Hello blog lovers.
Today I had that awful thing that effects us athletes from time to time, especially ex couch potatoes. And that is Lazyitus, with even a dash of 'really can't be arsed-tus' as well. But I got my gear on, I left it to about 7:30 before I even went upstairs! But then it was straight out of the house before I could talk myself back into my chair.
It looked quite cold out, and I even thought it might rain so I wore my jacket. I really didn't need it! I forgot to take it off when I left the car, so I had to tie it around my waist. The new beginners groups were busy finishing off their session for this week. It looks as if there hasn't been anybody dropped out so far!
Messages given out, newbies welcomed in and group leaders explained their routes for this evenings runs. Our illustrious leader was back with us this evening, and she said we were heading to the path behind Crofton School. So mainly a pavement pounding session, with a tiny bit of trail to remind us that we live near by to some beautiful woods, and the woods that we are just touching on this evening are the very woods that lead to my estate! Ooo that does sound very grand, doesn't it!
Even with the route in my mind, my heart was still not in it today. It must be all the abuse I gave my body over the last weekend,drinking smoking, eating and drugs! A typical family party! Ok, so slight exaggeration, it was paracetamol for my hangover the next day! But I nagged myself, from the beginning of the run I wanted to stay at the front with our Illustrious leader, but I could feel my lace coming loose, I tried to ignore it, maybe it will hold, maybe it will just stay a tad loose. But of course it didn't. I had to move to the right, into a driveway to do up my shoe.
I rejoined our group, I am now at the back, I felt this wasn't a good place for me to be in while I was in this frame of mind. Psychologically I needed to be up at the front. I did try to get back there, but I just couldn't manage it.
The first official stop was just inside the park at Eynesford. At least now the pleasant park and 'touch on the woods' section starts. It will last for only about 10 to 15 mins. As always there is always a snack supplied on wooded runs, I am getting quite used to the flavour of 'organic gnat' So much nicer than a town gnat!
My feeling of 'not wanting to run today' was still with me, but I tried hard to keep on jogging at a reasonable pace, and try to stay up with the rest of the group. I know at the end of the path the main group will do a 'lollipop loop' while waiting for the others (read as waiting for the Old Girl) to catch up.
At least from here it was all down hill, virtually, with just a tad more trail running, well, just a little path by the main road. Then the run down the hill, to the bridge over the rail lines. We normally have another little re group here, which thankfully they did! But one of our group was so keen, about 5 seconds after I got there she was off! and had to be reigned back in again.
Its just two more roads now, nearly there. My chest is refusing to let my lungs expand anymore, my legs feeling like lead, in fact my whole body feels like lead today. But I kept going. I was saying to myself that the sprint finish is deffo not going to happen today.
The last straight now, right up to the entrance to the rec. I was looking at everyone ahead of me. Our illustrious leader has said to do our own thing now till we get to the rec. Some where still keep pace, others had picked up the pace and was steaming ahead. I crossed over the road. Still not sure if I could sprint this last section, but I headed off to the line that I take to get to the finish line.
And there it was! The thing that pushes me to run fast! It's like I become possessed, and I sprint up to the entrance! It wasn't as fast as some of my sprint finishes, but it was still faster that what I have been doing.
I feel the time has come when I have to extend the sprint finish! We'll see!
Geeky stats
I am loving running. I can say that with almost true conviction. After all, if I didn't love it, then I wouldn't still be writing this blog, right? So dive in, enjoy the ramblings of my open diary.
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
Phew! What A Scorcher!
Hello blog lovers.
I knew reading the Sun headlines would come in useful one day! It was summer here, so while the rain clouds were away annoying someone else, it was quickly fill up the pool for the kids and have a relaxing day in the garden! You have to be quick, just in case it starts raining again!
The weather didn't seem to cool down when it was time to go running! I think it's going to be a very warm run, so I shall do the sensible thing and take water. A nice chilled drinks bottle! Just what I shall need.
Our Illustrious leader wasn't here today, and it was down to her second in command, her husband, who lead out our group 1 today. "Where shall we go tonight" he said "Anyone have a route in mind" Guess what? I suggested at 10k "You want to do a 10k" he said and some of the other group 1 looked very shocked. Of course I meant doing the Mob Match route, which is about 7k. But I just got 10k on the brain at mo.
As we have had a couple of very nice warm hot days, I was hoping that the huge puddles and muddy patches were drying up. And of course, being as its in the woods, it could be a lot cooler as well. First off, though, is the hill! more or less straight into it. But I am thinking, "It's all good practise old girl, you should be well used to this route by the time the mob match happens" That's what I was hoping for. Just get the route firmly in my brain, know when to push myself, and know when to just ease up a bit.
There were still some of the puddles through the woods, and also a tree that was across the path last week has been removed, so no hurdling over obstacles today! I was really feeling the warmth of the day, sweat was dripping into my eyes, I had forgotten my hat! But fortunately I did remember to bring a hanky! I was seriously thinking of doing the 'very British thing' and tying four knots in the corners and shoving it on my head, to help keep the sweat out of my eyes! But, I didn't, I just dabbed, and wiped very ladylike.
I didn't manage to get up that hill after we popped out of the woods today. The heat was just zapping my energy (excuses time again) but fortunately, every time that our leader turned around I seemed to be running! Unless I had my head down while I was walking and missed him!
I was at the back, as per usual, and when I caught up with our leader and the front runners, I was glad! Because each regroup, our leader sent the front runners off on a little loop to keep the muschles warm (if this heat isn't enogh!) so they were doing little extra bits. He did say after I reached them that we could join them on a smaller lap or just take a rest and wait for them to catch up. I chose 'life' I knew if id did the little extra bits I would probably die!
