Sunday, 29 March 2020

Inaugural Bromley gardenrun

Hello blog readers.

One of our PWR's suggested a challenge, for all of us that are able to that is, to do a 5k in our back gardens.  The first (maybe the last!) Bromley PWR gardenrun.  I am going to name names, it was Viral, Viral suggested this!  And to his amazement, (and mine) there were quite a few comments, positive feed back and rushing out to measure gardens to see how many  laps they would have to do!  I looked at my garden and thought long and hard about it.....actually I went straight on to the post and said, "But I have a step" meaning, "Yeah, of course I am going to try this challenge"  What a complete nutnut I am. 

Fortunately the Old Boy had been busy in the garden, the grass was nice and short, clear run all the way around, and across, and round the other way, and down the middle!  Because that is how I thought I would try this challenge.  My garden is a bit small and I didn't want to end up going dizzy so I thought cutting across diagonal would stop them, and ease pressure on the knees!

So with the run director and the set up squad we risk assessed the garden. The tail walker was under strict instructions not to overtake the last runner/walkers on today's first gardenrun. The cheer marshals will, be along as soon as the run got under way, (I wasn't quite sure that would happen, but you never know) The run director decided that the will kick off around 10 ish, well the clocks had gone back, everyone wouldn't be bothered about times and stuff, so that's what I did.  RD set up the ipad to do a live feed to Facebook, because that is where the marshals shall be! Yup, there I was, RD, Set upper, tailwalker, pacer (actually no, Becs will be pacer!) and a live feed for 45 minutes of some complete nutter doing a 'hamster' run in the garden!  I chose to use the Peloton app as well, but not with the lovely Ollie, but with Becs Gentry!  Her 'indoor' class was called Rock Run.  I thought I was going to need some rocking tunes to keep me motivated for seemed like an eternity of running loopy around my garden!

Ipad set up, peloton, jabra and Garmin all ready to go.  I start the first loop, hmmm, this was going to be harder than I thought!  Because even I can run faster than what my garden was allowing me to do!  "That's Ok, just keep going, lets see what Jabra and Garmin say you done at the end of the 45 minutes"  That's why I chose the 45 minutes session.  I know I can run 5k in that time, I have done it quicker of course, but this was going to be different. 

Becs starts out all sweet like, she's on her treadmill, microphone, skinny body, probably going to look totally glamorous after this session, I was thinking, "I can do this, it's 45 minutes of good tunes, just enjoy"  But then she gets harder and harder, "Turn it up, give me an incline" she says.  I was thinking "I am glad I don't have a treadmill!"  But she was really pushing, I tried to give as much as my garden would allow me to, but there was no speed there.

Jabra poked her nose it, "Time 16.54....bla bla...distance....0.6 m, ....blah bla"  "What?! Are you kidding me, not even a mile"  Well Jabra is not very blimmin motivational, is she!?  I checked on my Gamin to see how far it was showing me I had gone, and the same thing there, not very far at all!  This was going to be a tough gardenrun!  I just had to listen to bitchyBecs (she said it first!) for my motivation and stamina to keep on going! 

Right there, going crazy!

When I got to 20 minutes in I thought to myself "I shall just run another 10 minutes and then quit!"  Because it was really getting tedious!  At some point during my gardenrun I had to go and put my Ipad in my house because we had sleet coming, I really wanted to give up then, but I carried on. After a while I noticed that my curtain blew my Ipad over and it was laying face down for a while, how long I don't know. I went to stand it back up and as it had stopped sleeting I put it back outside.  So 30 minutes came....and went, I had missed it, I looked at how long I had been doing the hamster run....sorry the gardenrun and saw there was only another 10 minutes left of her class.  So I kept on going, as best as I could.  I am really going to feel smug after this run!

So forty five minutes of running around and around my garden, along with quite a few other PWR's that had taken up Virals challenge. Done it!  Now, where's my medal!

Saturday - Formally Known As parkrun Day And Others!

Hello blog readers.

