Hello blogees,
After yesterdays, complete meltdown of alcohol intake and riding and crap food eating, then I thought I just as well to get out and do some running today! As well as some riding a bit later on this evening.
I asked big son to come with me, keep me company as I attempt to emulate what I managed to do with Naggy on Thursday. It's always best to have an audience I feel. After a couple of initial moans from him, he decided to come, but he will be riding my bike! Oh well, its still company isn't it.
By the time we were ready it was already near midday! The sun was up and it was quite warm, but there is quite a breeze about, will it be a help or hindrance. We shall see.
So we set off, I told big Son where we were heading and we set off. "This is slowww" he said, still moaning, "Will you be going faster than this" I said no, this is a good pace. We chatted on the way round, I did have my IPOD on, think that maybe he wouldn't want to talk to his old mum, but I ended up giving that to him to carry.
The first mile came and my Garmin 'bleeped' young son said "Whats that all about" I told him that we had already covered one mile in 11.28 minutes. Then he said "Can you not do the next mile in 10 minutes!" Blimey, this kids is just poodling along beside me, he could even have a nap on the bike we are going that 'easy' Still, its nice that he agreed to come along. But I did tell him that I wont be going any faster, I didn't want to burn myself out, I need to try and run the whole way round.
We started up Blackbrook lane, my legs were feeling just a bit tired, but Naggys words were creeping into my mind "Head up, shoulders back, that's it" and I found myself doing what she told me. For some reason I am always looking at the ground! We turn left up towards Bickly Manor Hotel, this of course, is a hill, only a slight incline, but it's a steady climb. The alcohol and curry really noticing now, and the sun is beating down, I should have put some water on the bike for me to have. But I will admit, I had a little walk here, for about 4 steps, then son encouraged me to keep going "Think of something happy" he says, just getting through this with no more walking steps would be good!
Through the park now, the hill behind me. Half way more or less, and only 4 walking steps so far. I check my watch, try to keep to the same pace as I had with Naggy on Thursday, but I was a little under. I try to push a little bit more, but as we were going through the trees I lost a bit and had to slow down to walking pace again, but, still only about 4 walking steps. By this time Big Son said that the tea he promised to make for me, now will have no sugar and no milk in it. And any more stops it will just be a tea bag in a cup!
We were soon at Petts Wood, Big son asked which way we were going, whether it was down Frankswood or up further. I told him the road that we were going down and we headed up the high street. We had to cross the roads, and I was pleased that there was quite a bit of traffic about as now I could take an 'official save your ass' stop, and not get squished under cars!
From here though it was all down hill, but I did take a lot of advantage from the stop at the road and Big Son caught me walking again. But from here on end I managed to run the whole way home!
Not at any great speed. When the three mile 'beep' came I told him that we had now covered three miles. I started to remember the time when he came out jogging with me, I think it was back in 2008 when I first started, and we only covered 1 mile, yet here I am, running for 3 and Young Son has had to use a bike to keep me company!
Yep, the jogging is started to show, I am getting fitter even if I don't feel as if it is, it really is showing through what I can do these days!!
Last leg home, all down hill, no stopping, down Farringdon and up my road!
Only a minute slower than I did with Naggy on Thursday! Well, that's something really, isn't it?
Geeky stats
I am loving running. I can say that with almost true conviction. After all, if I didn't love it, then I wouldn't still be writing this blog, right? So dive in, enjoy the ramblings of my open diary.
Saturday, 30 April 2011
Thursday, 28 April 2011
A Brilliant Run Today!
Hello Bloggers.
There has been a distinct lack of exercise in this household of late, a drought even. It must have been the warm weather! But today I got my head together and got out and ran with Naggy.
She did say to me, "Where shall we go" So I said about my new usual route, up to Turpington, Greenway, back up to Petts Wood, and the she said, "Good, I have something different in mind" "Well, why ask?" I said to her. Naggy thought that doing the same route has this Psyche thing happening in my one brain cell. And that the places where I stop jogging and start walking is kind of pre destined to happen now, and that I need to mix things up, and go somewhere different.
Well, it seems she was right (as always). The first mile was not too bad, well, even I know I can do that! We were heading up Blackbook Lane, I checked my watch (again) to see the time, only this time Naggy didn't tell me off for looking, she asked what the distance was. When I told her she said "Right we can either turn left at the round about, left again and then left again, and then go back up to Petts Wood that way" Well, I thought about it, as I continued to run, and then she gave the alternative "Or we can turn right, go through the park, and to Petts Wood that way" It has to be the park, doesn't it? I mean, there are two of us, it is still light out, and its a summer! of course running through parks is the best thing, ever!
So after I breathlessly said through the park I got back to concentrating on my breathing, which is the one thing that Naggy listens to when we run together. The whole moaning that 'I can't do it', or the 'my legs are hurting' seem to go right over her head, in fact the louder I complain the less she hears! But my breathing, she can hear, and that is what keeps her nagging me to run or that I am doing really well, or to get my breathing back under control!
So through the park we went. I was feeling pretty pleased with myself for getting this far without stopping, but naggy was saying stuff like "Its not far now, you done pretty well, keep this up and we will soon be home, non stop all the way" Blimey, I was hoping she was going to take pity on me, as I had done so well, but, I didn't think that will happen! So I just thought about the end. I kept thinking, "I can do this, I can do this" Naggys voice drifting through my thoughts, "You're doing well, that's it, keep it going. You are going to be so pleased when you get back knowing that you ran the whole way"
We were soon out of the park, and on the road heading for Petts Wood. Even I know there is only a mile to go now. Just one more mile, that's all I have to do. I have kept the same pace, more or less, the whole way. I haven't tried to speed up, and I don't think I have slowed down too much, at least it didn't feel like it!
Now we are on the last leg home, not far at all now, and I'm sill running. Naggy told me not to stop running while we waited to cross roads, I had to keep jogging, even its it jogging on the spot, no rest for the wicked here! As it happened when we need to cross the roads, they were empty, so not even a chance to have a sneaky rest!
Running down Woodhurst now, and the Garmin 'beeped' "Is that the 3rd mile" says Naggy, I took at look at my Garmin, "Yes, that is the third one" I said, "Yes, you done it, you have ran 3 miles non stop at a good pace, don't stop" she had to add that bit, "You will be so pleased with yourself when you get back" she said.
I must admit, I was smiling now. When she had said that I had to treat Woodhurst like I do Farringdon, i.e. "This is my new no stopping what-so-ever" part.I just had to take the bull by the horns and go for it! We just ran and ran. Naggy was right, I can do this. I just got to concentrate, my breathing is slightly erratic, but three miles would do that to me! Keep going, so what if my legs are feeling heavy, I can still breath! so what if my energy is zapping away, there is always more in the reserve tank! Keep going Old Girl, Keep Going. Blimey you are going to be so pleased with yourself when you get home!
Not long and we were running down Farringdon, we were running towards our road! Turning up our road, a huge smile, well kind of, on my face, running towards Naggys house now, (she always makes me run to her house, its just that little bit further) but from somewhere I found that extra bit, maybe it was the reserve tanks, but I sprinted up to her house!