Through the park. it always feel really close now. But I do rememer a time what I though 'Oh know, we still got to get to the rec" But now it feels like its just around the corner! We were well grouped together, so there was no need to 'marshall' anyone. I would be just marshalling me! The last hill before the rec now and I try to put on a bit of a sprint! But going up hill I failed! And it was just as well, because when we entered the park, our leader made us do the whole of the mob match and run around the cricket field before stopping out side the pavillion! This is where I did my sprint though! I even managed to pass a couple of the front runners!
A good run today, but very hot! Geeky stats for you.
I knew reading the Sun headlines would come in useful one day! It was summer here, so while the rain clouds were away annoying someone else, it was quickly fill up the pool for the kids and have a relaxing day in the garden! You have to be quick, just in case it starts raining again!
The weather didn't seem to cool down when it was time to go running! I think it's going to be a very warm run, so I shall do the sensible thing and take water. A nice chilled drinks bottle! Just what I shall need.
Our Illustrious leader wasn't here today, and it was down to her second in command, her husband, who lead out our group 1 today. "Where shall we go tonight" he said "Anyone have a route in mind" Guess what? I suggested at 10k "You want to do a 10k" he said and some of the other group 1 looked very shocked. Of course I meant doing the Mob Match route, which is about 7k. But I just got 10k on the brain at mo.
As we have had a couple of very nice warm hot days, I was hoping that the huge puddles and muddy patches were drying up. And of course, being as its in the woods, it could be a lot cooler as well. First off, though, is the hill! more or less straight into it. But I am thinking, "It's all good practise old girl, you should be well used to this route by the time the mob match happens" That's what I was hoping for. Just get the route firmly in my brain, know when to push myself, and know when to just ease up a bit.
There were still some of the puddles through the woods, and also a tree that was across the path last week has been removed, so no hurdling over obstacles today! I was really feeling the warmth of the day, sweat was dripping into my eyes, I had forgotten my hat! But fortunately I did remember to bring a hanky! I was seriously thinking of doing the 'very British thing' and tying four knots in the corners and shoving it on my head, to help keep the sweat out of my eyes! But, I didn't, I just dabbed, and wiped very ladylike.
I didn't manage to get up that hill after we popped out of the woods today. The heat was just zapping my energy (excuses time again) but fortunately, every time that our leader turned around I seemed to be running! Unless I had my head down while I was walking and missed him!
I was at the back, as per usual, and when I caught up with our leader and the front runners, I was glad! Because each regroup, our leader sent the front runners off on a little loop to keep the muschles warm (if this heat isn't enogh!) so they were doing little extra bits. He did say after I reached them that we could join them on a smaller lap or just take a rest and wait for them to catch up. I chose 'life' I knew if id did the little extra bits I would probably die!
Through the park. it always feel really close now. But I do rememer a time what I though 'Oh know, we still got to get to the rec" But now it feels like its just around the corner! We were well grouped together, so there was no need to 'marshall' anyone. I would be just marshalling me! The last hill before the rec now and I try to put on a bit of a sprint! But going up hill I failed! And it was just as well, because when we entered the park, our leader made us do the whole of the mob match and run around the cricket field before stopping out side the pavillion! This is where I did my sprint though! I even managed to pass a couple of the front runners!
A good run today, but very hot! Geeky stats for you.
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
Blood and Mud and Determination!
Hello blog lovers.
Today was a club run. It was a great run too. First of I must mention our Kit man Mike and our other coach Liz, who have started a new beginners group again today. Between them, over an 8 week period they help and encourage to complete beginners from couch to 5k! And when me and Nagging Sister got to the rec this evening it was such an awesome site! 33 beginners, all wanting to run, get fit and have fun doing it! Including Nagging sisters friend, who was dead scared that she wouldn't even be able to run for 30 secs without the paramedics being called for, but when we arrived at the rec, there she was jogging around the field! So well done Mike and Liz!
In our group 1 today we had some newbies and some of the last beginners group that have come to join us in the club! Our ranks are swelling! Our Illustrious Leader gave us the option of going through the woods or pounding pavements. Apparently I was one of the loudest opting for the woods! (so apparently I'm to blame!)
We set off on our way. We are going to be covering the route of our annual mob match with the Orpies. So its good that we can show the newbies and any of the others that have joined recently what the route looks like.
Of course you all know what the weather has been like! Rain, and a little bit more rain, and then we really had some rain! But today we had.......sunshine, for a very short while, and it has been overcast, with just a very slight 'spitting' action from the skies. But it has not been enough to dry up all the muddy puddles! We didn't really think it would actually. But one of our other coaches said he had been through the woods and his trainers were nice and clean! He obviously didn't do the mob match route!
We were like dancing ballerinas, with a grand jeté over every puddle and muddy hole there was. So graceful as we squelched our way through! Who's idea was this anyway. There were obstacles to negotiate and nettles to avoid, and prickly plants to swerve by! Unfortunately we did have an injury, and there was blood! It was me! I managed to get caught by one of the prickly twigs, but like a true trooper and dedicated Pettswood runner, I carried on running, here, this is my injury, and my very muddy shoes! Now I am a true runner!
I had no idea what the newbies were thinking. It is a little different running around a field and running through the woods, but as Nagging Sister says, you don't even notice the miles when you are running in the woods! It's just all to lovely and perfect to notice the running.
We got through the woods, the next bit was on the pavements until we get back to our meeting point. We did have the hill to get up. The hill, just a short one, but whenever I have run this route before I always stop half way up! But today, I was talking to Sue, our group 1 Marathoner, and I just kept going up it! I got to the top, and she said "There you go, you did it" at which point I promptly stopped running to give myself a pat on the back! But I did do it, and then I got to running again, to meet up with the others who were waiting at the top of the road to turn left for the last leg of our run.
