as soon as I get the official results of todays race I shall post it on here as well.
Thursday, 6 December 2012
Out Again, Really?!
Hello blog lovers.
Well, judging by todays title, you can imagine my feelings about going out jogging today! My legs were complaining like anything! My enthusiasm was way down in my aching heels. I was tempted to go for a bike ride instead, but a still small voice told me to "Stick to the programme" Ok so I know I am using the programme in my style, i.e. I just cant do those sprint things, but I am jogging along for the amount of minutes it suggests.
So now that I am on week 7 of my training, which of course means that there is no going back to do week 6 any more, I really do have to concentrate of my jogging and running. On my posture while running, and everything else that is going to help me to the finish line of a 26.2 mile run!
My plan said that I had to jog along for 35 minutes today. That would be doing the Turpington turn around route, but I am getting bored with that. It's no good jogging along the same old roads, especially as I remembered how far I had jogged before on this route. Going by the way I feel today, I doubt I will make it out of Oxhawth without stopping for a walk. So the Old boy suggested another route. It meant taking the head lamps to go through Jubilee Park, but at least it's a different route. And one that I can't remember the stats, the places where I had stopped before, and the distances. I mean me and the Old Boy used to drive to the entrance of Jubilee Park, at Tent Peg lane, but now we are jogging towards it. The Old Boy has obviously got used to jogging off our estate now, I think him getting some spandex pants for cycling has made him more confident!
The head lights lit up our way through the park, and if you look towards the woods with your light shining it picks up the eyes of the foxes, or whatever other creatures are hiding there! Quite spooky really! I huffed and puffed my way through the park, thinking, its not that far now, almost half way. I really was feeling quite tired! I shall say again, what I said to the Old Boy when we were getting changed to go out jogging "Whose idea was it that I sign up for the London Marathon!"
"All yours, my dear" he said, smiling at me sympathetically, or was that 'I doubt you will make it past the start line' type smile!
Now I can see the home straight as we come out of the road leading to the park. I was glad I chose this direction, its the down hill direction. Ok so we had to go up to Tent Peg lane in the first place, but now its all kind of down hill or flat for the rest of the way home! Heading down Blackbrook was really very comforting. Just at the end here is our park, we shall go through there and then be home in just a few short strides.... ok just a little further than a few strides, but it really isn't that far home. And My timing for 35 minute jogging would be just about right!
So you can imagine my face when the Old Boy decided to choose a right turn before we got to the end of Blackbrook lane, and then headed slightly off course to where I wanted to be!
"But my time will be up, I need to go this way" I whined at him.
"Come on, Old Girl, stop whining and get a move on" he said encouragingly, "Its raining!" So I followed, reluctantly to the right, away from the park entrance!
We didn't take that much of a detour really, just added tad extra on to the route. We popped out opposite the road where my friend and pastor live. At the end of this road is the entrance, another entrance, to the park near our home. We jogged through this entrance and bared right to jog along side the golf course. I guess it's good training for my race which I have booked up on Sunday, the Ditton Turkey Run. It's a 10k XC run, with a Christmas pud for all runners! I wished they would just give me the brandy they put in the puds instead, I can't stand Christmas pud!
My legs were really complaining now, my heels feeling like that have been kicked my a heard of elephants, but I am glad I went out for a jog, and not a bike ride! Well, its no fun riding in the rain, is it? But maybe next week I will join my fellow club members for some torture, I mean some hard core training, up and down hills, 11x200m apparently!! Sounds delightful!
So my geeky stats.
Well, judging by todays title, you can imagine my feelings about going out jogging today! My legs were complaining like anything! My enthusiasm was way down in my aching heels. I was tempted to go for a bike ride instead, but a still small voice told me to "Stick to the programme" Ok so I know I am using the programme in my style, i.e. I just cant do those sprint things, but I am jogging along for the amount of minutes it suggests.
So now that I am on week 7 of my training, which of course means that there is no going back to do week 6 any more, I really do have to concentrate of my jogging and running. On my posture while running, and everything else that is going to help me to the finish line of a 26.2 mile run!
My plan said that I had to jog along for 35 minutes today. That would be doing the Turpington turn around route, but I am getting bored with that. It's no good jogging along the same old roads, especially as I remembered how far I had jogged before on this route. Going by the way I feel today, I doubt I will make it out of Oxhawth without stopping for a walk. So the Old boy suggested another route. It meant taking the head lamps to go through Jubilee Park, but at least it's a different route. And one that I can't remember the stats, the places where I had stopped before, and the distances. I mean me and the Old Boy used to drive to the entrance of Jubilee Park, at Tent Peg lane, but now we are jogging towards it. The Old Boy has obviously got used to jogging off our estate now, I think him getting some spandex pants for cycling has made him more confident!
