Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Homeward Bound - And Passed!

Hello blog lovers!

Club run today! I do love meeting up with everyone. Nagging Sister was there. We are going to have to work on her, she says she she hates running. She hates getting her gear on, getting out, she hates that she feels un fit as she is running, and she hates aching afterwards. Yet each week she is here! There is something that is keeping her going. She has yet to find that, "Blimey, I done it" feeling when she has finished. Where as me I say that each time I have done a run, whether it's a 3 mile run, 6 miles or like today a 4 mile club run!

I feel good that I can and still want to go out running! I feel good when I have 'done it' and I feel good about tucking into a little treat for myself, whether it is a bar of chocolate or a gingerbread medal that my grandson had decorated all by himself! Now that is what running does for me and what it's all about. And the bonus of running ..... its obvious isn't it. I'm getting fitter, and thinner! Ok so my weight loss is still something that is elusive!

This is what keep fit is all about, The Feel Good Factor, whether you are running, cycling, badmington, swimming! Or dancing! Anything that gets your heart going, the cadio vascular thingy working. Getting all hot and sweaty, and then stopping! and that feeling 'Yeah, I did it,'

Our Illustrious Leader today decided on a new route. Through Jubilee Park, and then down Blackbrook, and instead of turning left to go up Southborough we were to run across the road and through the park. (obviously being watchful of the cars!)

OMG, this is going to take us on to my manor! This is going to go directly pass my house! This is where I live! I am so going to have to put on a good show!!  I was sweeper this evening along with our group 1 Marathoner!,  So I will be at the back anyway! An excellet excuse to use if I do see anyone I know!

When we got through the Park and to the path that takes us either right, to Turn around Lamppost, or left, to my home we had another re-group. After a few directions, and pointing out the landmarks by various people,  I told our Illustrious leader that this acutally is where I live, "Oh good" she says, "you can take us to Farringdon Avenue then". "Ok, and I shall make sure I look happy and fresh" I replied. And as I took the lead she said "When we are on your road I shall call out to you to slow down"  Now there is a leader that makes you feel good.

It was kind of weird as I ran pass my mother in laws house, and then run pass the green that the neighbours kids were playing footie on, out side our houses. "Don't forget to look good Old Girl" I reminded my self, as I waved to the kids!

Homeward bound....... and now passing! Hence today's subtitle! Did that feel good, did that make me feel unfit. Did it 'eckers like! It made me feel even fitter knowing that I am going to be running all the way back to our meeting point again.! Back in 2008 I couldn't even run from my house to my mother in laws house with out calling for a medic!

Running is fun! I just have to convince Nagging sister of it! It took me a while to get to like it, I know when I am actually running my face will show, that for me, its blooming hard work! But when you stop,it's just great! All those chemicals in your body that you have stirred up! I just love it, in fact the sprint up to the finish point! That's the bit that I am starting to like now as well!

My geeky stats for you. Unfortunately my battery ran out just as we crossed over the footbridge, to the crinkly side of Pettswood, about half a mile from the end! But I heard one of the other ladies say that we had covered 4 miles this evening, very pleased with that.


  1. Great post ! Did you mean to say 'Hell blog lovers!' !?

    1. Ooops, I so need a proof reader! Corrections made, and a few other typos :-) And thanks for reading :-)
