Hello Readers
A whole week of nothing from me! Well, it doesn't mean that I have been doing nothing! I have been busy doing all sorts. Not much running though! I am so finding that a hard thing to get going again, not sure why. But keeping myself busy with the work outs with my pals has been a life saver!
I can't imagine what I would be like if I didn't do at least 30 minutes of exercises every day, just getting my heart rate above that of a sloth is a bonus! I have been doing mainly Team Body Project workouts, an absolutely brill programme of exercises and routines to get the heart going, get the fat burning, and now that I have my weights and mat, I should start to get stronger, my arms are just so weak! I can just about hold a plank for 30 seconds.
My sister Bims has gone back to work, so she's not been joining me via facetime working out together, but Jan has been there most days and LouLou joining in. My other sister, hmmm, well I need to kick her arse to get herself moving and sweating! She does a lot of getting around, but just not enough time spent on herself! Are you reading this Mrs, I am talking about you! Anyway, it seems that as long as I am out their with my mates I get on and do my exercises, it's gotta be doing me so good right!
Yesterday and today I used my new dumbbells, oh my goodness, I can't tell you how excited I was to use these, lets just hope that the excitement stays for quite a while! But oh my goodness, I was thinking than maybe I should have got the slightly lighter weights! There was a choice between .75kg, 1kg, 1.5kg, 3kg and even heavier, but I went with the 1.5kg, its not to light, slightly challenging than the 1kg, plus not showing off by going for the 3kg (and possibly never using them again) I think I chose the right ones. There was a point when I first got them and tried them out that maybe I should have got the lighter ones, but now, I think I made the right choice! By the way, when I got my stuff from Sports Direct, they sent me a free gift......its the most humongous mug with their logo imblazed on it! It's almost swimming pool size. Not only that but because of my....um.....lack of attention to detail, (I ordered a yoga mat bag rather than the yoga mat itself, I now have two of these delightful mugs!
So yes, I have been busy, honest, Ive been walking with the Old Boy, I've even done a bike ride, I shall write that up on my other blog. I just don't want to blog every day, especially as I am boring the pants of people by going live on my FaceBook page doing my workouts!
So until next time blog readers
I am loving running. I can say that with almost true conviction. After all, if I didn't love it, then I wouldn't still be writing this blog, right? So dive in, enjoy the ramblings of my open diary.
Thursday, 28 May 2020
Wednesday, 20 May 2020
Bike Rides, Walks and Workouts!
Hello blog readers.
I am afraid I have left it way too long between blogging and exercising! I can't remember what I done on what day. But I have been busy that's for sure! I decided that I wouldn't write up every single day about my exercising because that would just become bloody boring, I don't want to bore the pants of you guys! I expect I am doing that with my viewer on my live feeds on FaceBook! But all the while I have at least one person that pops in then, in my mind, they are there with me, for the whole 30 minutes or so, which means that I have to keep on going. I must be fair, usually Jan is working out with me, reminding me each time to put my watch on! Oh yes, I put my Garmin on to record my exercises! If it's not recorded then it didn't happen! (except on facebook..... but you know!)
I have done a lot of Team Body Project workouts, I have now subscribed to his channel on youtube. There are a lot of videos on there! I thought I would 'step it up' again this week, on Monday, I chose one of theirs on the channel with Alex taking the lead, the wife/partner of......blimey I really need to find out his name, but anyway, she is evil! Oh my goodness, I really thought I was ready for it, after all, I have been doing exercises now for five weeks, six weeks? It's a bimmin long time. But I am not! I am thinking to myself, we live in an world that wants things done quicker faster, done yesterday! We want things to be smaller, lighter, that includes ourselves! But things like fitness does not come in an instance. It's also not all about exercises too! Unfortunately! It's about healthy eating as well! That is what I need to work on as well, but, well, I just don't want too! It's too much like hard work! Yes I know working out, running, cycling and all forms of exercises is hard work, but doing that and then denying yourself the sweet tasty, fattening things in life just seem to be too much! I think I must be grateful for the fact that at least I am working out, burning off some of those calories that I seemed to insist I stick down my neck! I can't imagine what I would look like after lockdown has been lifted if I didn't workout, run and cycle!