The head lights lit up our way through the park, and if you look towards the woods with your light shining it picks up the eyes of the foxes, or whatever other creatures are hiding there! Quite spooky really! I huffed and puffed my way through the park, thinking, its not that far now, almost half way. I really was feeling quite tired! I shall say again, what I said to the Old Boy when we were getting changed to go out jogging "Whose idea was it that I sign up for the London Marathon!"
"All yours, my dear" he said, smiling at me sympathetically, or was that 'I doubt you will make it past the start line' type smile!
Now I can see the home straight as we come out of the road leading to the park. I was glad I chose this direction, its the down hill direction. Ok so we had to go up to Tent Peg lane in the first place, but now its all kind of down hill or flat for the rest of the way home! Heading down Blackbrook was really very comforting. Just at the end here is our park, we shall go through there and then be home in just a few short strides.... ok just a little further than a few strides, but it really isn't that far home. And My timing for 35 minute jogging would be just about right!
So you can imagine my face when the Old Boy decided to choose a right turn before we got to the end of Blackbrook lane, and then headed slightly off course to where I wanted to be!
"But my time will be up, I need to go this way" I whined at him.
"Come on, Old Girl, stop whining and get a move on" he said encouragingly, "Its raining!" So I followed, reluctantly to the right, away from the park entrance!
We didn't take that much of a detour really, just added tad extra on to the route. We popped out opposite the road where my friend and pastor live. At the end of this road is the entrance, another entrance, to the park near our home. We jogged through this entrance and bared right to jog along side the golf course. I guess it's good training for my race which I have booked up on Sunday, the Ditton Turkey Run. It's a 10k XC run, with a Christmas pud for all runners! I wished they would just give me the brandy they put in the puds instead, I can't stand Christmas pud!
My legs were really complaining now, my heels feeling like that have been kicked my a heard of elephants, but I am glad I went out for a jog, and not a bike ride! Well, its no fun riding in the rain, is it? But maybe next week I will join my fellow club members for some torture, I mean some hard core training, up and down hills, 11x200m apparently!! Sounds delightful!
So my geeky stats.
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
Snow Snow Go Away, Oh, You have!
Hello blog lovers,
After waking up this morning to see the first snow settle in my garden I really thought my I would be needing skis to do my long run. But by the time my grandson had made his first snowman, see pic below, the snow had already started to melt (and may I add that he had me out in the garden at 9 in the morning before I had even finished my cuppa!) which meant that by the time it came for me and the Old Boy to go running there was not even a snowflake to be seen. In fact the evening, being as it's December, is quite pleasant, chilly of course!
Our route is going to be the usual one for the 6 miles but we are going to add a extra bit! Up Southborough to the A21 left towards Locksbottom and the left into the posh houses. So far so good, the same route as usual. I did stop a few times before I got to the new houses, coughing up, but I was quite pleased that I didn't stop more! It really was a nasty little cold!
By the time I got to the new houses I had made a pact with myself. I had to run all the way through this estate. Usually I stop before we turn right, and stop again, just so that I can gaze at the lovely house. Oh, and this house looks absolutely lovely with their Christmas lights on, ad a fantastic life size Santa standing on the balcony beautifully decorated with lights! But I didn't let the twinkly lights distract me from my mini challenge. I did it. I was pleased I did it. I ran a little further up the road to, well kind of rubber stamp the fact that I was out of the estate!
Up towards Crofton we jogged. At the mini round about we turned left, please notice that I didn't even use the little short cut either. I was concentrating had on the way I was running, taking in all the advice our Kitman gives to me and our club members. Things like, "Keep your head up, pretend it's being held up by a helium filled balloon" and also about my gait as well. I am trying not to run on my heels, which by the way still hurt!, and also I read the advice he gave to another runner about arms. Not to cross the chest, but to swing them by your side and then give a little extra swing to help get up the hills!
This is what I think about when I am running or jogging as the Old Boy calls it. But it don't matter what it is, it is definitely faster that walking, because we passed quite a few walkers! I was also singing along to my self. And right now I can't think what it was that I was singing. But I do know it was a MooshMix, two songs that I mashed together! It sounded brilliant in my head!
