Hello blog lovers.
Today I had that awful thing that effects us athletes from time to time, especially ex couch potatoes. And that is Lazyitus, with even a dash of 'really can't be arsed-tus' as well. But I got my gear on, I left it to about 7:30 before I even went upstairs! But then it was straight out of the house before I could talk myself back into my chair.
It looked quite cold out, and I even thought it might rain so I wore my jacket. I really didn't need it! I forgot to take it off when I left the car, so I had to tie it around my waist. The new beginners groups were busy finishing off their session for this week. It looks as if there hasn't been anybody dropped out so far!
Messages given out, newbies welcomed in and group leaders explained their routes for this evenings runs. Our illustrious leader was back with us this evening, and she said we were heading to the path behind Crofton School. So mainly a pavement pounding session, with a tiny bit of trail to remind us that we live near by to some beautiful woods, and the woods that we are just touching on this evening are the very woods that lead to my estate! Ooo that does sound very grand, doesn't it!
Even with the route in my mind, my heart was still not in it today. It must be all the abuse I gave my body over the last weekend,drinking smoking, eating and drugs! A typical family party! Ok, so slight exaggeration, it was paracetamol for my hangover the next day! But I nagged myself, from the beginning of the run I wanted to stay at the front with our Illustrious leader, but I could feel my lace coming loose, I tried to ignore it, maybe it will hold, maybe it will just stay a tad loose. But of course it didn't. I had to move to the right, into a driveway to do up my shoe.
I rejoined our group, I am now at the back, I felt this wasn't a good place for me to be in while I was in this frame of mind. Psychologically I needed to be up at the front. I did try to get back there, but I just couldn't manage it.
The first official stop was just inside the park at Eynesford. At least now the pleasant park and 'touch on the woods' section starts. It will last for only about 10 to 15 mins. As always there is always a snack supplied on wooded runs, I am getting quite used to the flavour of 'organic gnat' So much nicer than a town gnat!
My feeling of 'not wanting to run today' was still with me, but I tried hard to keep on jogging at a reasonable pace, and try to stay up with the rest of the group. I know at the end of the path the main group will do a 'lollipop loop' while waiting for the others (read as waiting for the Old Girl) to catch up.
At least from here it was all down hill, virtually, with just a tad more trail running, well, just a little path by the main road. Then the run down the hill, to the bridge over the rail lines. We normally have another little re group here, which thankfully they did! But one of our group was so keen, about 5 seconds after I got there she was off! and had to be reigned back in again.
Its just two more roads now, nearly there. My chest is refusing to let my lungs expand anymore, my legs feeling like lead, in fact my whole body feels like lead today. But I kept going. I was saying to myself that the sprint finish is deffo not going to happen today.
The last straight now, right up to the entrance to the rec. I was looking at everyone ahead of me. Our illustrious leader has said to do our own thing now till we get to the rec. Some where still keep pace, others had picked up the pace and was steaming ahead. I crossed over the road. Still not sure if I could sprint this last section, but I headed off to the line that I take to get to the finish line.
And there it was! The thing that pushes me to run fast! It's like I become possessed, and I sprint up to the entrance! It wasn't as fast as some of my sprint finishes, but it was still faster that what I have been doing.
I feel the time has come when I have to extend the sprint finish! We'll see!
Geeky stats
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