Heading to the park we slowly split the group, the main body of people running with Mike now, as he took over the lead, and our illustrious leader was doing the sweeper role. I was kind of inbetween these two sets of people. Which put me in a very good position for doing 'on the run mashalling' as I directed a couple of the newbie ladies as to which way we were running. I knew I had a purpose in Group 1!
I did my sprint bit after I had pointed the way to the ladies behind me, who were in front of our Illustrious Leader. Just as well I didn't sprint before, because we entered the park on an uphill section and went in a different entrance. But by then, some of the other groups had arrived back, so I had to look really good. I put on a fast sprint! and I'm sure it was slightly down hill as well, I was flying home! Mr S. said "Blimey, I didn't know the Old Girl could run!" praise indeed from him, as he does these amazing runs of up to 100 miles at a time!
Geeky stats.
Today was a club run. It was a great run too. First of I must mention our Kit man Mike and our other coach Liz, who have started a new beginners group again today. Between them, over an 8 week period they help and encourage to complete beginners from couch to 5k! And when me and Nagging Sister got to the rec this evening it was such an awesome site! 33 beginners, all wanting to run, get fit and have fun doing it! Including Nagging sisters friend, who was dead scared that she wouldn't even be able to run for 30 secs without the paramedics being called for, but when we arrived at the rec, there she was jogging around the field! So well done Mike and Liz!
In our group 1 today we had some newbies and some of the last beginners group that have come to join us in the club! Our ranks are swelling! Our Illustrious Leader gave us the option of going through the woods or pounding pavements. Apparently I was one of the loudest opting for the woods! (so apparently I'm to blame!)
We set off on our way. We are going to be covering the route of our annual mob match with the Orpies. So its good that we can show the newbies and any of the others that have joined recently what the route looks like.
Of course you all know what the weather has been like! Rain, and a little bit more rain, and then we really had some rain! But today we had.......sunshine, for a very short while, and it has been overcast, with just a very slight 'spitting' action from the skies. But it has not been enough to dry up all the muddy puddles! We didn't really think it would actually. But one of our other coaches said he had been through the woods and his trainers were nice and clean! He obviously didn't do the mob match route!
We were like dancing ballerinas, with a grand jeté over every puddle and muddy hole there was. So graceful as we squelched our way through! Who's idea was this anyway. There were obstacles to negotiate and nettles to avoid, and prickly plants to swerve by! Unfortunately we did have an injury, and there was blood! It was me! I managed to get caught by one of the prickly twigs, but like a true trooper and dedicated Pettswood runner, I carried on running, here, this is my injury, and my very muddy shoes! Now I am a true runner!
I had no idea what the newbies were thinking. It is a little different running around a field and running through the woods, but as Nagging Sister says, you don't even notice the miles when you are running in the woods! It's just all to lovely and perfect to notice the running.
We got through the woods, the next bit was on the pavements until we get back to our meeting point. We did have the hill to get up. The hill, just a short one, but whenever I have run this route before I always stop half way up! But today, I was talking to Sue, our group 1 Marathoner, and I just kept going up it! I got to the top, and she said "There you go, you did it" at which point I promptly stopped running to give myself a pat on the back! But I did do it, and then I got to running again, to meet up with the others who were waiting at the top of the road to turn left for the last leg of our run.
Heading to the park we slowly split the group, the main body of people running with Mike now, as he took over the lead, and our illustrious leader was doing the sweeper role. I was kind of inbetween these two sets of people. Which put me in a very good position for doing 'on the run mashalling' as I directed a couple of the newbie ladies as to which way we were running. I knew I had a purpose in Group 1!
I did my sprint bit after I had pointed the way to the ladies behind me, who were in front of our Illustrious Leader. Just as well I didn't sprint before, because we entered the park on an uphill section and went in a different entrance. But by then, some of the other groups had arrived back, so I had to look really good. I put on a fast sprint! and I'm sure it was slightly down hill as well, I was flying home! Mr S. said "Blimey, I didn't know the Old Girl could run!" praise indeed from him, as he does these amazing runs of up to 100 miles at a time!
Geeky stats.
Sunday, 15 July 2012
She's Only Running Again!
Hello Blog lovers.
That strange bright orb thing was in the sky again today, warming up the day, drying up puddles and putting this strange look on peoples faces, I believe it used to be called smiles! What can you do with a day like today! Run or Ride?
Well the Old Boy is working, so it's a run for me. I love me running, and now that I have signed up to do a race in September, I better get to doing some more of it. It's a 10k race, through Chislehurst. On the web site it was said to be 'undulating' to you, me and all else who hates hills, that means HILLS!
I just have to get to work on some hills! Therefore it's back to Summer Hill! I was thinking of making it a little longer route as well, but well, actually,....erm, I forgot! I was going to go straight down Southborough Lane, and the turn right up Bromley common, and the turn right down past the dripping tap. That was my plan, but in reality, I turned up Blackbrook lane as I did on Thursday. "Oh well, I can always tack extra on the way back instead" I thought to my self. (As if that will happen!)
Running up to Summer Hill I was feeling pretty good. I have gotten over my aches from Thursday effort on the hill, and I was determined to push myself even harder this time around. So the scary grimacing face was well and truly in place! Not the down hill section, of course! Getting up there was pretty tough. Everytime I stopped running I told myself off, I nagged myself to get going again. (I didn't listen to myself mind) I was hoping no one was in earshot of me. I don't suppose it's quite the normal thing to be talking to oneself really!
My legs did start to get a tad heavy once I reached the top of the hill. I was half expecting, or should I say, half wishing, that the Old Boy would be in the pub garden of 'The Tigers Head'. As I set off for my run, I met the Old Boy on his way home! I told him I would be about an hour or so. I had mentioned to Big Son where I would be running, and I was hoping that the OB would ask where I was going, He didn't ask, and Big Son didn't tell him the route that I was doing today, so f course he wasn't at the pub, with a lovely pint of lager! Oh well, lets just get the job done.