Now I know I said I was going to do more that the six miles this route takes us, and this means going over ground that we have already done! Up Southborough lane again. We turned left into lakes wood road when we got to Pettswood and headed on the homeward stretch. It felt so weird to be passing by top Oxhawth, and the bottom Oxhawth! Bottom Oxhawth is where we came from six miles ago! My legs we feeling tired now. But just for curiosity's sake I decided to take a quick gander at my Garmin to see what my pace was. I was surprised to see it just under 11 m/mi! But then I did reason with myself and remind myself that we were going down hill!
Reaching the Harvester the Old Boy said to me "Only a mile to go"
"0.75 of a mile to go" I said to him. I know this, for some reason from this point, going through the park to go home, that distance has stayed with me. In fact quite a few of my routes, the figures and distances have stayed with me!
I started to slow down a bit. But then I thought to myself I just need to get going. I need to just put in an extra little bit to get home. Home to a lovely spicy green Thai curry that is waiting for us!
Seeing my road was sheer delight. I pushed a little bit harder, picked up the pace to do a bit of a sprint. The Old Boy still kept ahead of me. I don't think he likes me getting in front of him, I try and try, even when we are on our bikes, to be the first back to our door! One day maybe, when I catch him sleeping!
Geeky stats for you.
After waking up this morning to see the first snow settle in my garden I really thought my I would be needing skis to do my long run. But by the time my grandson had made his first snowman, see pic below, the snow had already started to melt (and may I add that he had me out in the garden at 9 in the morning before I had even finished my cuppa!) which meant that by the time it came for me and the Old Boy to go running there was not even a snowflake to be seen. In fact the evening, being as it's December, is quite pleasant, chilly of course!
Our route is going to be the usual one for the 6 miles but we are going to add a extra bit! Up Southborough to the A21 left towards Locksbottom and the left into the posh houses. So far so good, the same route as usual. I did stop a few times before I got to the new houses, coughing up, but I was quite pleased that I didn't stop more! It really was a nasty little cold!
By the time I got to the new houses I had made a pact with myself. I had to run all the way through this estate. Usually I stop before we turn right, and stop again, just so that I can gaze at the lovely house. Oh, and this house looks absolutely lovely with their Christmas lights on, ad a fantastic life size Santa standing on the balcony beautifully decorated with lights! But I didn't let the twinkly lights distract me from my mini challenge. I did it. I was pleased I did it. I ran a little further up the road to, well kind of rubber stamp the fact that I was out of the estate!
Up towards Crofton we jogged. At the mini round about we turned left, please notice that I didn't even use the little short cut either. I was concentrating had on the way I was running, taking in all the advice our Kitman gives to me and our club members. Things like, "Keep your head up, pretend it's being held up by a helium filled balloon" and also about my gait as well. I am trying not to run on my heels, which by the way still hurt!, and also I read the advice he gave to another runner about arms. Not to cross the chest, but to swing them by your side and then give a little extra swing to help get up the hills!
This is what I think about when I am running or jogging as the Old Boy calls it. But it don't matter what it is, it is definitely faster that walking, because we passed quite a few walkers! I was also singing along to my self. And right now I can't think what it was that I was singing. But I do know it was a MooshMix, two songs that I mashed together! It sounded brilliant in my head!
Now I know I said I was going to do more that the six miles this route takes us, and this means going over ground that we have already done! Up Southborough lane again. We turned left into lakes wood road when we got to Pettswood and headed on the homeward stretch. It felt so weird to be passing by top Oxhawth, and the bottom Oxhawth! Bottom Oxhawth is where we came from six miles ago! My legs we feeling tired now. But just for curiosity's sake I decided to take a quick gander at my Garmin to see what my pace was. I was surprised to see it just under 11 m/mi! But then I did reason with myself and remind myself that we were going down hill!
Reaching the Harvester the Old Boy said to me "Only a mile to go"
"0.75 of a mile to go" I said to him. I know this, for some reason from this point, going through the park to go home, that distance has stayed with me. In fact quite a few of my routes, the figures and distances have stayed with me!
I started to slow down a bit. But then I thought to myself I just need to get going. I need to just put in an extra little bit to get home. Home to a lovely spicy green Thai curry that is waiting for us!
Seeing my road was sheer delight. I pushed a little bit harder, picked up the pace to do a bit of a sprint. The Old Boy still kept ahead of me. I don't think he likes me getting in front of him, I try and try, even when we are on our bikes, to be the first back to our door! One day maybe, when I catch him sleeping!