Well, unprecedented times the whole world is in!  A tiny, tiny virus is virtually bringing the world to her knees!  Our government have told us to have social distance from each other.  Which means no going to clubs, bars, pubs, restaurants, no gyms or running groups, no huge events (obviously) even going to church is discouraged!  Can you believe that!  Now more than ever we need to stand together and pray, but, we have to stay at home.  Of course exercise and walking dogs is allowed, staying stagnant in your homes is not going to be good for anyone!  So parkrun all over the world has been suspended until further notice, my club runs have been cancelled, our beginners course is now going virtual!  Not ideal, but some of our beginners really wanted to continue, so we are trying to put the plan up each week and encourage them through our Facebook page!

As for me and the other two angels we decided to go for a nice social distance run, in accordance with what Boris said.  Stay 2 meters apart!  Well, we do that anyway, it's how we came up with our 'Normans Angels' moniker!  Me and Naggy ran to SnappyH's house, she was already standing outside waiting for us, so we didn't even have to knock on her door, not that we would have done that anyway, we would have called her!  So all the angels together we ran towards Normans Park, where we hope that most runners would have done their run, leaving it fairly clear.  We didn't pass many people on the way to the park but once we got in there it was like 'busy as usual'!  I was quite surprised!  In hindsight I think we should have stood together (observing the 2m distance) and say, we are not running in there because there were far too many people!  They were walking, chatting, playing on the grass, walking dogs, teaching children to ride bikes!  There were other runners and cyclists too!  Well, we only did the one lap and then ran back to SnappyH's and dropped her off, then me and Naggy ran back to ours!

That was the last social distance running we did!  It seems incredible really!  So much more happened between then and now (Thursday 26th March). 

Tuesday 24th Club night 1st Enforced Solo Run
Our club had decided to stop all runs until further notice, but we are such a big community no one who is a member will every feel left out, alone, forgotten.....not nagged!  We won't stop running until Boris says!  What he had said on Monday however, because of us Brits not doing as we were asked to do, he has TOLD us to stay in!  It literally is like "Right you lot, I asked you to behave, and you didn't, so you are all grounded" Boris has told us exactly what we should have been doing since Friday.  Stay at home!  Only go outside for 1 bit of exercise, to get to work only if key worker, (more or less) shopping just once a week, looking after the vulnerable or collecting medicines! And that's it!  So I went running on my own on Tuesday!  We angels were going to meet up on the Monday, but of course, we were going to do as we were told to do.  

So I stuck on my app, some music and just went out.  It was pretty tough, emotionally!  Just looking at people, not that there were loads of them of course, just a few, but when I did, we made way for each other, making sure there were 2m's away from each other.  But I decided that I was going to smile at people as I gave them way to them on the pavement as well, there is still so much to smile about, like we are allowed out still.  We are healthy enough to go out, and the loo roll situation seems to have calmed down now that everyone has stockpiled shit loads in their houses!  A good few positives.

I smiled and I cried, I got around my route, not in an awesomely good time, I think those days are deffo behind me, but I did it and I felt good about it.  "That was a really awful run!" said no runner ever!  And it's true, you may think, "Oh that was so slow" but then on the other side of that is "At least I got out and did it" Flip that again and you get "Next time...."  So it's all good.  So I got back feeling better, decided I am not going to beat myself up, that can happen after we have kicked Corona Virus ass out!

2nd Enforced Solo run
My daughter in America had told me about this app that she uses, she has the peloton bike and everything, but she says that Peloton have offered the app for 90 days free and then if you really like it you can hand over your bank details then!  She said it's really good, very motivational.  So I downloaded it on my phone, sorry Jabra, you’re "Speed up to reach your target goal" in your robotic voice can just wait until all this is over!    I chose some chap who had a walk/run session on there; let's see if I can get my ass into shape before we all get let out again!  

It started off pretty good, the music was good (so no spotify is needed either!) And the chap that I chose is not cheesy at all!  He was like he was running beside me, willing me to do well!   I decided to stick with the same route, I just think it's better that way, no need to go 'off road' or somewhere different.  Stick to my local area, I know it's a 5k route so I can just work on getting fitter with that.

I had not expectations of myself to keep up with everything that Oliver Lee (that's the chaps name on Peloton) but I would try my best, and blow me down, if he didn't just say that to me as I was thinking it!  This chap must know me or something!  There are some other great sessions to follow but I like this one because it was 45 mins long, I thought I would get through the route before the time was up! 