I was stopping a little bit more often now, I'm sure more often that I did on Thursday! Oh well, PB out of the question! My water in my bottle was going down a treat as well, I was hoping that I wasn't going to run out before the end of my run.
Thoughts turned to my dinner. The Old Boy has said he had a chicken to stuff in the oven! Yup, that gave me a little bit of energy burst! Chicken and salad, you can't get better than that after a run. I was thinking about it all the way down Birchwood Road. I can just see it now. (I must remember not to smile when I'm by myself too). And with that thought I was out of the zone again, and thinking of the heavy legs that I was trying to 'fling' from my hips at speed!
When I got to Pettswood, I decdided that I would stick to the same route that I did on Thursday. I like to compare times when I do the same route. See where I can improve, or (which I doubt very much) maybe even go a little easier on myself in order to push myself harder in other areas, to achieve a PB. With that in mind I concentrated on running the route. I thought about trying not to 'heel strike' as I run, and push myself a little harder on the easier parts.
It was when I got to top of Hollingworth, I looked at my watch, I realised I could be on for a PB if I push myself a little harder! Flipping Nora Old Girl, go on, get and do it! I tried and tried to push myself, No stopping, just keep going. I kept checking my Garmin. I'm on target, I can get a PB, only by a minute or so, but it's still a PB!
When I pushed the stop button outside my house, I was absolutely delighted that it was 2 minutes quicker than Thursday! Yeah, look at the Old Girl go!! Twinkle toes, my feet are burning baby, yeah burning! Well that is what I wanted to say, but all I managed was a 'Flipping Nora!
When I went in doors though, no aroma of the said chicken cooking! The Old Boy was firmly fixed to the t.v. Of course, it was the Tour de France. So I sat and joined in the viewing. Big Son came down and he made me a cuppa. Then the Old boy said "Do you want a muffin with that?" Not only did the OB buy a chicken, he also bought some lovely muffins. Now there is something worth running for.
A post run, pre dinner lemon muffin! Mmmm yum
Oh and geeky stats for your perusal, and its a 2 minute and 5 sec faster that Thursdays run!
That strange bright orb thing was in the sky again today, warming up the day, drying up puddles and putting this strange look on peoples faces, I believe it used to be called smiles! What can you do with a day like today! Run or Ride?
Well the Old Boy is working, so it's a run for me. I love me running, and now that I have signed up to do a race in September, I better get to doing some more of it. It's a 10k race, through Chislehurst. On the web site it was said to be 'undulating' to you, me and all else who hates hills, that means HILLS!
I just have to get to work on some hills! Therefore it's back to Summer Hill! I was thinking of making it a little longer route as well, but well, actually,....erm, I forgot! I was going to go straight down Southborough Lane, and the turn right up Bromley common, and the turn right down past the dripping tap. That was my plan, but in reality, I turned up Blackbrook lane as I did on Thursday. "Oh well, I can always tack extra on the way back instead" I thought to my self. (As if that will happen!)
Running up to Summer Hill I was feeling pretty good. I have gotten over my aches from Thursday effort on the hill, and I was determined to push myself even harder this time around. So the scary grimacing face was well and truly in place! Not the down hill section, of course! Getting up there was pretty tough. Everytime I stopped running I told myself off, I nagged myself to get going again. (I didn't listen to myself mind) I was hoping no one was in earshot of me. I don't suppose it's quite the normal thing to be talking to oneself really!
My legs did start to get a tad heavy once I reached the top of the hill. I was half expecting, or should I say, half wishing, that the Old Boy would be in the pub garden of 'The Tigers Head'. As I set off for my run, I met the Old Boy on his way home! I told him I would be about an hour or so. I had mentioned to Big Son where I would be running, and I was hoping that the OB would ask where I was going, He didn't ask, and Big Son didn't tell him the route that I was doing today, so f course he wasn't at the pub, with a lovely pint of lager! Oh well, lets just get the job done.
I was stopping a little bit more often now, I'm sure more often that I did on Thursday! Oh well, PB out of the question! My water in my bottle was going down a treat as well, I was hoping that I wasn't going to run out before the end of my run.
Thoughts turned to my dinner. The Old Boy has said he had a chicken to stuff in the oven! Yup, that gave me a little bit of energy burst! Chicken and salad, you can't get better than that after a run. I was thinking about it all the way down Birchwood Road. I can just see it now. (I must remember not to smile when I'm by myself too). And with that thought I was out of the zone again, and thinking of the heavy legs that I was trying to 'fling' from my hips at speed!
When I got to Pettswood, I decdided that I would stick to the same route that I did on Thursday. I like to compare times when I do the same route. See where I can improve, or (which I doubt very much) maybe even go a little easier on myself in order to push myself harder in other areas, to achieve a PB. With that in mind I concentrated on running the route. I thought about trying not to 'heel strike' as I run, and push myself a little harder on the easier parts.
It was when I got to top of Hollingworth, I looked at my watch, I realised I could be on for a PB if I push myself a little harder! Flipping Nora Old Girl, go on, get and do it! I tried and tried to push myself, No stopping, just keep going. I kept checking my Garmin. I'm on target, I can get a PB, only by a minute or so, but it's still a PB!
When I pushed the stop button outside my house, I was absolutely delighted that it was 2 minutes quicker than Thursday! Yeah, look at the Old Girl go!! Twinkle toes, my feet are burning baby, yeah burning! Well that is what I wanted to say, but all I managed was a 'Flipping Nora!
When I went in doors though, no aroma of the said chicken cooking! The Old Boy was firmly fixed to the t.v. Of course, it was the Tour de France. So I sat and joined in the viewing. Big Son came down and he made me a cuppa. Then the Old boy said "Do you want a muffin with that?" Not only did the OB buy a chicken, he also bought some lovely muffins. Now there is something worth running for.