'Friggin A Man!' Oh yes!!!! Howz that! Blimey, I am so pleased with my effort today, maybe having a good few days off is just what I needed! But, what is even better is the geeky stats! Not one of the miles was over 12:30 min pace! That hasn't happened for a quite a while......if ever!
Check out the geeky stats!
There has been a distinct lack of exercise in this household of late, a drought even. It must have been the warm weather! But today I got my head together and got out and ran with Naggy.
She did say to me, "Where shall we go" So I said about my new usual route, up to Turpington, Greenway, back up to Petts Wood, and the she said, "Good, I have something different in mind" "Well, why ask?" I said to her. Naggy thought that doing the same route has this Psyche thing happening in my one brain cell. And that the places where I stop jogging and start walking is kind of pre destined to happen now, and that I need to mix things up, and go somewhere different.
Well, it seems she was right (as always). The first mile was not too bad, well, even I know I can do that! We were heading up Blackbook Lane, I checked my watch (again) to see the time, only this time Naggy didn't tell me off for looking, she asked what the distance was. When I told her she said "Right we can either turn left at the round about, left again and then left again, and then go back up to Petts Wood that way" Well, I thought about it, as I continued to run, and then she gave the alternative "Or we can turn right, go through the park, and to Petts Wood that way" It has to be the park, doesn't it? I mean, there are two of us, it is still light out, and its a summer! of course running through parks is the best thing, ever!
So after I breathlessly said through the park I got back to concentrating on my breathing, which is the one thing that Naggy listens to when we run together. The whole moaning that 'I can't do it', or the 'my legs are hurting' seem to go right over her head, in fact the louder I complain the less she hears! But my breathing, she can hear, and that is what keeps her nagging me to run or that I am doing really well, or to get my breathing back under control!
So through the park we went. I was feeling pretty pleased with myself for getting this far without stopping, but naggy was saying stuff like "Its not far now, you done pretty well, keep this up and we will soon be home, non stop all the way" Blimey, I was hoping she was going to take pity on me, as I had done so well, but, I didn't think that will happen! So I just thought about the end. I kept thinking, "I can do this, I can do this" Naggys voice drifting through my thoughts, "You're doing well, that's it, keep it going. You are going to be so pleased when you get back knowing that you ran the whole way"
We were soon out of the park, and on the road heading for Petts Wood. Even I know there is only a mile to go now. Just one more mile, that's all I have to do. I have kept the same pace, more or less, the whole way. I haven't tried to speed up, and I don't think I have slowed down too much, at least it didn't feel like it!
Now we are on the last leg home, not far at all now, and I'm sill running. Naggy told me not to stop running while we waited to cross roads, I had to keep jogging, even its it jogging on the spot, no rest for the wicked here! As it happened when we need to cross the roads, they were empty, so not even a chance to have a sneaky rest!
Running down Woodhurst now, and the Garmin 'beeped' "Is that the 3rd mile" says Naggy, I took at look at my Garmin, "Yes, that is the third one" I said, "Yes, you done it, you have ran 3 miles non stop at a good pace, don't stop" she had to add that bit, "You will be so pleased with yourself when you get back" she said.
I must admit, I was smiling now. When she had said that I had to treat Woodhurst like I do Farringdon, i.e. "This is my new no stopping what-so-ever" part.I just had to take the bull by the horns and go for it! We just ran and ran. Naggy was right, I can do this. I just got to concentrate, my breathing is slightly erratic, but three miles would do that to me! Keep going, so what if my legs are feeling heavy, I can still breath! so what if my energy is zapping away, there is always more in the reserve tank! Keep going Old Girl, Keep Going. Blimey you are going to be so pleased with yourself when you get home!
Not long and we were running down Farringdon, we were running towards our road! Turning up our road, a huge smile, well kind of, on my face, running towards Naggys house now, (she always makes me run to her house, its just that little bit further) but from somewhere I found that extra bit, maybe it was the reserve tanks, but I sprinted up to her house!
'Friggin A Man!' Oh yes!!!! Howz that! Blimey, I am so pleased with my effort today, maybe having a good few days off is just what I needed! But, what is even better is the geeky stats! Not one of the miles was over 12:30 min pace! That hasn't happened for a quite a while......if ever!
Check out the geeky stats!
Thursday, 21 April 2011
A Slow One Today!
Hi bloggees.
Just a quick blog today. Just for my records type blog
It was hot, and I had a busy day the day before, and I had a busy day planned today!
Just making excuses really!
Usual route, 4.18 miles slower than the previous times. It happens
Geeky stats
Just a quick blog today. Just for my records type blog
It was hot, and I had a busy day the day before, and I had a busy day planned today!
Just making excuses really!
Usual route, 4.18 miles slower than the previous times. It happens
Geeky stats
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
Club Run!
Hello Bloggers
Well as you know I was a bit late yesterday for writing up my blog. We, that is the Petts Wood runners, were having the presentations for the club members. I thought I would pop along and show support and find out what it was all about. I am glad I did, it was great fun.
But Of course the presentations were 'after' our runs, so can you imagine what it was like the in wine bar that we had taken over. Some of the runners live fairly close to the bar, so managed to get home and changed even have a chemical shower! i.e. a spray of deodorant.
Any way I digress, the run yesterday was through the woods. The first one for me this year, with the running club, but they did go last week through the woods, but I didn't go of course. The weather was absolutely perfect, it was warm yet there was a slight cool breeze. But of course I was absolutely sweltering! The woods seem to hold the heat in, and the ground was of course 'woodlands' So I was concentrating on the tree roots and dips and all sorts on the ground. You can tell I'm a townie, cant you!
Not only that but the route was also up hill. I haven't really don't too much hill training, the little include that is now included in my usual run does not compare to the hill that our group run leader was taking us up. It is part of the Petts Wood 10k that I did last year, and it's a bit of the route that we actually ran down, and was a welcome relief on the 10k route. But this time, we were running up it.
I did fairly ok, but I did have to walk the last little bit. It was just too steep! And then it was even more up hill when we got to the farm road!
But by then I knew who my back markers were, and it was a chap that was recovering from injury/surgery, so he was taking it very easy!
It was a very pleasant run through the woods at Chislehurst, but we were a little further away from the pack. There was three of us, and because of the chat, we kind of missed which way the pack ran. We knew the general direction, if we kept the road to our right fairly close then we wouldn't get lost.
We got back in about 45 minutes. We hung about the pavilion for some of the other groups to come back then we all headed down to Bradleys for the club celebrations and presentations of trophy's! A great time time! Maybe I may even enter the Grand Prix myself!
But today, I thought I would take it easy. I didn't go out for a run. I have been running and cycling quite a bit, I think. So a rest day for me. But after doing, a bit of gardening at my church, some running around for my daughter, and a bit of housework, plus wash the cars, me and the Old Boy decided to go for just a very short, leisurely shake of the legs type of bike ride. And we headed for a lovely pub in Hayes, only about 2 and half miles away, through the common and the parks.
The Old Boy did tell me not to write this bit, but when he saw some rabbits on the path while we were on the way home, he decided to go down that path to see some more! But he wasn't quite sure where it would take us. And for once in my entire life, my bearings were on top form, and I said that this path would take us out to Barnet Wood Road!! Guess what, I was right!