Oliver started talking again, "Come on team, we got this!"  I thought, "Yeah, I can do this!"  It's like having Naggy neighbour running right by your side!  He was telling us how much effort to put into our warm up walk, then a jog.  Then then the running sections started.  One minute of running and one minute of walking.  And again, he was giving us how much effort we should be putting into it! All the way around the route.  He built up the running, from 1 minute, to 90 seconds, to 2 minutes then to 3.  I couldn't keep up the whole way; I tried to put as much effort in as I could.  I did beat myself up a bit for not running when I should have done!

The last sections were 45 second and 30 second speed running!  I almost tore out my earphones!  But I smiled instead!  "Don't worry about it Old Girl" I thought to myself "You got this, it's all at your pace" The session finished before I turned down my road!  "Next time I will get better" I thought!

Saturday formally known as parkrun day #3 Enforced solo run

I had set up the beginner’s session the day before on our Facebook page, with a promise that I will show some stretches.  So I had to go out and do a run before those stretches.  Again, with the Turpington Lane route and with Oliver chatting away in my ears I set off to my own headspace, solo exercise, thankful to be out run.  I know its coming, the total lock down, because people are not adhering to the rules.  I have to think to myself, "Am I sticking with the rules" I know Boris said that we can have 1 piece of exercise outside, but is it absolutely necessary for me, the chubster, slow as a tortoise in treacle, runner.  I could take one of those classes that is on my app and do it it indoors! But would I actually do it!?  Or would I just pretend to do it!  I know when I am out running, I do run, I walk too, but mainly run.  I run away from my home, which means of course I have to run back to my home!  So I get my exercise!  I think I have just answered my own question there.  I do need to get out, especially while we can, I must just stick to the rules.  Well, it's not an if I am going to spend the entire day out there running a marathon, is it! 

Ollie Lee jabbering away in my ear......oh and jabra.....I like to keep that app up to date with what I am doing, I didn't realise that I could have that one running as well as peloton, but it did!  I chose the same instructor because it's a 45 minutes’ walk/run program and I like that.  And besides, I have a pb to sort out!  I wanted to get nearer to my home before he's finished!

It felt a bit chillier than it had been, but I knew I would warm up, still with the short sleeves and my parkrun '100' tee on. I felt a tad strong....or was it just me thinking that, any hoo, I decided either was perfectly acceptable!  Same route, same chap, same thoughts "This is bloody tough"  I think I have lost some of my fitness, mainly because I know I haven't been pushing myself, I am just plodding on!  As it's only me now, I gotta try and push harder!

Coming down Farringdon Avenue with only the 45 second and 30 second speed sections, I just put in the extra effort.  The first time I 'ran' with Oliver I didn't, I just did my own thing, but this time I did it.......and I got nearer to my home before it was all over!  Bonus! Yes! Did it! Woo hoo.  I stopped Garmin, I stopped Peloton and I stopped Jabra "Your fitness level has dropped" WTF!!! I decided Jabra didn't know what she was talking about and just about had a jealous hissy fit because I was listening to Ollie!

I got back and did my stretches, I also got the Old Boy to take some pictures for me so that I could show the beginners, that should have been on their week 4 of their program.  He didn't photograph all the stretches as he got bored!  But this one here is my favourite!  Because we are all Warriors if we continue to obey the rules!  Stay at Home, Protect the NHS, Save lives!

So that is up to date......sort of!  I just got one more piece to write, but I am going to do that in a separate post, you'll see what!

Geeky stats can be found on my Garmin or strava sites, Next time I shall remember to screen shot and put them up here!

Thank you all for continuing to read my blurbs!  I know I do get something out of writing it all down and going back over what I have done over the years!  But this month, the year 2020 I am sure will be engraved on everyone’s minds for ever!  Stay safe blog readers!

Monday, 16 March 2020

Two Into One

Hello blog readers.
This is me 11 years ago!
Running does help!

I did it again, or at least I didn't do it again!  I didn't get to write my blog for Thursday, so I am cramming it all in here.