A post run, pre dinner lemon muffin! Mmmm yum
Oh and geeky stats for your perusal, and its a 2 minute and 5 sec faster that Thursdays run!
Thursday, 12 July 2012
Housework V Running?!
Hello Bloggers,
Guess which activity I chose! Of Course running! The sun was shining, I had no rugrats to look after for a couple of hours, and since the weather is just chocka block full of rain this days, the oportunity to run in the sunshine was just too good to miss!
As soon as I dropped off the little 'un at nursery I came back home. A very quick tidy up and then changed into my running gear! It just had to be done. I had about just over 2 hours to run. I decided that it was going to be a long slow run. Of course all my long runs are slow runs, not that I have done many these days! But I also toyed with the idea of taking in Summer Hill. A nemesis of mine for jogging up!
I thought if I really didn't feel like it, I could quite easily turn left and go on pass Tescos, and do my 6 mile route in the opposite direction than I did last time. When I reached the top of Blackbrook lane, however, I turned right, into Summer Hill! Now I know I am a proper Pettswood Runner! Doing a solo run, on Summer Hill! Me! By myself!
I thought this run would take me to 8 miles over all, well that is what I was hoping, By the time I got to the top of the hill and heading in the direction of 'The Tigers Head' I was expecting to be at least half way there. I am no good at judging distance, but since the running and cycling I am getting a tad better! So I was quite disappointed, to find out that it was only about 3 miles to this point! Oh well, So maybe it's not going to be 8 miles today!
I was on familiar turf now, PWR's turf. I have run these roads, I know these roads. So I just concentrated on getting the job done. The kids were all coming out of school, so I tried desperately to 'act like a lady' and not to launch 'rockets' everywhere. I can do it when I am running with the club, so I will have to think that I am with fellow runners!
I am really enjoying this run. Its fun, its dry, well apart from the moisture running out of my head, and its at my pace. I am a bit tough on myself though, but I must learn to be a bit more tougher. Run harder Old Girl! A bus was passing me by and I noticed that the kids were pointing at laughing at me, did I care, not a jot.Well, maybe not acting like a lady again was quite funning! If only, when I was their age, I had even bothered to walk home from school, then I could be running further and faster than I am now. I just smiled to myself. Most kids now days want everything falling in their laps, now, instantaneously. I would love to tell them that, actually, healthy bodies and minds takes time, takes patience and takes hard work.
My hard work started very late in life! Way into my forties! But look at me now. If only I had done something earlier, I was probably guilty of laughing at all the jogging, stretching, gym crazy people when I was younger.
Running down Birchwood Road now, not that far to go. The sun still shining, my water bottle nearly empty, (I was sensible today bringing water with me!) and I was still having fun running. I can't understand why Nagging Sister don't like it. The aches in my muscles tells me that I'm doing some great hard work. The sweat on face tells me that I am working hard to burn off some extra calories, burn off all that fat, both the fat you can see and all the inside fat! My pulse racing, getting my metabolism working overtime! Yup it's a great day to run.
On to my side of the rail lines now. Pace is slower, but then running 5 miles (with walking stops of course) does that to me. I then noticed the time, I realised I had enough time to get back home, a quick stretch out, try and bring the colour down from my pink puffy face,(I just knew it would be quite a colour) before I pick up the little lad from nursery! I am going to have to turn up in my running gear mind, and probably minging to high heavens, but if anyone asks, then will say, "I have just run for 6.54 miles, so I will look at bit pink and puffy"
A very good run today. a most enjoyable run today! Bring on my next run!
Geeky stats.
Guess which activity I chose! Of Course running! The sun was shining, I had no rugrats to look after for a couple of hours, and since the weather is just chocka block full of rain this days, the oportunity to run in the sunshine was just too good to miss!
As soon as I dropped off the little 'un at nursery I came back home. A very quick tidy up and then changed into my running gear! It just had to be done. I had about just over 2 hours to run. I decided that it was going to be a long slow run. Of course all my long runs are slow runs, not that I have done many these days! But I also toyed with the idea of taking in Summer Hill. A nemesis of mine for jogging up!
I thought if I really didn't feel like it, I could quite easily turn left and go on pass Tescos, and do my 6 mile route in the opposite direction than I did last time. When I reached the top of Blackbrook lane, however, I turned right, into Summer Hill! Now I know I am a proper Pettswood Runner! Doing a solo run, on Summer Hill! Me! By myself!
I thought this run would take me to 8 miles over all, well that is what I was hoping, By the time I got to the top of the hill and heading in the direction of 'The Tigers Head' I was expecting to be at least half way there. I am no good at judging distance, but since the running and cycling I am getting a tad better! So I was quite disappointed, to find out that it was only about 3 miles to this point! Oh well, So maybe it's not going to be 8 miles today!
I was on familiar turf now, PWR's turf. I have run these roads, I know these roads. So I just concentrated on getting the job done. The kids were all coming out of school, so I tried desperately to 'act like a lady' and not to launch 'rockets' everywhere. I can do it when I am running with the club, so I will have to think that I am with fellow runners!
I am really enjoying this run. Its fun, its dry, well apart from the moisture running out of my head, and its at my pace. I am a bit tough on myself though, but I must learn to be a bit more tougher. Run harder Old Girl! A bus was passing me by and I noticed that the kids were pointing at laughing at me, did I care, not a jot.Well, maybe not acting like a lady again was quite funning! If only, when I was their age, I had even bothered to walk home from school, then I could be running further and faster than I am now. I just smiled to myself. Most kids now days want everything falling in their laps, now, instantaneously. I would love to tell them that, actually, healthy bodies and minds takes time, takes patience and takes hard work.
My hard work started very late in life! Way into my forties! But look at me now. If only I had done something earlier, I was probably guilty of laughing at all the jogging, stretching, gym crazy people when I was younger.