It was a good ride home, and we did have a couple of pints in us by then! Not sure it that is allowed actually, and I might have to retract this statement after consulting my solicitor!
But it was a very nice evening ride!
Geeky stats for yesterdays jog, (I didn't take the Garmin out with me today on the bike ride.
Well as you know I was a bit late yesterday for writing up my blog. We, that is the Petts Wood runners, were having the presentations for the club members. I thought I would pop along and show support and find out what it was all about. I am glad I did, it was great fun.
But Of course the presentations were 'after' our runs, so can you imagine what it was like the in wine bar that we had taken over. Some of the runners live fairly close to the bar, so managed to get home and changed even have a chemical shower! i.e. a spray of deodorant.
Any way I digress, the run yesterday was through the woods. The first one for me this year, with the running club, but they did go last week through the woods, but I didn't go of course. The weather was absolutely perfect, it was warm yet there was a slight cool breeze. But of course I was absolutely sweltering! The woods seem to hold the heat in, and the ground was of course 'woodlands' So I was concentrating on the tree roots and dips and all sorts on the ground. You can tell I'm a townie, cant you!
Not only that but the route was also up hill. I haven't really don't too much hill training, the little include that is now included in my usual run does not compare to the hill that our group run leader was taking us up. It is part of the Petts Wood 10k that I did last year, and it's a bit of the route that we actually ran down, and was a welcome relief on the 10k route. But this time, we were running up it.
I did fairly ok, but I did have to walk the last little bit. It was just too steep! And then it was even more up hill when we got to the farm road!
But by then I knew who my back markers were, and it was a chap that was recovering from injury/surgery, so he was taking it very easy!
It was a very pleasant run through the woods at Chislehurst, but we were a little further away from the pack. There was three of us, and because of the chat, we kind of missed which way the pack ran. We knew the general direction, if we kept the road to our right fairly close then we wouldn't get lost.
We got back in about 45 minutes. We hung about the pavilion for some of the other groups to come back then we all headed down to Bradleys for the club celebrations and presentations of trophy's! A great time time! Maybe I may even enter the Grand Prix myself!
But today, I thought I would take it easy. I didn't go out for a run. I have been running and cycling quite a bit, I think. So a rest day for me. But after doing, a bit of gardening at my church, some running around for my daughter, and a bit of housework, plus wash the cars, me and the Old Boy decided to go for just a very short, leisurely shake of the legs type of bike ride. And we headed for a lovely pub in Hayes, only about 2 and half miles away, through the common and the parks.
The Old Boy did tell me not to write this bit, but when he saw some rabbits on the path while we were on the way home, he decided to go down that path to see some more! But he wasn't quite sure where it would take us. And for once in my entire life, my bearings were on top form, and I said that this path would take us out to Barnet Wood Road!! Guess what, I was right!
It was a good ride home, and we did have a couple of pints in us by then! Not sure it that is allowed actually, and I might have to retract this statement after consulting my solicitor!
But it was a very nice evening ride!
Geeky stats for yesterdays jog, (I didn't take the Garmin out with me today on the bike ride.
Monday, 18 April 2011
A Relaxing Run!?
Hello Blog lovers,
I guess you are wondering about the title of today's blog, I know when I put it up on facebook as my status, it got Smarty pants wondering.
But when you think about it, it is true. Because if I stayed in doors, then I have the housework to do, the washing, some shopping, putting the clothes away, maybe a bit of tidy up the garden, nag big sone to get out of bed! And that is just off the top of my head! But being out on the road and running, I can't do any of those things, I only have one thing to do, and one thing to concentrate on and one thing to think about, so much more relaxing than being in one place, don't you think
So I got ready to have my relaxing run. My IPOD was on the red. Now will it last the whole run, or am I going to have to sing to myself on the last mile or so. Petts Wood watch out!
I set off with a smile on my face, I am not bothered about the times, and how well I am doing, I know I am getting fitter, just because I can extend my route just a tad more, even if I do still stop and walk for some of it (Sorry Naggy, I'm still doing that) But I tried waiting till I can run the whole 3 miles straight out first, but I was getting impatient with myself, so I just extended it anyway. It don't matter, does it!
I was running along just listening to my IPOD, I wasn't even concerned whether it would last on the outward run, it was just nice to get out. It seems as if I was the only one out jogging this morning, maybe others had done theirs earlier on, or maybe waiting till later this evening, I will just have to use the walkers to keep me going. Because I try never to be walking if I spot a jogger in the distance!
Turnping lane reached and now for the homeward jouney. I'm still feeling good, and the IPOD is still giving me some tunes to keep me jogging. Wow, I think I have my challenge now. Get home before the IPOD is out of battery! So now I have that to think about, half way through my relaxing run, I give myself another thing to think about, tut, typical!
Heading up Southborough Lane again now, passing the two Oxhawths, and still doing the walk/jog scenario, but I'm still there, I still know that I can get to the end of this route in under the hour, in fact under 52 minutes! Oh well there you go, look what I done. I have giving myself another thing to think about, so now I have the running to think about, getting back before the IPOD fails, and getting there in under 52 minutes. What on earth will I be like on a marathon! I would probably be sorting out the worlds economics.......no Old Girl, don't even start to think about that!
Before to long I was up into Petts Wood! Wow! That's good, just the homeward bound jog to go now, and its all down hill! The IPOD still going, and I decided to be 'lazy' and not look at my watch to check out the time, too much pressure, who needs that, right!
I love running down Hollingworth, it was one of the roads that I used to run 'up' and now its the last bit of my jog home, and it's part or my 'no stopping what so ever' part of my jog.
There, done it, the IPOD lasted, and it's still going, and ......well, just check out the geeky stats.
I guess you are wondering about the title of today's blog, I know when I put it up on facebook as my status, it got Smarty pants wondering.
But when you think about it, it is true. Because if I stayed in doors, then I have the housework to do, the washing, some shopping, putting the clothes away, maybe a bit of tidy up the garden, nag big sone to get out of bed! And that is just off the top of my head! But being out on the road and running, I can't do any of those things, I only have one thing to do, and one thing to concentrate on and one thing to think about, so much more relaxing than being in one place, don't you think
So I got ready to have my relaxing run. My IPOD was on the red. Now will it last the whole run, or am I going to have to sing to myself on the last mile or so. Petts Wood watch out!
I set off with a smile on my face, I am not bothered about the times, and how well I am doing, I know I am getting fitter, just because I can extend my route just a tad more, even if I do still stop and walk for some of it (Sorry Naggy, I'm still doing that) But I tried waiting till I can run the whole 3 miles straight out first, but I was getting impatient with myself, so I just extended it anyway. It don't matter, does it!
I was running along just listening to my IPOD, I wasn't even concerned whether it would last on the outward run, it was just nice to get out. It seems as if I was the only one out jogging this morning, maybe others had done theirs earlier on, or maybe waiting till later this evening, I will just have to use the walkers to keep me going. Because I try never to be walking if I spot a jogger in the distance!
