What a simply gorgeous day it was today. I really did have an early start today, not your 9:30 start! I had to be up at Normans park for 8:30 in the morning! Unheard of for me on a Saturday, unless I'm off somewhere hot and exotic! But There I was, up, showered, (though why!) and into my running gear. I haven't yet got my club vest, but I wore white so I at least looked like I belonged to the PWR. If I had my yellow running top on then they would have thought I was an Orpie!!
I didn't drive down to the park either, oh no, I had the Old boy up and dressed and we both cycled over to the park! A nice warm up for the main event. We spotted the crowd, and the pavilion that we will be using. I said hi to the coach and a few other members of the PWR and put my bike away in the pavilion for safe keeping. The Old Boy stayed on his bike and decided to be my official photographer for the race.
Here, this is my first official team photo!

We all walked over to the start, by the play park, and waited eagerly for the ready, steady, Go! It was manic. This race today, although the Park Run is open for all who want to find out how well they can run a 5K, is a 'mob match' Running today will be the PWR, Orpington RR and the Beckenham RC, and there is a friendly rivalry between them. We are trying to beat them on sheer numbers, (which we did by the way, more PWR's then the others) We set off a speed, I got caught up in the 'running as fast as I could' attitude, which is not good for me, because I knew I would not be able to keep it up. So I settled into my own pace, got my breathing under control, and just thought of the tea and biscuits at the end of the race.
It was such a lovely day, the sun was shining, it was warm and the grass we were running on was fairly dry, perfect all round. And smiling happy faces! Don't the sunshine put smiles on peoples faces! The route is twice around the park in a 'B' shape, and then a little bit extra, finishing up at the pavillion. The Old Boy got a pic of me, somewhere here, as we all started off.

And then there was no stopping him from taking photos, another one at the first short straight, across the park, already I'm looking worn out. I looked over to the far end of the course and I could already see the 'elite runners' running up the top end of the course, all set to go down the first of their long straights! Wow, I just can't imagine what their pace is, to be that far ahead. I took a sneaky peak behind me, I so didn't want to be the very last person again, or even third or fourth from last. I noticed that there were a few people behind, just a tad more than at the October 10k last year!.

It felt good, running up the long straight, and the thoughts going through my mind were, "only once more Old Girl, then you can run for the finish" I was glad the Old Boy was there actually, because not only was he my photographer, but he was my personal trainer, and "giver of the water" So I didn't have to carry around my bottle of water.
The second time around the route now, and already I am being lapped by the elite runners!. How does that make me feel, knowing that they are just finishing their second lap, and I have only just started! Actually, I still felt great, I am out here, running, I am supporting my running club, and the Old Boy is here with me, what more can a girl want! But I was feeling tired and hot, I was looking across, "Oh if only I could just cut across and head for the finish now!" But that would be cheating! And besides, my run leader on Tuesday will be expected similar times from me again! So concentrate, get on with the second lap. The Old Boy was telling me who I should be overtaking now, as the girl in front was doing loads of walk/jogs, I should aim to get passed her.

Going across the field for the second time I look behind me again, and I noticed a chap looking like he should be in front of me, judging by the gear he has on, he totally looks the part, but he is some way behind me. This made me feel good, and I kept on. The Old Boy giving me sips of water when I looked as if I was fading. (He, by the way, was on his bike remember)
Well, I did my first Park Run, my first timed 5K for the Petts Wood Runners, and I was feeling pretty good about it. I saw the finish cones ahead and tried to put a bit of a sprint on, and get a good time in for me for my 5K.

My garmin, after the Old Boy told me to switch it off said 37.09, but my official time was.......... 37.03. It's all about the seconds you know!
Let's see how I do on my next 5K Park Run!
Although I took the bike to the park today, and we went for a very short bike ride after, you will all be pleased, no doubt, that I won't be blogging a bike blog today!....... Oh yes! Thats right, rode to the race, run the race, then rode to Hayes, tea and toast, and the a nice leisurly run ride home! No stopping this Old Girl now!
It seems that I have negleting to say that I did actually have a few walking stops on this run, and that this is actually a PB for me at this distance!
Official Park run stats as well are, 258th and 89th lady in a field of 266. 16th in my age group too!
Geeky stats
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