Running down Birchwood Road now, not that far to go. The sun still shining, my water bottle nearly empty, (I was sensible today bringing water with me!) and I was still having fun running. I can't understand why Nagging Sister don't like it. The aches in my muscles tells me that I'm doing some great hard work. The sweat on face tells me that I am working hard to burn off some extra calories, burn off all that fat, both the fat you can see and all the inside fat! My pulse racing, getting my metabolism working overtime! Yup it's a great day to run.
On to my side of the rail lines now. Pace is slower, but then running 5 miles (with walking stops of course) does that to me. I then noticed the time, I realised I had enough time to get back home, a quick stretch out, try and bring the colour down from my pink puffy face,(I just knew it would be quite a colour) before I pick up the little lad from nursery! I am going to have to turn up in my running gear mind, and probably minging to high heavens, but if anyone asks, then will say, "I have just run for 6.54 miles, so I will look at bit pink and puffy"
A very good run today. a most enjoyable run today! Bring on my next run!
Geeky stats.
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
Mad Dogs And Englishmen, Go Out In The.....Rain!
Hello blog lovers!
How about our lovely British summertime eh? Me and my family had a pleasant weekend away in sunny Weymouth, just a couple of days ago. You may have seen it on the news, flash floods in Burton Bradstock, our caravan site was flooded, even, and this may seem incredible, the swimming pool on our site!
So you can image what we had to do to keep ourselves amused, and that was to hit the bar! There is a lot of extra over indulgence that I need to run over! It rained again before I left the house, the Old Boy was already out on his bike ride. I can imagine he was pretty soaked, if it wasn't for him being out, I think I would have probably stayed in! He inspired me to go out today, at least I was only going to be doing 3 and half to 4 miles this evening. By the time I got to the meeting place it had started again! With thunder! It was too late to go home, I was spotted! I just have to tough it out, I hate running first off in the rain, I don't mind once I have started and then the rain comes, but cold, straight off, nahhhh, don't like it!
When I got to the recreation ground there were people on the bowls green, in white rain coats, and also there were people playing tennis on the courts! At least 50 PWR's turned up to run as well. Are we all totally crazy!
Our Illustrious leader was not here this week, we had someone else to lead us, you may remember him from one of my other blogs. He was the the one that got lost and took a short cut to the second drinks station on our club Midsummer (ha ha) Eve run! Jonathon! But when he told us the route, at least I knew that I would be able to get us all back if he got lost ha ha.
We had our soaking, we had our chats, and now just as we start our running the rain stops! Typical. "There is only one bit of off road this evening" Says Jonathon. I can imagine its going to be a bit puddley (is there such a word as that?) The part behind Crofton School, just at the edge of the woods, next to the little stream, The Kidbrook. Yup, its going to be a bit puddley.
I kept up okish, until this bit of path, and then I went all 'girly' and 'Ewwed' and 'Yucked' my way on the path! We had a little stop about half way up, under the trees, by now my raincoat was off, it was quite muggy out, and my glasses were steaming up!
Then on for the next bit. We soon popped out of the woods and headed for Crofton lane. It was all down hill from there. I was still at the back of the pack until we got to the top of the road, before turning left. I love the down hill part, after we all regrouped I kept in front. There were only 6 of us in group 1 this evening, and me and two others were leading, Jonathon was sweeping. We knew our way, and would take another regroup at the next roundabout before we crossed over the bridge.
From there I found myself really pacing a little faster than I usually do! it was all down hill still, but I was slightly ahead of the other two! I was leading! Can you believe that! But now St. Johns road coming up next and that is a slight hill! I knew I would flag a bit here. But I was determined to get up it. I kept on going, I could hear the others getting nearer as I started to slow down. I think I was trying to get up it as if I was on a bike! You know, use the momentum of speed to get most of the way up the hill! But it don't work that with running! The momentum doesn't happen! But I think I got almost at the top before I stopped running! Even the others said "Well done Old girl"
But then I was at the back again, Not far to go to the end. The rain started up again. I was not going to stop and put my jacket back on, I was just going to go for it, get wet, and then get home. With a smug look on my face! "Yes, weather, I beat you again, you couldn't make us leave our caravan, and you couldn't keep me and the Old Boy from doing our thing"
3.82 miles, in the rain, well the last part was in the rain, and the getting out of the car, standing outside the pavilion for 10 minutes was in the rain!
Geeky stats.
How about our lovely British summertime eh? Me and my family had a pleasant weekend away in sunny Weymouth, just a couple of days ago. You may have seen it on the news, flash floods in Burton Bradstock, our caravan site was flooded, even, and this may seem incredible, the swimming pool on our site!
So you can image what we had to do to keep ourselves amused, and that was to hit the bar! There is a lot of extra over indulgence that I need to run over! It rained again before I left the house, the Old Boy was already out on his bike ride. I can imagine he was pretty soaked, if it wasn't for him being out, I think I would have probably stayed in! He inspired me to go out today, at least I was only going to be doing 3 and half to 4 miles this evening. By the time I got to the meeting place it had started again! With thunder! It was too late to go home, I was spotted! I just have to tough it out, I hate running first off in the rain, I don't mind once I have started and then the rain comes, but cold, straight off, nahhhh, don't like it!
When I got to the recreation ground there were people on the bowls green, in white rain coats, and also there were people playing tennis on the courts! At least 50 PWR's turned up to run as well. Are we all totally crazy!
Our Illustrious leader was not here this week, we had someone else to lead us, you may remember him from one of my other blogs. He was the the one that got lost and took a short cut to the second drinks station on our club Midsummer (ha ha) Eve run! Jonathon! But when he told us the route, at least I knew that I would be able to get us all back if he got lost ha ha.