Turnping lane reached and now for the homeward jouney. I'm still feeling good, and the IPOD is still giving me some tunes to keep me jogging. Wow, I think I have my challenge now. Get home before the IPOD is out of battery! So now I have that to think about, half way through my relaxing run, I give myself another thing to think about, tut, typical!
Heading up Southborough Lane again now, passing the two Oxhawths, and still doing the walk/jog scenario, but I'm still there, I still know that I can get to the end of this route in under the hour, in fact under 52 minutes! Oh well there you go, look what I done. I have giving myself another thing to think about, so now I have the running to think about, getting back before the IPOD fails, and getting there in under 52 minutes. What on earth will I be like on a marathon! I would probably be sorting out the worlds economics.......no Old Girl, don't even start to think about that!
Before to long I was up into Petts Wood! Wow! That's good, just the homeward bound jog to go now, and its all down hill! The IPOD still going, and I decided to be 'lazy' and not look at my watch to check out the time, too much pressure, who needs that, right!
I love running down Hollingworth, it was one of the roads that I used to run 'up' and now its the last bit of my jog home, and it's part or my 'no stopping what so ever' part of my jog.
There, done it, the IPOD lasted, and it's still going, and ......well, just check out the geeky stats.
Thursday, 14 April 2011
I Feel Great Today!
Hello bloggers,
I woke up this morning feeling good, I had lots planned today, jogging, shopping, a little house work, then visiting my sisters. To top it off a bike ride with the Old Boy!
First of today's activities was my jog. I knew my route today, it was going to be straight up to Petts Wood, no going down Oxhawth Crescent. With that I mind I set off, Garmin, music blaring, and a cheery wave to naggy, who was ecstatic about having a troublesome tree come down.
It was a little cloudy outside, and it was also slightly raining. I was hoping that it wouldn't pour down, but I had made a decision that if it does rain then I shall stay out until the run has finished.
I really was having a nice time running, but I am still stopping on route! And I tell myself off for stopping, but yet I still do it. I know I will get over it, I just don't know when. But each time I strive to do it.
On the run back, I pass Oxhwath crescent, then passed top Oxhwath. I wasn't to phased about it, I was looking forward to getting to the top of the hill, even if I didn't run all the way.
I smiled when I got to the top, knowing now its all virtually down hill. I kept going at my usual pace, the whole jog/walk thing, but when I got to the top of Hollingworth, well, that is my new 'no stopping' part of my run.
When I got back to my house, the tree across the way was virtually branch less, wow, those guys worked quickly! And it looks so different!
So just the shopping to do, and then visit the sisters. We had such a good laugh! It was great to get together! Another reason for another smile.
Then it's evening time. A cycle ride with the Old Boy. He is still not feeling a hundred percent. But he wanted to keep up the regime of going out, so we decided on a short route. And of course, the Old Boy chose off road again. He just loves his woods, and trees, and trails! Give me tarmac all the time! But it was good.
We went through the woods near us, I haven't been through those woods for such a long time. I am sure the paths were a lot wider last time I was through here! There are all sorts of ruts and muddy holes on the paths, and the Old boy is finding little paths to avoid them, but I keep missing them, as all I am looking at is the bit of ground in front of and by the time I realise it I am in the sh...... middle of a big muddy pool!
I was quite pleased when we emerged out of the other side on to wonderful tarmac! We stayed on tarmac for quite a while. On busy roads, on quiet roads, but lovely, lovely roads! We also stopped off for another refreshing drink as well! The same place that we stopped last time.
After our pint, it was getting darker, but we still decided to go though the woods to get home. I didn't mind this so much as again its all down hill. But of course, its all down hill on trails, and paths! Avoiding tree routes and the such! And after having a pint of lager too!
All to soon though, our bike ride was coming to an end and we were nearly home. Riding down Blackbrook lane, I am still feeling totally good today! Sometimes you just get days like that! Lets hope it continues tomorrow!
Geeky stats
I woke up this morning feeling good, I had lots planned today, jogging, shopping, a little house work, then visiting my sisters. To top it off a bike ride with the Old Boy!
First of today's activities was my jog. I knew my route today, it was going to be straight up to Petts Wood, no going down Oxhawth Crescent. With that I mind I set off, Garmin, music blaring, and a cheery wave to naggy, who was ecstatic about having a troublesome tree come down.
It was a little cloudy outside, and it was also slightly raining. I was hoping that it wouldn't pour down, but I had made a decision that if it does rain then I shall stay out until the run has finished.
I really was having a nice time running, but I am still stopping on route! And I tell myself off for stopping, but yet I still do it. I know I will get over it, I just don't know when. But each time I strive to do it.
On the run back, I pass Oxhwath crescent, then passed top Oxhwath. I wasn't to phased about it, I was looking forward to getting to the top of the hill, even if I didn't run all the way.
I smiled when I got to the top, knowing now its all virtually down hill. I kept going at my usual pace, the whole jog/walk thing, but when I got to the top of Hollingworth, well, that is my new 'no stopping' part of my run.
When I got back to my house, the tree across the way was virtually branch less, wow, those guys worked quickly! And it looks so different!
So just the shopping to do, and then visit the sisters. We had such a good laugh! It was great to get together! Another reason for another smile.
Then it's evening time. A cycle ride with the Old Boy. He is still not feeling a hundred percent. But he wanted to keep up the regime of going out, so we decided on a short route. And of course, the Old Boy chose off road again. He just loves his woods, and trees, and trails! Give me tarmac all the time! But it was good.
We went through the woods near us, I haven't been through those woods for such a long time. I am sure the paths were a lot wider last time I was through here! There are all sorts of ruts and muddy holes on the paths, and the Old boy is finding little paths to avoid them, but I keep missing them, as all I am looking at is the bit of ground in front of and by the time I realise it I am in the sh...... middle of a big muddy pool!
I was quite pleased when we emerged out of the other side on to wonderful tarmac! We stayed on tarmac for quite a while. On busy roads, on quiet roads, but lovely, lovely roads! We also stopped off for another refreshing drink as well! The same place that we stopped last time.
After our pint, it was getting darker, but we still decided to go though the woods to get home. I didn't mind this so much as again its all down hill. But of course, its all down hill on trails, and paths! Avoiding tree routes and the such! And after having a pint of lager too!
All to soon though, our bike ride was coming to an end and we were nearly home. Riding down Blackbrook lane, I am still feeling totally good today! Sometimes you just get days like that! Lets hope it continues tomorrow!
Geeky stats
Sunday, 10 April 2011
Bromley Fun Run: Race Report
Hello Blog lovers.
Today is the first of my charity runs. I didn't get sponsors for this race, I just paid up my registration fee. I can't keep asking you guys for money now, can I?
The day was looking good. The sun was shining, and there is a bit of wind about about as well. It is a little on the chilly side, but hopefully that will hold us all in good stead, because running is hard work and we will all soon warm up. I got up the same time as the Old Boy, unfortunately he is off to work, even though he would have loved to have supported me today.
I have a cup of tea, a bit of toast and a banana, hopefully that won't be too heavy and will get me the energy I need to try and beat my last 5K time. Things are not quite good with me, Naggy thinks that maybe it is nerves that's making run for the loo!
