Hello Blog lovers!
Another glorious day today, even if it was a bit chilly to start with, but after I had been to church the sun came out and shone! I just had to do it. I just had to go out on a solo run, just me, myself and I, with my IPhone playing some tunes, (which I must get some more added to it!)
Now, do I go on a long slow run, or do I blast out to dear old Turn around lamppost or something in between? Mmmm
I just had to do it! I had to attempt my 6 mile route! There was no getting away from it. But I did justify it by saying "If you can't manage Old Girl, at least there are so many routes to 'pop' down to cut it short" So with that in mind, ear plugs in ears, and IPhone in boobs! (don't ask) it was off towards Bromley Common! All the while with the thought in mind that there are several road that can take me home for a short route!
I had some weird tunes playing on my IPhone, I must get around to doing a running play list (as soon as I know how to do it!) but they kept me going, and kept me in my own little world, to the point of distraction as I crossed a road and only heard the 'toot' from a car as it went behind me! It's been while since I last ran solo!
I managed to go straight past the left hand turns, and turned right at the top of the road! Heading into Bromley! So far it looks as if I am on route for a 6 miler! But still, there are those other turnings to take me on a shorter route! But I just had to do it! Keep on running Old Girl!
I was determined. I made sure I clocked my watch at 3:50 miles in, just to tell the Old Boy what time I ran it in, ok so its a different route, different terrain, but same distance! Even with hills!..........oh the time was 43.08 mins for the 3.5 mi mark!
That game me a little incentive to go for the 6 miler, even with those other short cuts on my route. And the other little hill to do! Going to to Bickly School though, being overtaken by another runner on the other pavement got me down slightly. A feeling I hate, so I just told my self "Hey Old Girl, look at you, your in last of your forty something years, lost pounds and pounds, nigh on 4 miles jogging, don't beat your self up!" ......Unless that was old Couchie talking again, trying to distract me from my mission today! I just had to do it though! Keep on running
The entrance to Jubilee park was coming up now, and there is still one other short cut that I can do to call it a day. Stuff it I'm out here now, there is no way I'm cutting this short! So through the park I went. And just as I got to the open space of the park Lynard Skynard started in my ears, #So, what do you want to hear?...........Freebird..........I can't hear you..........Freebird# A big beaming smile just spread across my face. I love this song. My first thought was "I wonder how far I will get before the end of this song!" Now this song I have on twice, its from my album, one is about 12 mins long and the other is about 15 mins long.
With the smile on my face I was jogging along, goodness knows what people were thinking as I was running along. Through the park, down the path, where me and the Old Boy normally finish our run together, and on through to Pettswood. The song still playing in my ears, me desperately trying to not sing out loud, like some people do on the buses and tubes! How much further can I get with this song in my ears. "keep on OG, just listen to the music and run" To be truthful, I can't remember if I did do any walking while listening to this song, I probably did, but Lynard Skynard was in my ears, and I didn't care!
Just as I reached Rolleston Avenue the last note faded out! Well that's not bad! Brilliant song.....I should have ran harder mind!.......but still I am quite impressed with that.
Now to push on to the last bit, I was feeling good,....as good as any almost 50 year, ex couch potato, lager loving, wannabe fit person can feel, (especially after running almost 5 miles yesterday!)
I even had just a tad bit let over for a slightly faster pace back up my path to my house!
So geeky stats. I have just checked my stats from last time I done this route and I have knock off about 4 mins so I am pleased with my time.
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