Thursday, 20 February 2025

Oh! Hi Remember Me?

 Hello blog readers!

Let me tell you all about it!  You will never guess.  There I was minding my own business, when all of a sudden a bright light was outside the window.  I went to investigate like any good neighbour would do, I was suddenly drawn up by this beam of intense blue light!  It took me into this great big, bright room where they asked about "What do I know about Stars" "Why do you were a green top with Stars written on it"  "Who is my leader" "Where can I find a good Burger King"  It was horrendous.

They then put in this room with glass all around it which turned out to be like tv screens which they changed to look like places on earth and I had to play along to each scenario that was shown on these tv screens! Honestly!  I had to work, come home, eat, sleep!   Honestly! JUST HORRENDOUS

Ok, its a bit far fetched, I know!  I just can't give you any real reason why I have not blogged since....well, whenever the last blog was!  So here I am, blogging again. Now lets see if I can remember how this thing works!  I can't remember how to put the Garmin route in, I can't remember how to add photos in, but I shall look into to it all, again.

I have been running since the last blog, honestly, my Garmin or Strava will show that! Just not as much.  Usually, if I get a run in on a Tuesday, during school term weeks then I am simply too knackered to blog that night and then the momentum is gone!  

I am going to try and change that though.  I have noticed that if I run I blog, if I blog I want to run more.  It was my way of keeping the Mojo going.  Hmm?  Maybe my blogging is my Mojo!  That's a thought!

Enough of that anyway.  This week, during the half term, I have been on two runs already! Yup, two!  Both of them with the fantastic club that I still belong to Petts Wood Runners.  I hadn't been running for a good few weeks before Tuesday, (today is Thursday) I just didn't know how I would manage.  My parkrunning has been still going, ok apart from the last few weeks, and I have been running with my pals, NaggyNeighbour and SnappyHannah.  We had been doing a bit of parkrun tourism, our local parkrun is just sooo busy! I digress again!  Blimey, I've even forgotten how to blog!

Back to this week.  I was leading group 1 this week, yup, I am still one of the leaders at PWR.  I knew we had some runners coming back from injuries and whatnot. No, I didn't sigh with relief.....well maybe I did, it means I HAD to go at a nice easy pace. Anyway, I decided to do the easy route plus interval running, 60 60!  It gives us a good run, if a bit slow, but also gives us all that little bits of recovery time during the run.  I think we all did a great job! Pat on the back for all three of us on that day!

Todays run was led by Anne (I am sure I had a nickname for her but for the life of me I can't remember it) Anyway Anne is DiscoRich's wife.  She took us on the cinder path route.  The three of us who where out on Tuesday, Mary and Auriol, and Selena who is also suffering a bit, followed the leader.  I still decided to do the 60 60 though, Mary and Auriol also decided that intervals were better for them at the moment too. We followed Anne and Selena along the roads doing our 60 60.  I was impressed with ourselves as we were not that far behind them.  I knew Anne and Selena where also doing walk/run as well just not as disciplined as the three of us at the back.  We got to the end of the cinder path and Anne started to make her way around the 'lollipop', its just a road that goes all the way around a little estate.  It goes down, which means you have to run up!  The three of us who were doing 60 60 said we would go in the opposite direction and then meet them as they came up the last bit, where Selena said that she would be walking that part. 

I am sure were we all met up at the half way mark!  We might have well have followed them all the way around.  We made our way back to the cinder path we  stuck (kind of) to the 60 60 till we got back to the rec to meet the faster group that also started from them!  We beat them back! Not that I am boasting about that....obviously they took a much longer route.....still.....smug mode switched on!

I must say, if felt the end.  Getting up early on my days off is blimmin tough.  Running is blimmin tough...... but the stretching at the end and going home feeling accomplished is all that is needed to make me look forward to the next run!

See you all again......soon.....I hope....yes....soon.....I promi.......well we'll see.  No promises, no pressure just accomplishments!

Now, where is that spell checker?

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