Naggy is driving to the event where we will meet up with Hitchhiker Jogger, and all do the warm up together. Because we all know that none of us will be running next to each other! But at least we can warm up together. By the way, the warm up was particularly good, as we were all really chilly walking about in just short sleeves!
All to soon we were lining up at the start, a quick photo opportunity, Naggy and Hitchhiker. Unfortunately, it wasn't a photo, I had actually taken a video! So as soon as I can figure out how to take a still from there, or even how to upload from my phone, then I will add picture later. The funny thing is though, that after I had taken the 'photo' I got back into position at the front, and just slightly nudge this other person out of the way a bit, and then I realised it was the Lady Mayoress having her photo opportunity!! Oh well, look out for us in the Bromely News, I think it was
The count down, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 GO! a massive surge forward as the runners nudged and jostled for lead position. I only want to get in the front because I know that there will be people passing me by, but I don't want 'everyone' to be in front of me at the finish. I tried not to run off to fast like I did in the mob match a couple of weeks ago, I just want to get a steady pace going.
I saw Naggy running off, I didn't see Hitchhiker pass me and I presumed that she will do, anytime now. But for now I have to concentrate, and run my own race. There are people here in fancy dress, there are 11 year olds, running with their mums and/or dads, there is a mixture of abilities here, but the elite runners now setting the pace! Not my pace though.
Reaching the river Ravensbourne for the first time, and running up the side of it. Now I am warm, my breathing is ok, and there are still people passing me by, I am glad I was at the front! I felt sure that there couldn't be many more runners behind me. I have a time in my head that I am competing against. It's the time that I got in the mob match a couple of weeks ago, 37.09 minutes. I want to beat that, I don't want to go over that, never, no more! I have to keep getting fitter and faster.
The sun is really warming us all up now, running back the other side of the little river I take a look at the other runners behind me. There are quite a few of them. I even managed to gain on some of the runners, which is good. I was trying to look ahead to see if I could see Naggy or Hitchhiker, but I couldn't see them. Back to my own race now.
Going up the first straight felt good. "Only have to go up here once more Old Girl, then its through the victory tunnel, and your first gong of the year!" The marshalls were brilliant, cheering us all on as we ran passed them. I was soon starting my second lap. That's when I head the announcement that the first runner was just about to run over the finish line!! I checked my Garmin 17:44 minutes! absolutely mind blowingly fast! Could I ever get anywhere faster than what I have done so far, let alone what these guys were doing!
The second lap was an emotional one for me. Thinking about people who I have known and lost through cancer. Some of the runners had notices pinned on their backs as to why they were running, 'Grandad' 'Mum' 'Dad'. These people running, raising money for cancer research. It brought back memories of why I started running in the first place. And of all the people that I know, or heard of, who have since suffered, suffering cancer, and for the lucky one, in remission!
The long straight now, I was desperately trying to get past this young boy and his dad, who seem to be running exactly same pace as me, but I really wanted to get passed them, a bit or a morale boost for me. Boy was I pleased when I finally did. There were other people who passed me, then I passed them who were just behind me, I wanted to keep them there, I picked up the pace a little more. Just as I was at the top of the 'B' shape, Hitchhiker saw me, she had finished her race in 30:01 mins. She jogged along with me, encouraging me, I could see her gong around her neck, and her goody bag, with a lovely bottle of water in her hand. I am having some of that! Running the last 150 meters now, I put a bit of a sprint on. "Go on Old Girl" says Hitchhiker, "You going to do a sprint finish?" "Oh yes" I said, as pass the 100m board!
I am sprinting now, running as fast as I could, I could feel myself feeling a little sick, but I just kept on going. I didn't want to throw up in front of everyone, but I am so on for a PB if I keep the pace going. Nagging is shouting at me now from the finish tape, she finished in 27:01 min"Go on Old Girl, you can do this in 35 or 36" I just pelt for the finish line, Underneath the big blow up triangle tunnel, stop my Garmin. Blimey! I did it, 36:09!! Yes, Yes, and Yes, a Personal Best for all of us!!
Then the feeling of nausea came over me, I had to put my head down, the tears started about now as I thoughts came back to me. I found Naggy and Hitchhiker and just burst out crying! Emotional. Now, lets get sorted for the next race. And that's the race I shall be wanted plenty of sponsors for! Cancer research UK!
Geeky stats
Today is the first of my charity runs. I didn't get sponsors for this race, I just paid up my registration fee. I can't keep asking you guys for money now, can I?
The day was looking good. The sun was shining, and there is a bit of wind about about as well. It is a little on the chilly side, but hopefully that will hold us all in good stead, because running is hard work and we will all soon warm up. I got up the same time as the Old Boy, unfortunately he is off to work, even though he would have loved to have supported me today.
I have a cup of tea, a bit of toast and a banana, hopefully that won't be too heavy and will get me the energy I need to try and beat my last 5K time. Things are not quite good with me, Naggy thinks that maybe it is nerves that's making run for the loo!
Naggy is driving to the event where we will meet up with Hitchhiker Jogger, and all do the warm up together. Because we all know that none of us will be running next to each other! But at least we can warm up together. By the way, the warm up was particularly good, as we were all really chilly walking about in just short sleeves!
All to soon we were lining up at the start, a quick photo opportunity, Naggy and Hitchhiker. Unfortunately, it wasn't a photo, I had actually taken a video! So as soon as I can figure out how to take a still from there, or even how to upload from my phone, then I will add picture later. The funny thing is though, that after I had taken the 'photo' I got back into position at the front, and just slightly nudge this other person out of the way a bit, and then I realised it was the Lady Mayoress having her photo opportunity!! Oh well, look out for us in the Bromely News, I think it was
The count down, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 GO! a massive surge forward as the runners nudged and jostled for lead position. I only want to get in the front because I know that there will be people passing me by, but I don't want 'everyone' to be in front of me at the finish. I tried not to run off to fast like I did in the mob match a couple of weeks ago, I just want to get a steady pace going.
I saw Naggy running off, I didn't see Hitchhiker pass me and I presumed that she will do, anytime now. But for now I have to concentrate, and run my own race. There are people here in fancy dress, there are 11 year olds, running with their mums and/or dads, there is a mixture of abilities here, but the elite runners now setting the pace! Not my pace though.
Reaching the river Ravensbourne for the first time, and running up the side of it. Now I am warm, my breathing is ok, and there are still people passing me by, I am glad I was at the front! I felt sure that there couldn't be many more runners behind me. I have a time in my head that I am competing against. It's the time that I got in the mob match a couple of weeks ago, 37.09 minutes. I want to beat that, I don't want to go over that, never, no more! I have to keep getting fitter and faster.
The sun is really warming us all up now, running back the other side of the little river I take a look at the other runners behind me. There are quite a few of them. I even managed to gain on some of the runners, which is good. I was trying to look ahead to see if I could see Naggy or Hitchhiker, but I couldn't see them. Back to my own race now.
Going up the first straight felt good. "Only have to go up here once more Old Girl, then its through the victory tunnel, and your first gong of the year!" The marshalls were brilliant, cheering us all on as we ran passed them. I was soon starting my second lap. That's when I head the announcement that the first runner was just about to run over the finish line!! I checked my Garmin 17:44 minutes! absolutely mind blowingly fast! Could I ever get anywhere faster than what I have done so far, let alone what these guys were doing!
