Monday, 3 March 2025

Tourisim parkrun

 Hello blog readers.

I nearly let this blog slide on by!  It's already Monday evening and I haven't bragged.....I mean blogged about my run on Saturday!  In fact, I nearly let Saturdays parkrun slide on by!  I hadn't text the Normans angels Whatsapp group to see if we were off touring some parkrun somewhere, it was already Friday.  But I had to  text Naggy  to remind her know about Bims  secret 60th birthday gathering that was happening later  on Saturday evening.  I had just carried on the text convo and asked about parkun.  She said that as no-one text on our usual chat group she was just going to let parkrun slide on by!  But between the two of us we got our act together, sort of, and planned to go to Danson Park, Bexley parkrun.  Of course we both forgot to let SnappyHannah know where were were going!  Two foggy brained, menopausal women, trying to remember where our running shoes are, or the fact that we are indeed runners in the first place is good going for us at the moment.

Anyway, Saturday morning came, the alarm went off! I wasn't best pleased, I was almost kicking my for texting Naggy on the Friday.  If I had let it be until after parkrun I could still lie in my bed, with my lovely arm duvet keeping me prisoner!  It was a bit foggy out....I think, or was that my brain,  it didn't feel cold though.  I was thinking it was going to be an ok run, maybe not speedy.... mwahhhhaaaaa!! As if I was ever speedy!  I think in some previous life I was a sloth!  I love sloths, I identify with sloths, I think they are they most cutest creatures ever!  

I met Naggy outside and we made our way to her car.  We arrived with plenty of time before the start.  I even remembered to take some pictures of us, look at this! 

Can you see!  I have remembered how to upload a picture too!  Anyway,  this is the two of us, two foggyheaded ladies, in a foggy park in Bexley.  It was rather busy as well, if I remember correctly, busier that it had been on previous visits.  There were pacers there, maybe that had brought in a few extra runners.  

Anyway, we were ready to run, the quicker we start the quicker we finish!  There I go again, thinking I'm all that with the speed!  Hahaha!  After the chap had finished the briefing the throng of people moved as one to the start. "See you at the finish" Naggy said as the runners in front started to thin out as they started their run.  "See you at the finish" I called after her.

My Garmin was running, my music was running, all it needed was for me to run!  I decided to keep with the 60 60 still, just for a bit longer, just to keep my mind thinking that I got a good hold of this running malarky again.  Keep it fun(?), keep it easy(?) keep it as the thing that I enjoy most in the whole world(?)  I know, the new mantra is is a work in progress, not quite slipping off the tongue.  I am trying to think all the right things first, if not do all the right things.

My music was in my ears helping me  keep the pace going, but up ahead I spied someone that I really wanted to be my target race.  She was running at the same sort of speed as me, but she was further along.  I decided to ignore the 60 60 and my pace and try to pick it up a bit to try and catch her up.  I should have listened to myself  though "No, Old girl, stay your pace"  I managed to catch her up and tucked myself in behind, make my break when I could.  Oh my goodness tho!  My breath was just all over the place!  How can anyone forget how to breath.  But that's what I did!  My heartrate went up, I know cos my Garmin told me!  My speed slowed down as I tried to gain composure!  Meanwhile, my 'target race' pulled away again.

It was like that all the way around, I caught up with her, I even over took her at one or to points along the way but I couldn't keep the lead.  So I just plodded along again, just enjoying being out.  And I was enjoying it,  if it wasn't for the running it would have been perfect! 

Bexley is a two lap course, but it is a fairly flatish course, sort of!  There is just that little bump the marshals have nicknamed 'Woo Woo Hill'.  The first time going up the hill I walked it, the second time around (Yeah, I know the second time smug mode!) I ran it, well most of it, ok some of it, I ran some of it!  It was still more running up the hill that the first time around!  I was determined to run some of it...if not all of it... maybe next time! If I couldn't catch up to my target race then a little bit of hill training will have to suffice.  

Once back out of the woody bit and running along to Joe's corner I could see my target again.  "I could do this" I thought to myself, and I picked up the pace again, but then just as I did that I had a phone call.  I could ignore it and call back later, but just lately me and my siblings are all just all keeping in touch, just to stay connected and support each other for these next few weeks.  I didn't want to not answer any call.  Of course it did mean I slowed down to a walk as I chatted away for a little bit.  My target race was pulling further away.  I was rather glad my brother rang really, it made a great excuse, I mean reason not to push myself to the finish to see if I could beat her.

After passing Joe's corner it's just the home straight from there!  I just know that through the gates Naggy will be waiting, it was just a guessing game at which tree she would be waiting at. Mind you, I don't think she was by the trees this time, I think she was nearer the finish funnel!  But I am writing this up Monday evening, the parkrun was a couple of days ago, she could have been totally speedy and over took me for all I can remember!  Menopause!  Why can't I have Runopause instead?

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