One of our PWR's suggested a challenge, for all of us that are able to that is, to do a 5k in our back gardens. The first (maybe the last!) Bromley PWR gardenrun. I am going to name names, it was Viral, Viral suggested this! And to his amazement, (and mine) there were quite a few comments, positive feed back and rushing out to measure gardens to see how many laps they would have to do! I looked at my garden and thought long and hard about it.....actually I went straight on to the post and said, "But I have a step" meaning, "Yeah, of course I am going to try this challenge" What a complete nutnut I am.
Fortunately the Old Boy had been busy in the garden, the grass was nice and short, clear run all the way around, and across, and round the other way, and down the middle! Because that is how I thought I would try this challenge. My garden is a bit small and I didn't want to end up going dizzy so I thought cutting across diagonal would stop them, and ease pressure on the knees!
So with the run director and the set up squad we risk assessed the garden. The tail walker was under strict instructions not to overtake the last runner/walkers on today's first gardenrun. The cheer marshals will, be along as soon as the run got under way, (I wasn't quite sure that would happen, but you never know) The run director decided that the will kick off around 10 ish, well the clocks had gone back, everyone wouldn't be bothered about times and stuff, so that's what I did. RD set up the ipad to do a live feed to Facebook, because that is where the marshals shall be! Yup, there I was, RD, Set upper, tailwalker, pacer (actually no, Becs will be pacer!) and a live feed for 45 minutes of some complete nutter doing a 'hamster' run in the garden! I chose to use the Peloton app as well, but not with the lovely Ollie, but with Becs Gentry! Her 'indoor' class was called Rock Run. I thought I was going to need some rocking tunes to keep me motivated for seemed like an eternity of running loopy around my garden!
Ipad set up, peloton, jabra and Garmin all ready to go. I start the first loop, hmmm, this was going to be harder than I thought! Because even I can run faster than what my garden was allowing me to do! "That's Ok, just keep going, lets see what Jabra and Garmin say you done at the end of the 45 minutes" That's why I chose the 45 minutes session. I know I can run 5k in that time, I have done it quicker of course, but this was going to be different.
Becs starts out all sweet like, she's on her treadmill, microphone, skinny body, probably going to look totally glamorous after this session, I was thinking, "I can do this, it's 45 minutes of good tunes, just enjoy" But then she gets harder and harder, "Turn it up, give me an incline" she says. I was thinking "I am glad I don't have a treadmill!" But she was really pushing, I tried to give as much as my garden would allow me to, but there was no speed there.
Jabra poked her nose it, "Time 16.54....bla bla...distance....0.6 m, ....blah bla" "What?! Are you kidding me, not even a mile" Well Jabra is not very blimmin motivational, is she!? I checked on my Gamin to see how far it was showing me I had gone, and the same thing there, not very far at all! This was going to be a tough gardenrun! I just had to listen to bitchyBecs (she said it first!) for my motivation and stamina to keep on going!
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Right there, going crazy! |
When I got to 20 minutes in I thought to myself "I shall just run another 10 minutes and then quit!" Because it was really getting tedious! At some point during my gardenrun I had to go and put my Ipad in my house because we had sleet coming, I really wanted to give up then, but I carried on. After a while I noticed that my curtain blew my Ipad over and it was laying face down for a while, how long I don't know. I went to stand it back up and as it had stopped sleeting I put it back outside. So 30 minutes came....and went, I had missed it, I looked at how long I had been doing the hamster run....sorry the gardenrun and saw there was only another 10 minutes left of her class. So I kept on going, as best as I could. I am really going to feel smug after this run!
So forty five minutes of running around and around my garden, along with quite a few other PWR's that had taken up Virals challenge. Done it! Now, where's my medal!
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