Did I mention that I have been working out on the green in front of my house? Shalini was very keen to get this underway after I said "We should get our neighbours to do a workout on our green" Why did I say that, I hear you say. Because J.J.'s street have all been coming out on a Saturday morning to all workout together! Well it is a brilliant idea, isn't it!? Neighbourly, kindness, helpful, encouraging! All the things that we should be, this week especially! Anyway, Shalini got the ball rolling and straight away got on with letting the neighbours know!This was the first week
My second cycle out was a lot better by the way......I pumped up the tyres! I can't believe I didn't really check them, Anyway, more about cycling in my other blog! So I have worked out with Joanna Soh and with the Peloton guys, Cody and Hannah! I have worked out with Adele Murrell and I have done numerous Body Project. Some have been pretty tough going! But I am not going stop, that's for sure! I have to keep going! Even if it's for my own piece of mind, just doing something is better than not doing something! It's mental Health Awareness week, and I tell you, exercise does help with your whole 'feeling ok' with things! I am sure when people are really feeling totally shitty the last thing they want to do is to go out for a run, or pick up some dumbbells and throw those skywards! I know there has been many a time I haven't been arsed to go for a run, knowing that it would probably do me good! I know that because there have been a few times when I've gone running when I didn't feel like it and had a bloody good run! Something to do with endorphins or some such thing. I was certain I have never had such things, I was never issued any when I was in the queue to be born! Well that's what I thought! That's only because when I expecting this huge high, this euphoria, unmistakingly like nothing else! When generally it's all just about your head space, me time, that feeling of.....'Yes I fecking done it'! Sometimes that is all you need.
What else did I do! Oh yes, I went for a bike ride yesterday, with my sons girlfriend. She borrowed my white Giant and I took my Specialized! It was the first time this year!, but more about that in my cycling blog!
Today, well today I went back to Adeles facebook page to do another one of her classes. One that I have not done before! It was filmed in 2017, so sometime ago, it looked like it was a lovely day, she had a vest top on all set for summer, at least that is what I thought! Adele herself had asked if I had done this one before, and I said I hadn't.
So doing it today, all by myself, in the beginning, not even Jan was on line. Bims is of course working, so no banter! The video started, the nice gentle warm up, slowing just awakening those muscles! Nope! It was start jumps and jogging on the spot. It was like a cold flannel wake up call for your body! We started the exercises, So far so good, and then.....well......then she said it! "Burpees are next" I fecking hate burpees! I just can't do them, my legs don't seem to want to jump forward or backwards once I have touched down with my hands.......or so I thought!" My first burpee was, almost, a perfect burpee! I am only sorry that I didn't bring the camera down lower so that all.....one of my.....viewers could see it! Ok, I still hate burpees, but I did it! I only did about 3 or 4 to Adele's 6 or 7 or however many she managed to do in 30 seconds! But yeah, impressed my self! I think the workouts are..working out! I am still not ready to got continually to the intermediate classes! During my live workout today Bims came on line! I she was working from home, or had the day off, whatever, but she came as my 'guest' on my live recording and we had BANTER! Oh how I have missed that. At the end of my record I went and had a look at it, I could see me as I popped up and down doing those blimmin burpees! I can't believe I screamed out 'Burpees' everytime I jumped up! What a crazy lady!
Was that all I did today? Hmmm, no! No it wasn't because at 5:30 this evening the neighbours came on to the green for some more socially distance work out! I did another workout with the neighbours. I chose to do the very first class we did last week as it was not so much of jumping about as the weather was ridiculously warm! I seriously didn't think anybody would show up this evening, but Shalini came, my neighbour opposite who lives next door to NaggyNeighbour and one of the ladies from the close! They all had water with them, thankfully! I think they all do workout pretty hard, they are all fed up of not moving, or getting around.
So up today date. A lot to read, a lot missing too, I expect you are pleased about that!
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I look tired here, I think I didn't sleep too well the night before |
I am afraid I have left it way too long between blogging and exercising! I can't remember what I done on what day. But I have been busy that's for sure! I decided that I wouldn't write up every single day about my exercising because that would just become bloody boring, I don't want to bore the pants of you guys! I expect I am doing that with my viewer on my live feeds on FaceBook! But all the while I have at least one person that pops in then, in my mind, they are there with me, for the whole 30 minutes or so, which means that I have to keep on going. I must be fair, usually Jan is working out with me, reminding me each time to put my watch on! Oh yes, I put my Garmin on to record my exercises! If it's not recorded then it didn't happen! (except on facebook..... but you know!)