Geeky stats for you.
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Club Run - Sweeper Duties, Yeah!
Hello blog readers.
Its Tuesday, my cold virus is definately on its last legs, so of course I was eager to meet up with my running club buddies. First of when we all met up was the discussions about the weekends party! Everyone had a good time at our club Christmas do.
Our usual leader, Illustrious Leader, was feeling a bit under the weather today, so Singstar Jo stepped into the breach and lead Group 1 today. I volunteered to be sweeper, along with CupCake Moy, (she does make these gorgeous cupcakes, mmmm yum!). I actually like being sweeper, I really do. Now don't go on at me about it's because I don't like to run fast, or to be in the front, or even to pick the pace up a bit. That is not why I like to be at the back. But being at the back gives me a chance to encourage others who have just started this crazy, crazy activity that we call jogging! I should be warning them about how addictive it becomes really. How, at somepoint, on one of their crazy jogging sessions they may feel that they can run for 10 miles, or even half a marathon. I do give them some insight as to what may hapen to them when I explain that I am, infact going to be running the London marathon, even though I haven't even ran for 10 miles yet, let along a half! See, Crazy!
But it really does give me tons and tons of pleasure as I jog along with fellow members. It gives me even more motivation to do well in my other jogging sessions because you know that you are going to be asked about how much I run on other days, and how fast etc. Jogging along in group 1, does do me tons of good! I believe, for me personally, leaping up the groups is just not meant to be for me. Here, running in this group at this pace I am doing some good andfeeling useful which also does me tons of good for keeping going in my longer runs. Win, win situation I would say!
Cupcake Moy and me, and three of the newbies were just keeping up with the usual group 1 runners. In this evenings route we had a couple of little 'bumps' to contend with. So I thought that by keeping Kay chatting, (she is one of the newbies) then she would breeze up them and not realise she had done them. Simples! She was even talking to me as well, which is a good sign.
We had our usual amount of 'catchup' stops, but I at one point I did have to get my 'whistle' out as we were getting a little spread out, the regular group 1 members were in the 'zone'. But from that point onwards we all kept pretty much together.
As we headed down Shepperton Road, heading from Crescent Drive Kay said "I have no clue as to where we are" When she said that it reminded me of when I used to struggle all the way at the back, and I used to think to myself "If I don't keep up I will get lost" And that in itself was motivation for me to keep up. Mind you, Kay is doing so much better that I did when I was a beginner! I used to do unofficial walking sessions, and she still hasn't done that. Even going up all those hills, ooops upside down hills.
We got to Southborough lane, and of course popping out from Crescent Drive we have not got to climb up the hill towards Pettswood, as we are virtually at the crest! We ran towards Pettswood, our destination is the walking bridge, which is through the carpark near the Newsshopper. From there, just on the other side there were two ways to get back to the rec, the longer way or the shorter way. Well, the newcomers felt that they couldn't cope with the extra half mile, so me and CupcakeMoy took them the shorter way and Signstar Jo took the rest up the hill! I mean, along the upside down hill! There was a newcomer in the group that went the longer way as well! I'm sure next time, the others will soon be joining them on the little extra loops.
So todays geeky stats for our group 1 today.
Its Tuesday, my cold virus is definately on its last legs, so of course I was eager to meet up with my running club buddies. First of when we all met up was the discussions about the weekends party! Everyone had a good time at our club Christmas do.
Our usual leader, Illustrious Leader, was feeling a bit under the weather today, so Singstar Jo stepped into the breach and lead Group 1 today. I volunteered to be sweeper, along with CupCake Moy, (she does make these gorgeous cupcakes, mmmm yum!). I actually like being sweeper, I really do. Now don't go on at me about it's because I don't like to run fast, or to be in the front, or even to pick the pace up a bit. That is not why I like to be at the back. But being at the back gives me a chance to encourage others who have just started this crazy, crazy activity that we call jogging! I should be warning them about how addictive it becomes really. How, at somepoint, on one of their crazy jogging sessions they may feel that they can run for 10 miles, or even half a marathon. I do give them some insight as to what may hapen to them when I explain that I am, infact going to be running the London marathon, even though I haven't even ran for 10 miles yet, let along a half! See, Crazy!
But it really does give me tons and tons of pleasure as I jog along with fellow members. It gives me even more motivation to do well in my other jogging sessions because you know that you are going to be asked about how much I run on other days, and how fast etc. Jogging along in group 1, does do me tons of good! I believe, for me personally, leaping up the groups is just not meant to be for me. Here, running in this group at this pace I am doing some good andfeeling useful which also does me tons of good for keeping going in my longer runs. Win, win situation I would say!