Thursday Morning

It was been quite a while since I've managed to run on a Thursday morning with the other PWR's, so I was really looking forward to it.  It's a bit of a rush to get from work, get changed and then get to the rec for 09:30.  I picked up Tracy on the way, just so that she don't find an excuse not to go.

IllustriousLeader was there with a couple of other lades, Auriol joined us as well.  The faster groups had already left before I got there!  IllustriousLeader was going to be very kind to us and not go through the woods, although I do miss them, the thought of getting very muddy just wasn't appealing!  So, she had one of my fav 'wet' routes (we run this when it's really wet during summer evenings)  planned which is the Cinder Path, with the loop around the houses, we can cover a nice distance in the hour that we have.  It feels like we go through the woods, but we just skirt alongside of it, best of all, no traffic! Always a bonus!  

I ran along at the back with Tracy, just a nice plod along!  I  had every intention of going to track that night, doing a double, something I have not done for such a long time!  So I didn't going to go crazy, just in case!  

It was a great run, it felt good to be out on a Thursday morning with my running buddies!  Fingers crossed this is the beginning of my new weekly regime!  Running on a Thursday, even if it's only in the morning!   It remained dry as well, another big bonus!  Yup, I deffo enjoyed my Thursday run.

Beginners Week 2

The beginners are in the second week.  Still plenty of time for people to come and join in, which they did!  A new person joined us on Saturday, still a nice and easy introduction to running!  There were quite a few of us there, in spite of all that is going on at the moment, with this blimmin Corona Virus.  It's all we hear, all we talk about, all that is on the news!  It's a huge worry, I know, but I am sure being just that little bit healthier and fitter can't do any harm! I know there are hundreds and hundreds of people very disappointed about the marathons being postponed, but we are still going ahead with our course.  We can all keep at least two meters apart in the wreck!

RefMichael was in the leaders role on Saturday, poor ZippySherry wasn't feeling too well.  He hadn't read his email and it was a bit of a shock to him!  But he did really well!  The walk around the rec was a bit easier than last week, I am sure it's not as muddy and soft as it was, should make the running a tad easier too!  Then RefMichael had us all doing the drills!  He took revenge on me by asking me to demonstrate each drill!  I can get him back next time!

Then it was our running!  My watch was all set up perfectly this time, so I can keep an eye on RefMichaels times, make sure he is not doing extra......on every rep!  That last one, he did go the extra mile.....obviously not a mile, just a few extra seconds of running! 

So that's that for now.

Stay safe everyone, keep your hands washed and keep on running!   

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Club Run

Hello readers.

Up to date with my blogging! Yay!  I know I have only just posted one about my Monday run, but if I don't get this out here today it could be another few days before it gets out!

So yesterday was Club Run, Auriol was leading group 1.  We had a bit of a heavy mist going on and I wasn't quite sure who would be turning up!  I texted the Angels to see if any of them was going to go, I had to nag Naggy to go, SnappyH had some excuse about a bubble bath, which sounded so much better than going out on a damp evening.  But, bubble baths, box sets, and blogging were not going to be getting me ready for my half marathon!  So Naggy and I picked up Tracy and headed for the rec, we were doing this, come rain or shine!  Actually there was no shine, it's still dark at 8 o'clock!  We were coming through the gate and had to avoid group 12 who were already on their way out.  Everyone else was still in the huddle, I needed the loo so I  missed the rest of  the leaders talk about which way they are going, so it made a nice mystery run for us.

As it happened there were only three of us in group 1, Auriol leading and me and Tracy.  I wondered  if we should have joined group 2, but Tracy wasn't quite ready for that.  I decided to stay in group 1  with the two of them.  Auriol had some sprints planned, always worth a go sometime during the week, it might as well be on a club run.  I think the last time I had done that route it was raining then too!  We set off after everyone else had gone and ran along Crossways to Petts Wood Road.  From the moment we left the rec we were chatting!  None stop chattering, it was brilliant!  The only time that we didn't do much chatting is when we got to Auriols planned sprint section.  Then it was full on, sprint to lamppost, walk to lamppost, sprint to lamppost! I say full on, it was as much a I could do really! She had this little loop, I think she said it's about 1 km with some of the lampposts being further away from the sprinting sections!  It was good fun though, another solo runner came running pass us while we were walking between the lampposts, as soon as the sprint section started I tried to catch up to him!  I nearly did even though he looked as if he was just plodding casually along!