The second lap was an emotional one for me. Thinking about people who I have known and lost through cancer. Some of the runners had notices pinned on their backs as to why they were running, 'Grandad' 'Mum' 'Dad'. These people running, raising money for cancer research. It brought back memories of why I started running in the first place. And of all the people that I know, or heard of, who have since suffered, suffering cancer, and for the lucky one, in remission!
The long straight now, I was desperately trying to get past this young boy and his dad, who seem to be running exactly same pace as me, but I really wanted to get passed them, a bit or a morale boost for me. Boy was I pleased when I finally did. There were other people who passed me, then I passed them who were just behind me, I wanted to keep them there, I picked up the pace a little more. Just as I was at the top of the 'B' shape, Hitchhiker saw me, she had finished her race in 30:01 mins. She jogged along with me, encouraging me, I could see her gong around her neck, and her goody bag, with a lovely bottle of water in her hand. I am having some of that! Running the last 150 meters now, I put a bit of a sprint on. "Go on Old Girl" says Hitchhiker, "You going to do a sprint finish?" "Oh yes" I said, as pass the 100m board!
I am sprinting now, running as fast as I could, I could feel myself feeling a little sick, but I just kept on going. I didn't want to throw up in front of everyone, but I am so on for a PB if I keep the pace going. Nagging is shouting at me now from the finish tape, she finished in 27:01 min"Go on Old Girl, you can do this in 35 or 36" I just pelt for the finish line, Underneath the big blow up triangle tunnel, stop my Garmin. Blimey! I did it, 36:09!! Yes, Yes, and Yes, a Personal Best for all of us!!
Then the feeling of nausea came over me, I had to put my head down, the tears started about now as I thoughts came back to me. I found Naggy and Hitchhiker and just burst out crying! Emotional. Now, lets get sorted for the next race. And that's the race I shall be wanted plenty of sponsors for! Cancer research UK!
Geeky stats
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Up, Up and Away!!
Hello blog readers.
Today is a gorgeous day, the sun is shining, its warm, and I'm not working. What is a girl to do! So, after house work, shopping, delivering shopping! Chemist run and banks to visit, I thought I would definitely be in the mood for a run!
By the time I had done all my chores it was quite warm out indeed! But it has to be done, I expect to be going for a bike ride later on with the Old Boy, so no time for things to cool down.
IPOD plugged into lug holes, Garmin on wrist, shoes on feet. Time to go. I was quite looking forward to running today, I need to have a good run, get rid of stress, worries, and just think about nothing else but running. Not that I have a lot of stress, but still have worries.
Running up the road I had remembered what I had written on Facebook, about continuing the hill on the way back. Old Couch potato face was of course trying to creep into my thoughts, "Surely you don't mean today, not before the fun run on Sunday?" was the thoughts going through my head. "Well, there is no time like the present" I thought to myself, as I cut old couchie up into saute spuds!
I had some good tunes going on in my ears, kept me going and kept all other thoughts from creeping in. Just running, that's all I want to do, think about running. That first mile soon came and I was onto the second. The sun beating down on me, making me sweat, I must try and find my cap, I haven't a clue where it went, but it sure dids help to keep the sweat from going in my eyes.
You all know what I am going to say, I couldn't do the whole route non stop. My excuse is that I am saving myself for the fun run, I don't want to risk any injury, do I? And besides, it really is a very warm day. Note to self (again) Bring Water!
Like I have said, an empty head today, just running, so my thoughts were just concentrated on "Why have you stopped" "Get going, whats the problem now" and "I can't run anymore, its too hot" I ran at my usual pace, and then I got back to Oxhawth again!
"Right Old Girl, you know what you have to do?" take a deep breath "You're to change to a new usual route now" Its only about another half a mile add on, but it is the continuation of Oxhwath hill. I have to run across Farringdon, and continue up Crescent Drive. Couch potato head was having another go "If you must do the hill, turn down Hitchhikers road" I was seriously thinking of doing that. When I first looked up the hill on the way out, I though I would just go to the first right turn and then run down there.
But, as I was running up there I saw that the hill actually continued further! If I am going to run this hill I have to do the whole of it! So I ran past Prescot Avenue and ran as hard as I could to get to the next turn right. I was smiling as I passed Prescot, it was like sticking my tongue out at old couch potato, I felt really good! Of course it was bloomin hard! I was having to wring out my hankie every time I mopped my head! My ear phones kept on slipping out of my ears, and I had a constant drip into my eyes. But yes, I was feeling good!
I kept going then turned right, a little bit more running and turn right. All flat roads, it felt good. And the next road is going to be down hill! I was almost smiling as I was getting closer and closer to Hollingworth! I have decided that from the top of Hollingworth until I get to my door now, is my new 'No Stopping What So Ever' part of my route. My legs were complaining like made, I was guessing that this is as far as the top of Farringdon is to my door, so it needs to be done.
As I was nearing my road, I was thinking that maybe this is going to be a fairly good time. I am going to have to look at my geeky stats to compare a similar distance to check it out, but, at least next time I run this I can compare then.
All the way to my door, running, running. My beetroot coloured, wet face felt as it were about to burst into flames, just got to get up to my door now. There done it.
I just took a look at my Garmin dashboard, and a similar distance, with less elevation gain, running with the club on the 1st of March was slower than this run today! So I guess this is a PB over this distance, of just over a minute and half!! Wow, even bigger smile now! :-D
Yeah, I think that went well. I am feeling pretty good now.
Geeky stats,
Today is a gorgeous day, the sun is shining, its warm, and I'm not working. What is a girl to do! So, after house work, shopping, delivering shopping! Chemist run and banks to visit, I thought I would definitely be in the mood for a run!
By the time I had done all my chores it was quite warm out indeed! But it has to be done, I expect to be going for a bike ride later on with the Old Boy, so no time for things to cool down.
IPOD plugged into lug holes, Garmin on wrist, shoes on feet. Time to go. I was quite looking forward to running today, I need to have a good run, get rid of stress, worries, and just think about nothing else but running. Not that I have a lot of stress, but still have worries.
Running up the road I had remembered what I had written on Facebook, about continuing the hill on the way back. Old Couch potato face was of course trying to creep into my thoughts, "Surely you don't mean today, not before the fun run on Sunday?" was the thoughts going through my head. "Well, there is no time like the present" I thought to myself, as I cut old couchie up into saute spuds!
I had some good tunes going on in my ears, kept me going and kept all other thoughts from creeping in. Just running, that's all I want to do, think about running. That first mile soon came and I was onto the second. The sun beating down on me, making me sweat, I must try and find my cap, I haven't a clue where it went, but it sure dids help to keep the sweat from going in my eyes.
You all know what I am going to say, I couldn't do the whole route non stop. My excuse is that I am saving myself for the fun run, I don't want to risk any injury, do I? And besides, it really is a very warm day. Note to self (again) Bring Water!
Like I have said, an empty head today, just running, so my thoughts were just concentrated on "Why have you stopped" "Get going, whats the problem now" and "I can't run anymore, its too hot" I ran at my usual pace, and then I got back to Oxhawth again!