I have done a lot of Team Body Project workouts, I have now subscribed to his channel on youtube. There are a lot of videos on there! I thought I would 'step it up' again this week, on Monday, I chose one of theirs on the channel with Alex taking the lead, the wife/partner of......blimey I really need to find out his name, but anyway, she is evil! Oh my goodness, I really thought I was ready for it, after all, I have been doing exercises now for five weeks, six weeks? It's a bimmin long time. But I am not! I am thinking to myself, we live in an world that wants things done quicker faster, done yesterday! We want things to be smaller, lighter, that includes ourselves! But things like fitness does not come in an instance. It's also not all about exercises too! Unfortunately! It's about healthy eating as well! That is what I need to work on as well, but, well, I just don't want too! It's too much like hard work! Yes I know working out, running, cycling and all forms of exercises is hard work, but doing that and then denying yourself the sweet tasty, fattening things in life just seem to be too much! I think I must be grateful for the fact that at least I am working out, burning off some of those calories that I seemed to insist I stick down my neck! I can't imagine what I would look like after lockdown has been lifted if I didn't workout, run and cycle!
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Shalinis handiwork, she even had her own personal postal workers, her husband and Daughter! |
My second cycle out was a lot better by the way......I pumped up the tyres! I can't believe I didn't really check them, Anyway, more about cycling in my other blog! So I have worked out with Joanna Soh and with the Peloton guys, Cody and Hannah! I have worked out with Adele Murrell and I have done numerous Body Project. Some have been pretty tough going! But I am not going stop, that's for sure! I have to keep going! Even if it's for my own piece of mind, just doing something is better than not doing something! It's mental Health Awareness week, and I tell you, exercise does help with your whole 'feeling ok' with things! I am sure when people are really feeling totally shitty the last thing they want to do is to go out for a run, or pick up some dumbbells and throw those skywards! I know there has been many a time I haven't been arsed to go for a run, knowing that it would probably do me good! I know that because there have been a few times when I've gone running when I didn't feel like it and had a bloody good run! Something to do with endorphins or some such thing. I was certain I have never had such things, I was never issued any when I was in the queue to be born! Well that's what I thought! That's only because when I expecting this huge high, this euphoria, unmistakingly like nothing else! When generally it's all just about your head space, me time, that feeling of.....'Yes I fecking done it'! Sometimes that is all you need.
What else did I do! Oh yes, I went for a bike ride yesterday, with my sons girlfriend. She borrowed my white Giant and I took my Specialized! It was the first time this year!, but more about that in my cycling blog!
Today, well today I went back to Adeles facebook page to do another one of her classes. One that I have not done before! It was filmed in 2017, so sometime ago, it looked like it was a lovely day, she had a vest top on all set for summer, at least that is what I thought! Adele herself had asked if I had done this one before, and I said I hadn't.
So doing it today, all by myself, in the beginning, not even Jan was on line. Bims is of course working, so no banter! The video started, the nice gentle warm up, slowing just awakening those muscles! Nope! It was start jumps and jogging on the spot. It was like a cold flannel wake up call for your body! We started the exercises, So far so good, and then.....well......then she said it! "Burpees are next" I fecking hate burpees! I just can't do them, my legs don't seem to want to jump forward or backwards once I have touched down with my hands.......or so I thought!" My first burpee was, almost, a perfect burpee! I am only sorry that I didn't bring the camera down lower so that all.....one of my.....viewers could see it! Ok, I still hate burpees, but I did it! I only did about 3 or 4 to Adele's 6 or 7 or however many she managed to do in 30 seconds! But yeah, impressed my self! I think the workouts are..working out! I am still not ready to got continually to the intermediate classes! During my live workout today Bims came on line! I she was working from home, or had the day off, whatever, but she came as my 'guest' on my live recording and we had BANTER! Oh how I have missed that. At the end of my record I went and had a look at it, I could see me as I popped up and down doing those blimmin burpees! I can't believe I screamed out 'Burpees' everytime I jumped up! What a crazy lady!
Was that all I did today? Hmmm, no! No it wasn't because at 5:30 this evening the neighbours came on to the green for some more socially distance work out! I did another workout with the neighbours. I chose to do the very first class we did last week as it was not so much of jumping about as the weather was ridiculously warm! I seriously didn't think anybody would show up this evening, but Shalini came, my neighbour opposite who lives next door to NaggyNeighbour and one of the ladies from the close! They all had water with them, thankfully! I think they all do workout pretty hard, they are all fed up of not moving, or getting around.
So up today date. A lot to read, a lot missing too, I expect you are pleased about that!
Monday, 11 May 2020
There's Exercise Galore!
Hello all
I did two lots of exercises on Wednesday, but only got one on Garmin! So I had to go and add the first one manually! As it was my first 'class' that I went live with on facebook, I think it's acceptable.