We had a great chat, it's good to just run and chat, Auriol kept her sprinting going for the rest of the run while Tracy and I just ran along at a normal pace with the occasional walking thrown in for good measure. 

I was a really great run!  Love club nights!  Here's our geeky stats.

Solo Run, Mental Block, Busted!

Hello readers.

So now I am up to date with my blogging again!  I expect those of you who read my blogs will be quite fed up with my ramblings these last few days!  I must try and blog straight away and that way I won't get behind!

So I went running, on Monday, by myself!  It's been quite a while since I've done that! I am hoping that I have finally broken the mental block about solo running.  I got home from the first shift at work, and without thinking, without looking at what needed to be done in the house, without opening up my computer to see emails, I went up to get changed into my running gear.  Desperately trying to not procrastinate, just busy getting changed.  I managed to get myself out of the house, Garmin at the ready, music playing, Jabra ready to start nagging!

I was quite looking forward to this run, I used to love my solo running, regularly going out.  Sometimes my thoughts had me in tears, sometimes I talked myself into doing marathons!  Did I ever tell you that I have run a marathon? Well, two actually, both in London, both took me 7 hours!!! But I did it!  It's amazing what you can talk yourself into while out running!  Who knows, you could come up with a plan that will save us from the Corona Virus!  My thoughts were not on anything like that this time, not that there was ever a time I thought about cures for viruses, or even doing another marathon, my thoughts were on, well me!  I was saying things like, "Well done Old Girl, you did what you said you were going to do"  I was  feeling pretty proud of myself right at that moment........then I opened the door of my house and went out!  "Really?  It's a bit cold"  were my next thoughts, even though the sun had been shining bright all morning!

Of course I went out, I started my music, my Garmin, kicked mojo ass to wake up and enjoy this moment!  I was going to do one of my usual routes, only about 3 miles, but just to get out there and do it knowing that I can and have done it on numerous occasions, should put me in good stead!  As always, that first mile is just about the hardest part of any run.  My breathing was all over the place, walking for absolutely no reason at all, moaning to myself that I should have just stayed in and did my work! But once I got into it I really started to enjoy it!  I know, sounds weird right?  I was enjoying the tunes in my ears, even Jabra wasn't nagging me, I now know it was because  I needed to re-set everything, for some reason, Jabra doesn't bring over your history and settings from phone to phone!  Shame!

I decided to not quite stick to the exact same way round the route, I turned, instead, down Holbrook Way. Usually I run straight pass this road and turn down Turpington Lane, but I wanted to do this little loop the opposite direction to how I normally do it.  Just because I am a crazy and impulsive fool! Once I had got to Green Way, which by the way seemed really quick, my mood picked up even more.  I think I was even smiling!  Can you imagine that readers, some crazy impulsive Old Girl grinning at you as she is running towards you!  Scary!  I must remember these moments.  These are the moments when you think to yourself, "I really love running"!  It's also then that you start to think you can run the world!  Probably why I decided that I could run a marathon! Which I have done by the way! Have I told you I ran a marathon before?

The long home stretch was so good, I really enjoyed myself as I ran back along Southborough Lane. "I wonder if people can see me"  I thought to myself.  I notice runners all the time when I am out driving my car and often smile to myself. Way back when I was a couch potato I am sure I went around with my head down, eyes looking at my boots and nothing else!  I love inspiring people to get out there and do running, exercise, cycling or anything really.  This week, one of my work colleagues told me that he has gone back to playing football, just because I go running on a Tuesday evening with my club!  That really made me smile!  Exercise does pick up your mood, I know sometimes you really don't want to be out there, the last thing you want is to be pulling on some skin tight run pants that feels way to small and going out in the cold, when all you want to do is to sit and eat chocolate in your pj's, but I am sure, 100%, that it can lift a mood!

I got back to my home feeling totally like a boss!  Yeah, did it!  Look at me with my sweaty face, I've done it!  I wished I took a picture! So he is a picture of a happy sloth instead
I wonder if running helps with brain cells and memory!?

Here's my geeky stats.

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Spring 2020 Beginners!