"Right Old Girl, you know what you have to do?" take a deep breath "You're to change to a new usual route now" Its only about another half a mile add on, but it is the continuation of Oxhwath hill. I have to run across Farringdon, and continue up Crescent Drive. Couch potato head was having another go "If you must do the hill, turn down Hitchhikers road" I was seriously thinking of doing that. When I first looked up the hill on the way out, I though I would just go to the first right turn and then run down there.
But, as I was running up there I saw that the hill actually continued further! If I am going to run this hill I have to do the whole of it! So I ran past Prescot Avenue and ran as hard as I could to get to the next turn right. I was smiling as I passed Prescot, it was like sticking my tongue out at old couch potato, I felt really good! Of course it was bloomin hard! I was having to wring out my hankie every time I mopped my head! My ear phones kept on slipping out of my ears, and I had a constant drip into my eyes. But yes, I was feeling good!
I kept going then turned right, a little bit more running and turn right. All flat roads, it felt good. And the next road is going to be down hill! I was almost smiling as I was getting closer and closer to Hollingworth! I have decided that from the top of Hollingworth until I get to my door now, is my new 'No Stopping What So Ever' part of my route. My legs were complaining like made, I was guessing that this is as far as the top of Farringdon is to my door, so it needs to be done.
As I was nearing my road, I was thinking that maybe this is going to be a fairly good time. I am going to have to look at my geeky stats to compare a similar distance to check it out, but, at least next time I run this I can compare then.
All the way to my door, running, running. My beetroot coloured, wet face felt as it were about to burst into flames, just got to get up to my door now. There done it.
I just took a look at my Garmin dashboard, and a similar distance, with less elevation gain, running with the club on the 1st of March was slower than this run today! So I guess this is a PB over this distance, of just over a minute and half!! Wow, even bigger smile now! :-D
Yeah, I think that went well. I am feeling pretty good now.
Geeky stats,
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
4 Mile Club Run.
Hello blogers,
That's right, a four mile club run today, the route our group leader chose was a 4 miler. she said she couldn't get this route to her usual 3.75 distance! But hey ho, its on my manor! I should have the advantage!
It was the first time running with Hitchhiker jogger, since January! She has decided that she might like to join the PWR's as well. Well, let me tell you, she had me fooled. She did brilliantly!
The first mile or more or our run I managed to keep up with her, and keep in front of some of the other members of our group too, another first for me. All the way from where we meet up in the park to......the first pub on my route! This run tonight was going to be a battle of the mind as well as the body!
I was totally pleased that I reached the first 'official stop' by the pub, in front of the group leader! The group today wasn't very big either, just maybe 10 'improver's' in group one today, but I was not the last person for a change. Of course that all changed. On the second half of our run today. We had to do the whole thing virtually in reverse! Up hill! The hill that I run up on most of my runs. Not only that but there was Oxhawth to deal with as well! Only this time, not stopping the ascent to Pettswood by turning down Farringdon, my home, where my dinner will be cooking! No, we were going straight up to Petts Wood!
It was a killer hill, I have never gone straight up there before, but, strangely, I am thinking that maybe I should include that into my 'usual runs now, as part of my training. As the Old Boy says, I got to push myself, no good staying in the comfort zone! So next time I am out, I think I will add that bit of the hill in, and make that my new usual route!
Of course I had a couple of stops again, before the third official, 'gather everyone up' stop. From this point though, it was virtually straight forward and the group leader said that who ever wants to run a faster pace can or a slower pace! but not to change the route. Of course I chose the latter option.
The group leader took over the role of back marker and ran along side me. And again she said to me that my last mile is always better than my second mile! And its true, I have no idea why. When I look back at my jog spots, its shows, my second or middle section of runs is always flagging! Strange!
Anyway, we did 4 miles today, and I think I did pretty well! I think, it has been a while since I ran for 4 miles!
Geeky stats
That's right, a four mile club run today, the route our group leader chose was a 4 miler. she said she couldn't get this route to her usual 3.75 distance! But hey ho, its on my manor! I should have the advantage!
It was the first time running with Hitchhiker jogger, since January! She has decided that she might like to join the PWR's as well. Well, let me tell you, she had me fooled. She did brilliantly!
The first mile or more or our run I managed to keep up with her, and keep in front of some of the other members of our group too, another first for me. All the way from where we meet up in the park to......the first pub on my route! This run tonight was going to be a battle of the mind as well as the body!
I was totally pleased that I reached the first 'official stop' by the pub, in front of the group leader! The group today wasn't very big either, just maybe 10 'improver's' in group one today, but I was not the last person for a change. Of course that all changed. On the second half of our run today. We had to do the whole thing virtually in reverse! Up hill! The hill that I run up on most of my runs. Not only that but there was Oxhawth to deal with as well! Only this time, not stopping the ascent to Pettswood by turning down Farringdon, my home, where my dinner will be cooking! No, we were going straight up to Petts Wood!
It was a killer hill, I have never gone straight up there before, but, strangely, I am thinking that maybe I should include that into my 'usual runs now, as part of my training. As the Old Boy says, I got to push myself, no good staying in the comfort zone! So next time I am out, I think I will add that bit of the hill in, and make that my new usual route!
Of course I had a couple of stops again, before the third official, 'gather everyone up' stop. From this point though, it was virtually straight forward and the group leader said that who ever wants to run a faster pace can or a slower pace! but not to change the route. Of course I chose the latter option.
The group leader took over the role of back marker and ran along side me. And again she said to me that my last mile is always better than my second mile! And its true, I have no idea why. When I look back at my jog spots, its shows, my second or middle section of runs is always flagging! Strange!
Anyway, we did 4 miles today, and I think I did pretty well! I think, it has been a while since I ran for 4 miles!
Geeky stats
Saturday, 2 April 2011
Did I say Early Start! This Was an Early Start!
Hello bloggers.
What a simply gorgeous day it was today. I really did have an early start today, not your 9:30 start! I had to be up at Normans park for 8:30 in the morning! Unheard of for me on a Saturday, unless I'm off somewhere hot and exotic! But There I was, up, showered, (though why!) and into my running gear. I haven't yet got my club vest, but I wore white so I at least looked like I belonged to the PWR. If I had my yellow running top on then they would have thought I was an Orpie!!
I didn't drive down to the park either, oh no, I had the Old boy up and dressed and we both cycled over to the park! A nice warm up for the main event. We spotted the crowd, and the pavilion that we will be using. I said hi to the coach and a few other members of the PWR and put my bike away in the pavilion for safe keeping. The Old Boy stayed on his bike and decided to be my official photographer for the race.
Here, this is my first official team photo!

We all walked over to the start, by the play park, and waited eagerly for the ready, steady, Go! It was manic. This race today, although the Park Run is open for all who want to find out how well they can run a 5K, is a 'mob match' Running today will be the PWR, Orpington RR and the Beckenham RC, and there is a friendly rivalry between them. We are trying to beat them on sheer numbers, (which we did by the way, more PWR's then the others) We set off a speed, I got caught up in the 'running as fast as I could' attitude, which is not good for me, because I knew I would not be able to keep it up. So I settled into my own pace, got my breathing under control, and just thought of the tea and biscuits at the end of the race.