Jan said that it looked as if I was finding it a bit easier! Oh if only! Maybe I was just working harder at it, I knew the moves he was going to be doing next and so I was ready for it! I did the Body Project one again, I do like that one, repetition, I guess that's the best thing, work harder as you know what's coming! I think now, all the classes I have found on youtube so far, I will stick with the few favourite ones during the week, maybe try out a new one once a week, and then have fun on the Friday with the dancing ones! I like ending the week on a high!
Anyway back to Wednesdays. The first was the Body Project (I know I just said mentioned that) deffo on my top three fav vids so far. Even for the fact that the two people he has with him, doing the class with the instructor (I must try and get the instructors name!) well, they are just ordinary, not so skinny people! It just makes you feel that you are not wasting your time doing classes. Because if these guys are there, on youtube for all to see then it's gotta be worth it, right!? Facebook was playing up again today, with the whole 'invite someone to your live show' button thing! It was there yesterday afternoon, but this morning, when I wanted it, it was gone! Not only that my my sister Hayley was late! Tut tut, so in the end, Bims was on facetime and watching me on live too! We worked hard, there were a few people who popped in and said hi, which was nice. I love to see the comments, it feels like I am with my pals when I am working out!
I think I worked really hard, I felt the burn in my thighs, I was sweating, I think I only stopped short a couple of times! Tut, but mainly I worked it! Bims had her weights with her. I think that is what I am going to get now, along with a mat, because I know when I do the floor exercises, (not that there were any in todays reps) I always slip on the floor. A little treat for myself I think. Anyway, we did it, we smashed it, we got the sweat for doing it! Loved it!
The next one I did on the same day was with my work colleagues. It was suggested that we come along and have fun doing a zumba class! I have checked out the Zumba classes on youtube, to be honest, it's not entirely my thing, mainly because I need verbal instruction, just before each exercise, as well as just seeing how it's done. My brain seems to go to mush when I try and decided which way to go, with which hand or knee going up, down or sideways! I have noticed that on all the Zumba classes on youtube they are all the same, the instructor in front, just pointing out which way or which leg she/he is going to use and then does it! So by the time I have worked out what to do they are on the next move. I can't get those the hand signals, the count down with the fingers letting me know when the next 'move' is going to happen. I was only too glad that my camera decided to pack up before we started the class as I was just so uncoordinated, I was all arms and legs going in different directions. Still I just kind of wiggled my hips in the right places, I still managed to get a sweat on, and it was fun (ish)! But Zumba, hmm, maybe it's not quite the right classes for me! Stick to my discuiplined exercises and core training!
Thursday, well that was done with Adele Murrell a friend of mine. I think I have told you all before. I am a creature of habit, I like to do things that I have done before and get it right! This would be the third time I had done this same class with Adele, I still enjoyed it just as much! My muscles, I am sure, enjoyed it too! Bims was with me on facebook live! We finally managed to get it together! That was fun, seeing her with me on the same screen! I have yet to get organised where I can 'see' both of my sisters while exercising! It will come, I know!
I kept having to pause Adele, just while I picked myself up off the floor, and then to start the next exercises! There is no rest for the wicked! Maybe when she goes 'live' next time on facebook she can 'invite' one or her clients on screen, someone who is not quite as subtle as her, and takes just a little bit longer to get up off the floor! No rest for the wicked (chocolate, cheescake, chicken flavour crisp munchers to you!)
There were spotty dogs, planks and all other sorts of exercises thrown in there, down on the floor, up on our feet, back down on the floor. It deffo worked us all.. I say 'us' because sometimes it is not just me, or me and my sister, my other pals join in too! Jan and Lou often come and join me! It's so much fun when there are more of you. The banter, even if I can only see after I have finished, I can see the chat as it happens on my live feed.
Of course after that, both me and Bims went for a bike ride! I forgot to take my Garmin with me,
anyway, I have written about that in my cycling blog! Feck knows how you find it from here, but I think if you click buttons you will be able to find it! Either that or just check out my facebook page, I usually post it on there, showing off how marvelous I am doing all this exercise!
It was a very special weekend, our bank Holiday Monday was moved to the Friday, it was VE day, 75 years! Amazing! Amazing to think that there are still some old soldiers left that was in WW2. Captain...Colonel Tom Moore, for instance! At a 100 year old, he walked around his nursing home 100 times raising an astonishing 32 million pounds for the NHS! He was in the war. Such an inspirational man! Other elder people also do amazing things for people their age. Walking up and down stairs, to equal the height of Mount Everest, or it may have been another huge mountain! Anyway, it's going up, it's stairs! It kills me going up my one flight of stairs! let along going up them to equal a mountain!
