Thursday, 22 October 2020

On A Run And A Prayer!

 Hell blog readers.

Sometimes you do need to go out and just run.  At the moment that is one thing that I am really struggling with, getting out to run just for me!  You just know that a good run can clear your mind, just for a while.  But having a running club and all my running buddies and responsibilities in that club is such a great way of getting out there and doing it.  I lead so I run, simple!  At the moment we are in the middle of the beginners week, during this half term I have been able to do some running with Pat and Paul, my friends, who have being doing this years course.  Their homework is to do what they did the  Saturday just gone, the brisk walking, the drills and then the running of 6 minutes run, 2 minutes walking, times that 4 times!  It's a lot easier to lead the running in an enclosed space like Willet Rec, because there I can, slow down, go in the opposite direction and just take it a little bit easier than everyone else.  Running on a route with Pat and Paul, well, there is no hiding, no going in the opposite direction either.  

But I really do need it.  These past two weeks I have been watching a friend of mine slowly hit rock bottom.  Drinking and depression has taken her to the darkest place of her mind and I am absolutely helpless to stop her going there. Over the years I have watch her battle with her addiction.  I can't imagine having to live it or with someone who has an addiction and depression.  When all the things I have tried have failed to help my friend come to terms with it I just get angry.  Angry at her, angry at myself.  I felt I was doing more harm than good!  Mental health and addiction doesn't just affect the person going through it, it affects their partners and their children.  It also affects their friends.  I have come close to completely turning my back on my friend, just because she refused help that was given to her, time and time again!  But, I can't and won't do that, it's just not in me, too bloody soft! But fortunately I have had a group of friends that I can unload on too, to pray with and share with.  I pray that my friend gets the help, now that her partner has reached out as a last resort, maybe now is the time! 

Hopefully we will go running again, it's what helps me, even though I struggle to get out of the door, when I've done it I feel good again.  Lets see what each day brings, with lots of prayers for everyone I am sure this will come to a conclusion soon.

 Geeky stats, I have no idea why it's not coming up as it used to, my blog page has changed format (I quite like the old one) but since then it only gives the web address.  So copy and paste and I am sure you will see our run this evening.

<iframe src='' title='Bromley Running' width='465' height='500' frameborder='0'></iframe>

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