It was such a lovely day, the sun was shining, it was warm and the grass we were running on was fairly dry, perfect all round. And smiling happy faces! Don't the sunshine put smiles on peoples faces! The route is twice around the park in a 'B' shape, and then a little bit extra, finishing up at the pavillion. The Old Boy got a pic of me, somewhere here, as we all started off.

And then there was no stopping him from taking photos, another one at the first short straight, across the park, already I'm looking worn out. I looked over to the far end of the course and I could already see the 'elite runners' running up the top end of the course, all set to go down the first of their long straights! Wow, I just can't imagine what their pace is, to be that far ahead. I took a sneaky peak behind me, I so didn't want to be the very last person again, or even third or fourth from last. I noticed that there were a few people behind, just a tad more than at the October 10k last year!.

It felt good, running up the long straight, and the thoughts going through my mind were, "only once more Old Girl, then you can run for the finish" I was glad the Old Boy was there actually, because not only was he my photographer, but he was my personal trainer, and "giver of the water" So I didn't have to carry around my bottle of water.
The second time around the route now, and already I am being lapped by the elite runners!. How does that make me feel, knowing that they are just finishing their second lap, and I have only just started! Actually, I still felt great, I am out here, running, I am supporting my running club, and the Old Boy is here with me, what more can a girl want! But I was feeling tired and hot, I was looking across, "Oh if only I could just cut across and head for the finish now!" But that would be cheating! And besides, my run leader on Tuesday will be expected similar times from me again! So concentrate, get on with the second lap. The Old Boy was telling me who I should be overtaking now, as the girl in front was doing loads of walk/jogs, I should aim to get passed her.

Going across the field for the second time I look behind me again, and I noticed a chap looking like he should be in front of me, judging by the gear he has on, he totally looks the part, but he is some way behind me. This made me feel good, and I kept on. The Old Boy giving me sips of water when I looked as if I was fading. (He, by the way, was on his bike remember)
Well, I did my first Park Run, my first timed 5K for the Petts Wood Runners, and I was feeling pretty good about it. I saw the finish cones ahead and tried to put a bit of a sprint on, and get a good time in for me for my 5K.

My garmin, after the Old Boy told me to switch it off said 37.09, but my official time was.......... 37.03. It's all about the seconds you know!
Let's see how I do on my next 5K Park Run!
Although I took the bike to the park today, and we went for a very short bike ride after, you will all be pleased, no doubt, that I won't be blogging a bike blog today!....... Oh yes! Thats right, rode to the race, run the race, then rode to Hayes, tea and toast, and the a nice leisurly run ride home! No stopping this Old Girl now!
It seems that I have negleting to say that I did actually have a few walking stops on this run, and that this is actually a PB for me at this distance!
Official Park run stats as well are, 258th and 89th lady in a field of 266. 16th in my age group too!
Geeky stats
What a simply gorgeous day it was today. I really did have an early start today, not your 9:30 start! I had to be up at Normans park for 8:30 in the morning! Unheard of for me on a Saturday, unless I'm off somewhere hot and exotic! But There I was, up, showered, (though why!) and into my running gear. I haven't yet got my club vest, but I wore white so I at least looked like I belonged to the PWR. If I had my yellow running top on then they would have thought I was an Orpie!!
I didn't drive down to the park either, oh no, I had the Old boy up and dressed and we both cycled over to the park! A nice warm up for the main event. We spotted the crowd, and the pavilion that we will be using. I said hi to the coach and a few other members of the PWR and put my bike away in the pavilion for safe keeping. The Old Boy stayed on his bike and decided to be my official photographer for the race.
Here, this is my first official team photo!

We all walked over to the start, by the play park, and waited eagerly for the ready, steady, Go! It was manic. This race today, although the Park Run is open for all who want to find out how well they can run a 5K, is a 'mob match' Running today will be the PWR, Orpington RR and the Beckenham RC, and there is a friendly rivalry between them. We are trying to beat them on sheer numbers, (which we did by the way, more PWR's then the others) We set off a speed, I got caught up in the 'running as fast as I could' attitude, which is not good for me, because I knew I would not be able to keep it up. So I settled into my own pace, got my breathing under control, and just thought of the tea and biscuits at the end of the race.
It was such a lovely day, the sun was shining, it was warm and the grass we were running on was fairly dry, perfect all round. And smiling happy faces! Don't the sunshine put smiles on peoples faces! The route is twice around the park in a 'B' shape, and then a little bit extra, finishing up at the pavillion. The Old Boy got a pic of me, somewhere here, as we all started off.

And then there was no stopping him from taking photos, another one at the first short straight, across the park, already I'm looking worn out. I looked over to the far end of the course and I could already see the 'elite runners' running up the top end of the course, all set to go down the first of their long straights! Wow, I just can't imagine what their pace is, to be that far ahead. I took a sneaky peak behind me, I so didn't want to be the very last person again, or even third or fourth from last. I noticed that there were a few people behind, just a tad more than at the October 10k last year!.

It felt good, running up the long straight, and the thoughts going through my mind were, "only once more Old Girl, then you can run for the finish" I was glad the Old Boy was there actually, because not only was he my photographer, but he was my personal trainer, and "giver of the water" So I didn't have to carry around my bottle of water.
The second time around the route now, and already I am being lapped by the elite runners!. How does that make me feel, knowing that they are just finishing their second lap, and I have only just started! Actually, I still felt great, I am out here, running, I am supporting my running club, and the Old Boy is here with me, what more can a girl want! But I was feeling tired and hot, I was looking across, "Oh if only I could just cut across and head for the finish now!" But that would be cheating! And besides, my run leader on Tuesday will be expected similar times from me again! So concentrate, get on with the second lap. The Old Boy was telling me who I should be overtaking now, as the girl in front was doing loads of walk/jogs, I should aim to get passed her.

Going across the field for the second time I look behind me again, and I noticed a chap looking like he should be in front of me, judging by the gear he has on, he totally looks the part, but he is some way behind me. This made me feel good, and I kept on. The Old Boy giving me sips of water when I looked as if I was fading. (He, by the way, was on his bike remember)
Well, I did my first Park Run, my first timed 5K for the Petts Wood Runners, and I was feeling pretty good about it. I saw the finish cones ahead and tried to put a bit of a sprint on, and get a good time in for me for my 5K.

My garmin, after the Old Boy told me to switch it off said 37.09, but my official time was.......... 37.03. It's all about the seconds you know!
Let's see how I do on my next 5K Park Run!
Although I took the bike to the park today, and we went for a very short bike ride after, you will all be pleased, no doubt, that I won't be blogging a bike blog today!....... Oh yes! Thats right, rode to the race, run the race, then rode to Hayes, tea and toast, and the a nice leisurly run ride home! No stopping this Old Girl now!
It seems that I have negleting to say that I did actually have a few walking stops on this run, and that this is actually a PB for me at this distance!
Official Park run stats as well are, 258th and 89th lady in a field of 266. 16th in my age group too!
Geeky stats
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