We had our soaking, we had our chats, and now just as we start our running the rain stops! Typical. "There is only one bit of off road this evening" Says Jonathon. I can imagine its going to be a bit puddley (is there such a word as that?) The part behind Crofton School, just at the edge of the woods, next to the little stream, The Kidbrook. Yup, its going to be a bit puddley.
I kept up okish, until this bit of path, and then I went all 'girly' and 'Ewwed' and 'Yucked' my way on the path! We had a little stop about half way up, under the trees, by now my raincoat was off, it was quite muggy out, and my glasses were steaming up!
Then on for the next bit. We soon popped out of the woods and headed for Crofton lane. It was all down hill from there. I was still at the back of the pack until we got to the top of the road, before turning left. I love the down hill part, after we all regrouped I kept in front. There were only 6 of us in group 1 this evening, and me and two others were leading, Jonathon was sweeping. We knew our way, and would take another regroup at the next roundabout before we crossed over the bridge.
From there I found myself really pacing a little faster than I usually do! it was all down hill still, but I was slightly ahead of the other two! I was leading! Can you believe that! But now St. Johns road coming up next and that is a slight hill! I knew I would flag a bit here. But I was determined to get up it. I kept on going, I could hear the others getting nearer as I started to slow down. I think I was trying to get up it as if I was on a bike! You know, use the momentum of speed to get most of the way up the hill! But it don't work that with running! The momentum doesn't happen! But I think I got almost at the top before I stopped running! Even the others said "Well done Old girl"
But then I was at the back again, Not far to go to the end. The rain started up again. I was not going to stop and put my jacket back on, I was just going to go for it, get wet, and then get home. With a smug look on my face! "Yes, weather, I beat you again, you couldn't make us leave our caravan, and you couldn't keep me and the Old Boy from doing our thing"
3.82 miles, in the rain, well the last part was in the rain, and the getting out of the car, standing outside the pavilion for 10 minutes was in the rain!
Geeky stats.
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
No Kids, No Work, No Slacking!
Hello Blog lovers!
Look at this, another blog, directly after yesterday's blog! Does this mean the Old Girl has been out running again? Of course it does. What else am I going to do with my spare time, stay in bed and dream of being in the Olympics? Well that couldn't happen if I did that now, would it. Not that I could ever be an Olympian!
I had every intention of getting up early and doing a LSR, but I looked out side and saw the rain, more bloomin wet stuff falling down. Tut, British weather is not very inspiring, is it? But I waited, snuggled up in my bed, and then thought,"at least get up and prepare as if you are going to go running" I often talk to myself when it comes to doing exercise!
Up, into my jog pants and top and everything else that makes me look like a committed runner, and then I sat down again! Looking at the rain. Tut. I just wasn't feeling it. "I can run in the rain if its not raining in the beginning" And then that still small voice said "Just get out there......its ok now" As I noticed a break in the rain.
With that I was out, Garmin on, key in pocket and IPhone tunes playing in my ears! Why don't my tunes shuffle, even though I have it on shuffle? Anyway, the weather is quite warm out, quite muggy, and the LSR is not going to happen! I have aother things that are needing doing in the afternoon, so I need to be washed and blow dried before I do them.
I was just going to do 5K, one of my old routes familiar routes, and depending on time (or how quickly I get around) then I could extend the distance. I kept trying to sort out my stupid IPhone shuffle thing, because it kept playing the same tune. At least I could change it with the little thing switch on my ear phones, but its just so annoying!
About half way round the rain started again, but as the morning was quite warm and muggy I was quite thankful for the rain, it was cooling me down.
I was soon running along Southborough lane, I am guessing that it is not a PB for me as I was faffing about with my IPhone and the tunes. I was also deciding that extending the distance today is not an option, I have to get back and cleaned up. Ready to play, strum my guitar and sing with the children at Treasure tots!
Geeky stats today
Look at this, another blog, directly after yesterday's blog! Does this mean the Old Girl has been out running again? Of course it does. What else am I going to do with my spare time, stay in bed and dream of being in the Olympics? Well that couldn't happen if I did that now, would it. Not that I could ever be an Olympian!
I had every intention of getting up early and doing a LSR, but I looked out side and saw the rain, more bloomin wet stuff falling down. Tut, British weather is not very inspiring, is it? But I waited, snuggled up in my bed, and then thought,"at least get up and prepare as if you are going to go running" I often talk to myself when it comes to doing exercise!
Up, into my jog pants and top and everything else that makes me look like a committed runner, and then I sat down again! Looking at the rain. Tut. I just wasn't feeling it. "I can run in the rain if its not raining in the beginning" And then that still small voice said "Just get out there......its ok now" As I noticed a break in the rain.
With that I was out, Garmin on, key in pocket and IPhone tunes playing in my ears! Why don't my tunes shuffle, even though I have it on shuffle? Anyway, the weather is quite warm out, quite muggy, and the LSR is not going to happen! I have aother things that are needing doing in the afternoon, so I need to be washed and blow dried before I do them.
I was just going to do 5K, one of my old routes familiar routes, and depending on time (or how quickly I get around) then I could extend the distance. I kept trying to sort out my stupid IPhone shuffle thing, because it kept playing the same tune. At least I could change it with the little thing switch on my ear phones, but its just so annoying!
About half way round the rain started again, but as the morning was quite warm and muggy I was quite thankful for the rain, it was cooling me down.
I was soon running along Southborough lane, I am guessing that it is not a PB for me as I was faffing about with my IPhone and the tunes. I was also deciding that extending the distance today is not an option, I have to get back and cleaned up. Ready to play, strum my guitar and sing with the children at Treasure tots!
Geeky stats today
Tuesday, 3 July 2012
Homeward Bound - And Passed!
Hello blog lovers!
