Thursday, 28 May 2020

A Whole Week of No Blogging?

Hello Readers

A whole week of nothing from me!  Well, it doesn't mean that I have been doing nothing!  I have been busy doing all sorts.  Not much running though! I am so finding that a hard thing to get going again, not sure why.  But keeping myself busy with the work outs with my pals has been a life saver!

I can't imagine what I would be like if I didn't do at least 30 minutes of exercises every day, just getting my heart rate above that of a sloth is a bonus!  I have been doing mainly Team Body Project workouts, an absolutely brill programme of  exercises and routines to get the heart going, get the fat burning, and now that I have my weights and mat, I should start to get stronger, my arms are just so weak!  I can just about hold a plank for 30 seconds.

My sister Bims has gone back to work, so she's not been joining me via facetime working out together, but Jan has been there most days and LouLou joining in.  My other sister, hmmm, well I need to kick her arse to get herself moving and sweating!  She does a lot of getting around, but just not enough time spent on herself!  Are you reading this Mrs, I am talking about you! Anyway, it seems that as long as I am out their with my mates I get on and do my exercises, it's gotta be doing me so good right!

Yesterday and today I used my new dumbbells, oh my goodness, I can't tell you how excited I was to use these, lets just hope that the excitement stays for quite a while!  But oh my goodness, I was thinking than maybe I should have got the slightly lighter weights!  There was a choice between .75kg, 1kg, 1.5kg, 3kg and even heavier, but I went with the 1.5kg, its not to light, slightly challenging than the 1kg, plus not showing off by going for the 3kg (and possibly never using them again) I think I chose the right ones. There was a point when I first got them and tried them out that maybe I should have got the lighter ones, but now, I think I made the right choice!  By the way, when I got my stuff from Sports Direct, they sent me a free gift......its the most humongous mug with their logo imblazed on it!  It's almost swimming pool size.  Not only that but because of of attention to detail, (I ordered a yoga mat bag rather than the yoga mat itself, I now have two of these delightful mugs! 

So yes, I have been busy, honest, Ive been walking with the Old Boy, I've even done a bike ride, I shall write that up on my other blog. I just don't want to  blog every day, especially as I am boring the pants of people by going live on my FaceBook page doing my workouts! 

So until next time blog readers

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