Saturday of course I lazed again! Doing nothing by laying in my garden topping up my freckles. But then Sunday, well Sunday me and Naggyneighbour went for a nice social distancing run through Jubilee park and beyond. Naggy wanted to do slightly more than the usual 3.5 miles, at least, the very least get to 4 miles distance. I had a route planned to run to Jubilee, in through the gate, an head left.
When we left our road Naggy was well and truly so socially distanced from me that I couldn't see her! I struggled just on that first road, my breathing was all over the place. I know my diet has a lot to do with the way my body is working right now, totally the wrong things. But giving up booze (just for the year, July 22nd, here I come!) and giving up the fags only this year, there is no way I am giving up my chocolate and sweet stuff just yet! I am enjoying my crips and sherbers, my shortbread biscuits with my tea! No, I need to keep those going, just for a while longer. But I am sure, in fact I know it's what makes me sluggish, a bloated, full up feeling while trying to run!
I sort of ran walked all the way to the park where Naggy was waiting for me! We went into the park, dodging people, trying to keep 2m away and then headed for The Manor at Bickley! From there it was that blimmin hill! Oh how I hate that hill! I had a bit of time to think about it as we ran past the hotel, then turning right to run down towards the two bridges!
There were many people about, there was going to be many a stopping to let people go, or running/walking slowly past them, trying not to breath on them a I pass. That Hill soon was before me! I could almost feel it taunting me "Hello Old Girl, where have you been" It almost speaks loudly to me "Let's see how you do this time, dodging all those sensible people walking up the hill" You just know, if hills could talk, that's exactly what it would say! Especially as I did have to dodge a few people going up there! Naggy seemed to fly up there!
When I got to the top she seem well rested while I was ready to puke up my shortbread biscuits! This next bit of path is just enough to go along single file. There will be no 2m distance if there is anyone coming from the other side!.....And yet there was! A family, with a little girl. I thanked them as I passed them, the mother holding in her child, almost shielding her daughters face from this monster jogger who is breathing heavily all over the place! Just then, just as I passed them I cried. I mean a big huge sob welled up in side and came out! I had just about composed my self by the time I got to the end where yet more people were waiting. This virus has got everyone feeling just about like paranoid nutcase or a mutated germ breathing monster. At that point, I felt like the monster! I felt horrible!
We ran down Botany Bay Lane, again so filled with families, enjoying the last of the sunshine for the day, well, it was forecasted to rain all day on Sunday. Naggy stood up on a kerb, by the sheep field, waiting for the families to walk slowly past her. She said not one of them said thank you, it seemed as if they had forgotten all about social distancing because they were not moving to the other side either! If we could have, Naggy wanted to leave the park there and then, but we were kind of in the middle. We decided to not go back through Jubilee park, but once we were over the three bridges we would come out via Tent Peg Lane and then go back home from there.
Just over 4 miles we covered on Sunday. The longest run I have done in a while! I enjoyed it, it was slow, but it was good to be out!
And so there's today! Today was exercise in front of the tv again. I found another Body Project video to follow. The instructor said it was no.4! His first one was done 6 years prior to this one, and this one was filmed in 2019! I would love to know if the that was the one I did first, you know, with Wayne the big guy and Angie. I would love to see if the programme worked for him. He looked to be well into to, I hope so!
This one had the instructors wife/partner there too, well I think it was as they were talking about their child! I was just hoping it was going to be just as good as the first one, really give us a good work out! And do you know what! We were not disappointed! I had both my sisters working out with me, although I could only watch one of them, but Hayley said she was doing it. I will watch her one day! make sure she's doing it right! Old Bims there had the weights again! I must treat myself to some! And a mat! Instead of watching telly I should go on amazon or whatever it is and buy some things for me!
I had remembered to start my watch, thanks Jan! And remember to turn it off with in a couple of minutes of finishing too! Not ba for an Old Girl!
So enough of my ramblings, heres to the next fun packed week of exercises with a blog at the end!
Jan said that it looked as if I was finding it a bit easier! Oh if only! Maybe I was just working harder at it, I knew the moves he was going to be doing next and so I was ready for it! I did the Body Project one again, I do like that one, repetition, I guess that's the best thing, work harder as you know what's coming! I think now, all the classes I have found on youtube so far, I will stick with the few favourite ones during the week, maybe try out a new one once a week, and then have fun on the Friday with the dancing ones! I like ending the week on a high!