Club run today! I do love meeting up with everyone. Nagging Sister was there. We are going to have to work on her, she says she she hates running. She hates getting her gear on, getting out, she hates that she feels un fit as she is running, and she hates aching afterwards. Yet each week she is here! There is something that is keeping her going. She has yet to find that, "Blimey, I done it" feeling when she has finished. Where as me I say that each time I have done a run, whether it's a 3 mile run, 6 miles or like today a 4 mile club run!
I feel good that I can and still want to go out running! I feel good when I have 'done it' and I feel good about tucking into a little treat for myself, whether it is a bar of chocolate or a gingerbread medal that my grandson had decorated all by himself! Now that is what running does for me and what it's all about. And the bonus of running ..... its obvious isn't it. I'm getting fitter, and thinner! Ok so my weight loss is still something that is elusive!
This is what keep fit is all about, The Feel Good Factor, whether you are running, cycling, badmington, swimming! Or dancing! Anything that gets your heart going, the cadio vascular thingy working. Getting all hot and sweaty, and then stopping! and that feeling 'Yeah, I did it,'
Our Illustrious Leader today decided on a new route. Through Jubilee Park, and then down Blackbrook, and instead of turning left to go up Southborough we were to run across the road and through the park. (obviously being watchful of the cars!)
OMG, this is going to take us on to my manor! This is going to go directly pass my house! This is where I live! I am so going to have to put on a good show!! I was sweeper this evening along with our group 1 Marathoner!, So I will be at the back anyway! An excellet excuse to use if I do see anyone I know!
When we got through the Park and to the path that takes us either right, to Turn around Lamppost, or left, to my home we had another re-group. After a few directions, and pointing out the landmarks by various people, I told our Illustrious leader that this acutally is where I live, "Oh good" she says, "you can take us to Farringdon Avenue then". "Ok, and I shall make sure I look happy and fresh" I replied. And as I took the lead she said "When we are on your road I shall call out to you to slow down" Now there is a leader that makes you feel good.
It was kind of weird as I ran pass my mother in laws house, and then run pass the green that the neighbours kids were playing footie on, out side our houses. "Don't forget to look good Old Girl" I reminded my self, as I waved to the kids!
Homeward bound....... and now passing! Hence today's subtitle! Did that feel good, did that make me feel unfit. Did it 'eckers like! It made me feel even fitter knowing that I am going to be running all the way back to our meeting point again.! Back in 2008 I couldn't even run from my house to my mother in laws house with out calling for a medic!
Running is fun! I just have to convince Nagging sister of it! It took me a while to get to like it, I know when I am actually running my face will show, that for me, its blooming hard work! But when you stop,it's just great! All those chemicals in your body that you have stirred up! I just love it, in fact the sprint up to the finish point! That's the bit that I am starting to like now as well!
My geeky stats for you. Unfortunately my battery ran out just as we crossed over the footbridge, to the crinkly side of Pettswood, about half a mile from the end! But I heard one of the other ladies say that we had covered 4 miles this evening, very pleased with that.
Club run today! I do love meeting up with everyone. Nagging Sister was there. We are going to have to work on her, she says she she hates running. She hates getting her gear on, getting out, she hates that she feels un fit as she is running, and she hates aching afterwards. Yet each week she is here! There is something that is keeping her going. She has yet to find that, "Blimey, I done it" feeling when she has finished. Where as me I say that each time I have done a run, whether it's a 3 mile run, 6 miles or like today a 4 mile club run!
I feel good that I can and still want to go out running! I feel good when I have 'done it' and I feel good about tucking into a little treat for myself, whether it is a bar of chocolate or a gingerbread medal that my grandson had decorated all by himself! Now that is what running does for me and what it's all about. And the bonus of running ..... its obvious isn't it. I'm getting fitter, and thinner! Ok so my weight loss is still something that is elusive!
This is what keep fit is all about, The Feel Good Factor, whether you are running, cycling, badmington, swimming! Or dancing! Anything that gets your heart going, the cadio vascular thingy working. Getting all hot and sweaty, and then stopping! and that feeling 'Yeah, I did it,'
Our Illustrious Leader today decided on a new route. Through Jubilee Park, and then down Blackbrook, and instead of turning left to go up Southborough we were to run across the road and through the park. (obviously being watchful of the cars!)
OMG, this is going to take us on to my manor! This is going to go directly pass my house! This is where I live! I am so going to have to put on a good show!! I was sweeper this evening along with our group 1 Marathoner!, So I will be at the back anyway! An excellet excuse to use if I do see anyone I know!
When we got through the Park and to the path that takes us either right, to Turn around Lamppost, or left, to my home we had another re-group. After a few directions, and pointing out the landmarks by various people, I told our Illustrious leader that this acutally is where I live, "Oh good" she says, "you can take us to Farringdon Avenue then". "Ok, and I shall make sure I look happy and fresh" I replied. And as I took the lead she said "When we are on your road I shall call out to you to slow down" Now there is a leader that makes you feel good.
It was kind of weird as I ran pass my mother in laws house, and then run pass the green that the neighbours kids were playing footie on, out side our houses. "Don't forget to look good Old Girl" I reminded my self, as I waved to the kids!
Homeward bound....... and now passing! Hence today's subtitle! Did that feel good, did that make me feel unfit. Did it 'eckers like! It made me feel even fitter knowing that I am going to be running all the way back to our meeting point again.! Back in 2008 I couldn't even run from my house to my mother in laws house with out calling for a medic!
Running is fun! I just have to convince Nagging sister of it! It took me a while to get to like it, I know when I am actually running my face will show, that for me, its blooming hard work! But when you stop,it's just great! All those chemicals in your body that you have stirred up! I just love it, in fact the sprint up to the finish point! That's the bit that I am starting to like now as well!
My geeky stats for you. Unfortunately my battery ran out just as we crossed over the footbridge, to the crinkly side of Pettswood, about half a mile from the end! But I heard one of the other ladies say that we had covered 4 miles this evening, very pleased with that.
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