Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Club Run!

Hello blog lovers.

Today is club night, and our illustrious leader has returned from her holidays. She has obviously been informed of the distances the 'fill in' leaders have been leading us as she said "Today we are going to be doing 4 miles!"....   I am just glad that the resource that she uses to map her routes is quite generous with the mileage!

Well, let me get all my excuses and reason out of the way for my poor, lazy performance again. First of.....I am an ex couch potato, secondly, its bloomin cold, there was torrential rain earlier and altogether weather was not nice. Thirdly, the Old Boys 'back on the programme' bike ride yesterday was still in my legs, my muscles were aching, from my wrists, my back and my knees! Erm, I'm sure there are other reasons but I might just save those till next time.

Oh, yes, and a huge blond moment from my sis, I must tell you about it. As you regular readers will know, Nagging sister is running in Group 2 while I still bring up the rear of Group 1. I use my Garmin to collect all my geeky stats, Nagging sister uses her IPhone with the endo meter thingy app on it. Stay with me, this is good! Well just as we about to set off in our groups I turn on my watch to connect to the satellites and Nagging sister Realises that she left her phone in her car. "Oh know" she says, how am I going to know how far and fast I went" .........now this is it, this is the truly blond moment, "Send me your geeky stats over when you finished" She said!......... I know, its sad isn't it.

Anyway, after explaining to her that her group leader has a garmin, and it is best to use his geeky stats we set off.  A gentle start, and all the running is towards my home!  It's so hard running past your neighbourhood, and knowing I got to kind of run past it on the return neck of our run today! I was floundering at the back as usual, I know my place! But our first stop, at the top of Oxhawth we found out that we have two of our group runners running the The London Marathon this Sunday! Its quite encouraging to know this little fact. Just because she is running in group 1 it didn't stop her from entering the London Marathon!!

We ran down to The Harvesters and our Illustrious Leader said that we are going to do a little loop, but those that didn't want can wait at the roundabout at the Harvesters. Well, there was no stopping to see who was going to be staying here waiting, so I just had to go with the flow, and do the loop like a good PWR should do!

The long road up now and just a we were about to cross over the road to finish our little loop we saw group 2 pop out of the road that we ran down. There were looking good, and soon pulled away from us. Of course Nagging Sister is in this group, so maybe she can use a bit of my geeky stats, no doubt she will think like that!

As we are running up the group was pulling away from me, the aches and pains start to niggle me, first one knee then the other and the my back! And the back pain deffo feels like a muscle thing going on! It's not as if i have pulled anything, and I am certainly not going any faster than usual. In my head I am beating my self up as I watch the group pull further up the road. "I can't understand why I am not up there in the front" I said to our Illustrious Leader. "But you're here, doing it, running it" she says.  I try not to be too hard on my self.

We run along towards Crossways now, Crossways where I always do my little sprint thing. What with the aches and pains I didn't think I could do it, but as soon as I turned that corner my legs just take over! I start 'Running like the wind'. The pain in my back is pushed to the back of my mind. The little aches in the knees almost forgotten, run on the road Old Girl, run on the road, don't stop, keep running.  I heard one of the other ladies saying to one of the others "she always does this sprint thing"  I think my body just gets possessed when I reach this road, and just get pushed and pulled along to the end.

I always feel good running fast, but I look at the sign that directs to the Rec, and that feeling of nausea starts to come, and I keep telling my self to "keep on, just a little bit more, go for it. Don't stop"  Where does that little bit of energy come from, I just don't know! But I am quite proud of my little bit of 'real runner' that finds me at the end of each run I do now. So, all excuses used,  it don't matter, I was pleased that I got out and ran today, and with an average moving pace of 11.22, yup, I'm pleased with that.

So, geeky stats, and no Nagging Sister, they really are no good for you to judge how long and fast you ran for.

1 comment:

  1. It seemed like a perfectly good thing to say at the time. It was only when my brain clicked into gear that I realised that it wasn't lol.
    Like I tell everyone Moosh, it has taken me years of blonde moments to earn the nickname bims and I haven't let the name down yet lol.