Anyway back to Wednesdays. The first was the Body Project (I know I just said mentioned that) deffo on my top three fav vids so far. Even for the fact that the two people he has with him, doing the class with the instructor (I must try and get the instructors name!) well, they are just ordinary, not so skinny people! It just makes you feel that you are not wasting your time doing classes. Because if these guys are there, on youtube for all to see then it's gotta be worth it, right!? Facebook was playing up again today, with the whole 'invite someone to your live show' button thing! It was there yesterday afternoon, but this morning, when I wanted it, it was gone! Not only that my my sister Hayley was late! Tut tut, so in the end, Bims was on facetime and watching me on live too! We worked hard, there were a few people who popped in and said hi, which was nice. I love to see the comments, it feels like I am with my pals when I am working out!
I think I worked really hard, I felt the burn in my thighs, I was sweating, I think I only stopped short a couple of times! Tut, but mainly I worked it! Bims had her weights with her. I think that is what I am going to get now, along with a mat, because I know when I do the floor exercises, (not that there were any in todays reps) I always slip on the floor. A little treat for myself I think. Anyway, we did it, we smashed it, we got the sweat for doing it! Loved it!
The next one I did on the same day was with my work colleagues. It was suggested that we come along and have fun doing a zumba class! I have checked out the Zumba classes on youtube, to be honest, it's not entirely my thing, mainly because I need verbal instruction, just before each exercise, as well as just seeing how it's done. My brain seems to go to mush when I try and decided which way to go, with which hand or knee going up, down or sideways! I have noticed that on all the Zumba classes on youtube they are all the same, the instructor in front, just pointing out which way or which leg she/he is going to use and then does it! So by the time I have worked out what to do they are on the next move. I can't get those the hand signals, the count down with the fingers letting me know when the next 'move' is going to happen. I was only too glad that my camera decided to pack up before we started the class as I was just so uncoordinated, I was all arms and legs going in different directions. Still I just kind of wiggled my hips in the right places, I still managed to get a sweat on, and it was fun (ish)! But Zumba, hmm, maybe it's not quite the right classes for me! Stick to my discuiplined exercises and core training!
Thursday, well that was done with Adele Murrell a friend of mine. I think I have told you all before. I am a creature of habit, I like to do things that I have done before and get it right! This would be the third time I had done this same class with Adele, I still enjoyed it just as much! My muscles, I am sure, enjoyed it too! Bims was with me on facebook live! We finally managed to get it together! That was fun, seeing her with me on the same screen! I have yet to get organised where I can 'see' both of my sisters while exercising! It will come, I know!
I kept having to pause Adele, just while I picked myself up off the floor, and then to start the next exercises! There is no rest for the wicked! Maybe when she goes 'live' next time on facebook she can 'invite' one or her clients on screen, someone who is not quite as subtle as her, and takes just a little bit longer to get up off the floor! No rest for the wicked (chocolate, cheescake, chicken flavour crisp munchers to you!)
There were spotty dogs, planks and all other sorts of exercises thrown in there, down on the floor, up on our feet, back down on the floor. It deffo worked us all.. I say 'us' because sometimes it is not just me, or me and my sister, my other pals join in too! Jan and Lou often come and join me! It's so much fun when there are more of you. The banter, even if I can only see after I have finished, I can see the chat as it happens on my live feed.
Of course after that, both me and Bims went for a bike ride! I forgot to take my Garmin with me,
anyway, I have written about that in my cycling blog! Feck knows how you find it from here, but I think if you click buttons you will be able to find it! Either that or just check out my facebook page, I usually post it on there, showing off how marvelous I am doing all this exercise!
It was a very special weekend, our bank Holiday Monday was moved to the Friday, it was VE day, 75 years! Amazing! Amazing to think that there are still some old soldiers left that was in WW2. Captain...Colonel Tom Moore, for instance! At a 100 year old, he walked around his nursing home 100 times raising an astonishing 32 million pounds for the NHS! He was in the war. Such an inspirational man! Other elder people also do amazing things for people their age. Walking up and down stairs, to equal the height of Mount Everest, or it may have been another huge mountain! Anyway, it's going up, it's stairs! It kills me going up my one flight of stairs! let along going up them to equal a mountain!
Saturday of course I lazed again! Doing nothing by laying in my garden topping up my freckles. But then Sunday, well Sunday me and Naggyneighbour went for a nice social distancing run through Jubilee park and beyond. Naggy wanted to do slightly more than the usual 3.5 miles, at least, the very least get to 4 miles distance. I had a route planned to run to Jubilee, in through the gate, an head left.
