Saturday, 30 April 2011

A Run with Big Son!

Hello blogees,

After yesterdays, complete meltdown of alcohol intake and riding and crap food eating, then I thought I just as well to get out and do some running today! As well as some riding a bit later on this evening.

I asked big son to come with me, keep me company as I attempt to emulate what I managed to do with Naggy on Thursday. It's always best to have an audience I feel. After a couple of initial moans from him, he decided to come, but he will be riding my bike! Oh well, its still company isn't it.

By the time we were ready it was already near midday! The sun was up and it was quite warm, but there is quite a breeze about, will it be a help or hindrance. We shall see.

So we set off, I told big Son where we were heading and we set off. "This is slowww" he said, still moaning, "Will you be going faster than this" I said no, this is a good pace. We chatted on the way round, I did have my IPOD on, think that maybe he wouldn't want to talk to his old mum, but I ended up giving that to him to carry.

The first mile came and my Garmin 'bleeped' young son said "Whats that all about" I told him that we had already covered one mile in 11.28 minutes. Then he said "Can you not do the next mile in 10 minutes!" Blimey, this kids is just poodling along beside me, he could even have a nap on the bike we are going that 'easy' Still, its nice that he agreed to come along. But I did tell him that I wont be going any faster, I didn't want to burn myself out, I need to try and run the whole way round.

We started up Blackbrook lane, my legs were feeling just a bit tired, but Naggys words were creeping into my mind "Head up, shoulders back, that's it" and I found myself doing what she told me. For some reason I am always looking at the ground! We turn left up towards Bickly Manor Hotel, this of course, is a hill, only a slight incline, but it's a steady climb. The alcohol and curry really noticing now, and the sun is beating down, I should have put some water on the bike for me to have. But I will admit, I had a little walk here, for about 4 steps, then son encouraged me to keep going "Think of something happy" he says, just getting through this with no more walking steps would be good!

Through the park now, the hill behind me. Half way more or less, and only 4 walking steps so far. I check my watch, try to keep to the same pace as I had with Naggy on Thursday, but I was a little under. I try to push a little bit more, but as we were going through the trees I lost a bit and had to slow down to walking pace again, but, still only about 4 walking steps. By this time Big Son said that the tea he promised to make for me, now will have no sugar and no milk in it. And any more stops it will just be a tea bag in a cup!

We were soon at Petts Wood, Big son asked which way we were going, whether it was down Frankswood or up further. I told him the road that we were going down and we headed up the high street. We had to cross the roads, and I was pleased that there was quite a bit of traffic about as now I could take an 'official save your ass' stop, and not get squished under cars!

From here though it was all down hill, but I did take a lot of advantage from the stop at the road and Big Son caught me walking again. But from here on end I managed to run the whole way home!

Not at any great speed. When the three mile 'beep' came I told him that we had now covered three miles. I started to remember the time when he came out jogging with me, I think it was back in 2008 when I first started, and we only covered 1 mile, yet here I am, running for 3 and Young Son has had to use a bike to keep me company!

Yep, the jogging is started to show, I am getting fitter even if I don't feel as if it is, it really is showing through what I can do these days!!

Last leg home, all down hill, no stopping, down Farringdon and up my road!

Only a minute slower than I did with Naggy on Thursday! Well, that's something really, isn't it?

Geeky stats

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