Cupcake Moy and me, and three of the newbies were just keeping up with the usual group 1 runners. In this evenings route we had a couple of little 'bumps' to contend with. So I thought that by keeping Kay chatting, (she is one of the newbies) then she would breeze up them and not realise she had done them. Simples! She was even talking to me as well, which is a good sign.
We had our usual amount of 'catchup' stops, but I at one point I did have to get my 'whistle' out as we were getting a little spread out, the regular group 1 members were in the 'zone'. But from that point onwards we all kept pretty much together.
As we headed down Shepperton Road, heading from Crescent Drive Kay said "I have no clue as to where we are" When she said that it reminded me of when I used to struggle all the way at the back, and I used to think to myself "If I don't keep up I will get lost" And that in itself was motivation for me to keep up. Mind you, Kay is doing so much better that I did when I was a beginner! I used to do unofficial walking sessions, and she still hasn't done that. Even going up all those hills, ooops upside down hills.
We got to Southborough lane, and of course popping out from Crescent Drive we have not got to climb up the hill towards Pettswood, as we are virtually at the crest! We ran towards Pettswood, our destination is the walking bridge, which is through the carpark near the Newsshopper. From there, just on the other side there were two ways to get back to the rec, the longer way or the shorter way. Well, the newcomers felt that they couldn't cope with the extra half mile, so me and CupcakeMoy took them the shorter way and Signstar Jo took the rest up the hill! I mean, along the upside down hill! There was a newcomer in the group that went the longer way as well! I'm sure next time, the others will soon be joining them on the little extra loops.
So todays geeky stats for our group 1 today.
Monday, 3 December 2012
Get Out There Old Girl!
Hello blog lovers.
Well, what can I say. The cold virus kept me prisoner in my own home. The cold and rain made sure that I wasn't tempted to go try to see if it could make it round a small route! But this evening I made an attempt to escape these four walls and to feel the cold air on my face, and down my lungs.
I told the Old Boy that I need to go out for at least 3 miles, get these old legs working again, even though I abused them on Saturday night at our Christmas disco, tottering about on, what I can only describe as stilts! Plus trying to dance in them, is not what a person training for a marathon should be doing! Anyway, I digress, (It was a fantastic night out though!) I just wanted to go and do the usual 3 miles, make sure that my lung can cope with the chilly air.
I made sure that I was wrapped up warm enough, I do like cold, and even made sure my Garmin had satellites before I even went to the front door. As soon as we was out of the door I started jogging. I was keeping it nice a slow. My legs seemed to have forgotten how to move faster than the shuffle you do from room to room! My heels hurt still (I must find out what that is all about) and my mojo is somewhere in the house (probably hanging out of the fridge looking for the chocolate!)
I puffed and shuffled around our little 3 miler. Nothing in a spectacular style, nothing to say that those 5 days rest from running had done me a ton of good. But, still, it felt good to be out! I managed to do the three miles with only 2 stops! Not bad considering I did have double woman's flu!
So geeky stats for you
Well, what can I say. The cold virus kept me prisoner in my own home. The cold and rain made sure that I wasn't tempted to go try to see if it could make it round a small route! But this evening I made an attempt to escape these four walls and to feel the cold air on my face, and down my lungs.
I told the Old Boy that I need to go out for at least 3 miles, get these old legs working again, even though I abused them on Saturday night at our Christmas disco, tottering about on, what I can only describe as stilts! Plus trying to dance in them, is not what a person training for a marathon should be doing! Anyway, I digress, (It was a fantastic night out though!) I just wanted to go and do the usual 3 miles, make sure that my lung can cope with the chilly air.
I made sure that I was wrapped up warm enough, I do like cold, and even made sure my Garmin had satellites before I even went to the front door. As soon as we was out of the door I started jogging. I was keeping it nice a slow. My legs seemed to have forgotten how to move faster than the shuffle you do from room to room! My heels hurt still (I must find out what that is all about) and my mojo is somewhere in the house (probably hanging out of the fridge looking for the chocolate!)
I puffed and shuffled around our little 3 miler. Nothing in a spectacular style, nothing to say that those 5 days rest from running had done me a ton of good. But, still, it felt good to be out! I managed to do the three miles with only 2 stops! Not bad considering I did have double woman's flu!
So geeky stats for you
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