When we left our road Naggy was well and truly so socially distanced from me that I couldn't see her! I struggled just on that first road, my breathing was all over the place. I know my diet has a lot to do with the way my body is working right now, totally the wrong things. But giving up booze (just for the year, July 22nd, here I come!) and giving up the fags only this year, there is no way I am giving up my chocolate and sweet stuff just yet! I am enjoying my crips and sherbers, my shortbread biscuits with my tea! No, I need to keep those going, just for a while longer. But I am sure, in fact I know it's what makes me sluggish, a bloated, full up feeling while trying to run!
I sort of ran walked all the way to the park where Naggy was waiting for me! We went into the park, dodging people, trying to keep 2m away and then headed for The Manor at Bickley! From there it was that blimmin hill! Oh how I hate that hill! I had a bit of time to think about it as we ran past the hotel, then turning right to run down towards the two bridges!
There were many people about, there was going to be many a stopping to let people go, or running/walking slowly past them, trying not to breath on them a I pass. That Hill soon was before me! I could almost feel it taunting me "Hello Old Girl, where have you been" It almost speaks loudly to me "Let's see how you do this time, dodging all those sensible people walking up the hill" You just know, if hills could talk, that's exactly what it would say! Especially as I did have to dodge a few people going up there! Naggy seemed to fly up there!
When I got to the top she seem well rested while I was ready to puke up my shortbread biscuits! This next bit of path is just enough to go along single file. There will be no 2m distance if there is anyone coming from the other side!.....And yet there was! A family, with a little girl. I thanked them as I passed them, the mother holding in her child, almost shielding her daughters face from this monster jogger who is breathing heavily all over the place! Just then, just as I passed them I cried. I mean a big huge sob welled up in side and came out! I had just about composed my self by the time I got to the end where yet more people were waiting. This virus has got everyone feeling just about like paranoid nutcase or a mutated germ breathing monster. At that point, I felt like the monster! I felt horrible!
We ran down Botany Bay Lane, again so filled with families, enjoying the last of the sunshine for the day, well, it was forecasted to rain all day on Sunday. Naggy stood up on a kerb, by the sheep field, waiting for the families to walk slowly past her. She said not one of them said thank you, it seemed as if they had forgotten all about social distancing because they were not moving to the other side either! If we could have, Naggy wanted to leave the park there and then, but we were kind of in the middle. We decided to not go back through Jubilee park, but once we were over the three bridges we would come out via Tent Peg Lane and then go back home from there.
Just over 4 miles we covered on Sunday. The longest run I have done in a while! I enjoyed it, it was slow, but it was good to be out!
And so there's today! Today was exercise in front of the tv again. I found another Body Project video to follow. The instructor said it was no.4! His first one was done 6 years prior to this one, and this one was filmed in 2019! I would love to know if the that was the one I did first, you know, with Wayne the big guy and Angie. I would love to see if the programme worked for him. He looked to be well into to, I hope so!
This one had the instructors wife/partner there too, well I think it was as they were talking about their child! I was just hoping it was going to be just as good as the first one, really give us a good work out! And do you know what! We were not disappointed! I had both my sisters working out with me, although I could only watch one of them, but Hayley said she was doing it. I will watch her one day! make sure she's doing it right! Old Bims there had the weights again! I must treat myself to some! And a mat! Instead of watching telly I should go on amazon or whatever it is and buy some things for me!
I had remembered to start my watch, thanks Jan! And remember to turn it off with in a couple of minutes of finishing too! Not ba for an Old Girl!
So enough of my ramblings, heres to the next fun packed week of exercises with a blog at the end!
Tuesday, 5 May 2020
Another Week, Another Blog
Hello blog readers.
Yet another week has passed! This time for me seems to be running away from me. I feel I have done nothing, nothing of significance that is. I kind of just squandered this time of isolation! Yes, I have been doing exercises, trying to keep fit, but as we all know that will only help if eat a healthy diet too! I hate to think what I would be like if I didn't do those youtube exercises. Today I found this one where it was a young girl doing her work out. I am not sure if she is a fitness instruction or personal trainer, but it was on youtube, the exercises looked like they were going to put me through my paces. I also had my sister on Facetime with me, so that we could banter and cheer each other one! Why would I particularly like to hear my sister I hear you ask. Well this young lady who I am about to follow doesn't actually speak! She just goes through the motions, the timer ticking down when it come to the end of the exercise ready for the next and the name of the next discipline is displayed at the top of the screen!
Hmmm, I think this one was going to be tough mentally. I like hearing "Yeah, you got this" because otherwise in my mind I hear "Give up old girl for feck sake!, you're pathetic"! So Having NaggingSister, aka Bims, was just what I needed. My other sister, Queenie (an old nickname from her school days) was supposed to join me too, but for some reason she had urgent business to attend to! What, I don't know!
I had to do my own warm up too, because the 'Silent One' didn't do any sort of warm up first. I wonder if she has a squeaky voice (just like me but I don't give a stuff) and that's why she don't talk! Hmm. anyway, we did our own warm up, and then I started the video going. We did a couple of reps, lunges, punches, sumo squats, leg raises, and crunches. All the usual stuff, with not one word of encouragement from her. Me and Bims were making some noises, groanings and moanings with the occasional "Come on Old girl!" or "Come on Bims we got this"! I managed to get it done, it wasn't pretty, and I did struggle. It wasn't my fav youtube workout! Bims agreed! My fav so far is the Body Project, maybe it's because I am lazy......no getting down on the floor! I know that getting down on the floor is good for your, working different muscles, easing pressure on doing some of the exercises, or maybe even making them that little bit hard, more effective! But still, I like the standing one!
On Sunday I had plans to do a 10k, my running clubs members 10k. It was to be a social distance run with Karin, as all our runs have been since the beginning of time! Well most of them anyway! But I really wasn't in the right mood for it, but I still went out and we done half the route, half the distance, but I was glad that I did it! Plenty of time to get back to my running fitness, so I keep telling myself. Being mostly inactive for the rest of the day is probably not what we're used to, is it. But I did it, no run is a bad run, just slower or faster!
There have been about 10 other exercises and walking since the last time I blogged too! And todays workout....well, I forgot to record on my Garmin! Gutted! But also today, I did go out on my bike!
So a nice short blog about 11-12 exercises! Can you imagine if I blogged after every single one? My goodness, you would be saying "For goodness sake Old Girl, shut the feck up!" It's why I am saving up my blogging really! I mean, who does exercisies every freakin day? Crazy! But I know that it probably works out to be the same as if I was at work! Probably why no fat loss.......that and chocolate and crisps!
So, until next time!
Yet another week has passed! This time for me seems to be running away from me. I feel I have done nothing, nothing of significance that is. I kind of just squandered this time of isolation! Yes, I have been doing exercises, trying to keep fit, but as we all know that will only help if eat a healthy diet too! I hate to think what I would be like if I didn't do those youtube exercises. Today I found this one where it was a young girl doing her work out. I am not sure if she is a fitness instruction or personal trainer, but it was on youtube, the exercises looked like they were going to put me through my paces. I also had my sister on Facetime with me, so that we could banter and cheer each other one! Why would I particularly like to hear my sister I hear you ask. Well this young lady who I am about to follow doesn't actually speak! She just goes through the motions, the timer ticking down when it come to the end of the exercise ready for the next and the name of the next discipline is displayed at the top of the screen!
Hmmm, I think this one was going to be tough mentally. I like hearing "Yeah, you got this" because otherwise in my mind I hear "Give up old girl for feck sake!, you're pathetic"! So Having NaggingSister, aka Bims, was just what I needed. My other sister, Queenie (an old nickname from her school days) was supposed to join me too, but for some reason she had urgent business to attend to! What, I don't know!
I had to do my own warm up too, because the 'Silent One' didn't do any sort of warm up first. I wonder if she has a squeaky voice (just like me but I don't give a stuff) and that's why she don't talk! Hmm. anyway, we did our own warm up, and then I started the video going. We did a couple of reps, lunges, punches, sumo squats, leg raises, and crunches. All the usual stuff, with not one word of encouragement from her. Me and Bims were making some noises, groanings and moanings with the occasional "Come on Old girl!" or "Come on Bims we got this"! I managed to get it done, it wasn't pretty, and I did struggle. It wasn't my fav youtube workout! Bims agreed! My fav so far is the Body Project, maybe it's because I am lazy......no getting down on the floor! I know that getting down on the floor is good for your, working different muscles, easing pressure on doing some of the exercises, or maybe even making them that little bit hard, more effective! But still, I like the standing one!
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Me and Bims |
There have been about 10 other exercises and walking since the last time I blogged too! And todays workout....well, I forgot to record on my Garmin! Gutted! But also today, I did go out on my bike!
So a nice short blog about 11-12 exercises! Can you imagine if I blogged after every single one? My goodness, you would be saying "For goodness sake Old Girl, shut the feck up!" It's why I am saving up my blogging really! I mean, who does exercisies every freakin day? Crazy! But I know that it probably works out to be the same as if I was at work! Probably why no fat loss.......that and chocolate and crisps!
So, until next time!
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