Hello blog readers.

Can you believe that we are starting our spring beginners course already?  I know, it's crazy right!  But here we are, 2020 and we are doing it!  All three of us leaders are just so happy to be able to lead these newbie runners through their journey into the running world, it really is a privilege!  It's also a great boost for me and my running mojo too!  Knowing that I have to be doing what I am saying, not just paying lip service to it, will do my mojo no end of good.

DiscoRich was there, he is the first port of call for these newbies.  It's to him they send  their emails to ask about our course.  He introduced us to over thirty people!  There were a few PWR's there to help support and to run with all these nervous looking people!  I don't know what they have to be nervous about, I was feeling a total wreck again!  Will I remember everything, will I miss my Garmins tiny little vibration to let me know they have all done 1 minute of running?  Still, I would not miss this moment for all the toilet paper in Morrisons!  I think DiscoRich was very wise in having three leaders, we all help and support each other, we all have each others backs. So when, after all the the introductions were done, the I was in the middle of these people, staring at me.  I could feel them all thinking "Go on, make me a runner", I started waffling on about doing some of our silly drills that we do, when I should have been talking about the two lap walk first!  A quick reminder from the other two leaders brought me back on track and my confidence was back......for now!

The two lap walk around the rec is a brisk one, DiscoRich stepped in to tell them that it's not a stroll in the park it's a power walk!  We started our walk "That's it, brisk walk, like you are after the last pack of toilet rolls" I said.  I am guessing you have all seen whats happening with people and this silliness of stocking up loo roll and hand sanitiser/soaps!  Bloody ridiculous and totally selfish people!  As if that is going to keep the Corona Virus from getting them! Tut! Anyway, that is how they should be walking this bit, and then we do our silly skipping and jumping and what not, all before we start our running!

As I said to them, afterwards, we all have to make sure we are warmed up before we start any sort of exercise! We don't want any injuries suffered just because we didn't warm up at all.  The running started, we splashed our way through the muddy bits.  I am not sure about everyone else, but these days, having a bit of mud on my jog pants almost feels like a badge of honor!  'Look at me and my muddy pants!  Hard core, I've been out running!'  Ok not quite as good as a medal, but somehow you did feel quite proud of your muddiness!  I thought I had set up my Garmin correctly, but only after we started the first walking bit did I realise that I actually had to set to walk for 50 minutes and not 5!  So I was slightly off with my timings, panicked at one stage when I thought we should have been running, but we were only just into the second minute of walking!  I think I got away with it.......blame it on the football coach that was there!!  Ok, so I didn't get away with it.  First week hitches, it's good to get them all out of the way in one go!  The next 8 weeks or so will go so smooth you would think you were running with Barry White on silken roads.  (Feck knows where I come up with my analogies!) Of course we finished with our stretches, warm ups and cool downs are essential for us if we want an injury free running!
Cool Down Stretches

Look at our muddy shoes!
 Wear it with pride!

So that was my Saturday.  No more parkruns for the next couple of months, just watching in wonder as our newly signed up beginners start the running journey.

Sunday, 8 March 2020

Double Trouble

Hello blog readers

I have two reports to share with you plus another one a bit late if I can get it written.  One from parkrun day formerly known as Saturday, also Tuesdays run, club run!

So the first one, parkrun day.  it was a special one!  Our CarolWithAnE has reached her second 'milestone' parkrun, her 100th!  Yup!  From those first tentative steps four years ago, with our Petts Wood Beginners course, CarolWithAnE and her lovely hubby RefMichael, came along to see what it was all about!  RefMichael was only there to support CarolWithAnE, but as you know he is still here with us running.  It's been an absolute joy watching CarolWithAnE grow in confidence with her running, even becoming one of our leaders!  You got no idea how I feel just having these two lovely people here with us!  Such pride!

It was an awfully wet morning!  It has been raining since about 08:00 1st January 2020, and not stopped since! It was tough getting out there, but it was CarolWithAnE's special milestone run, we all got out for RefMichaels wet milestone so of course we had to for hers too. CarolWithAnE, all doled up with balloon and sign was eagerly waiting for her name to be called by the Run Director and then we could give her a big cheer, which we would have done even without the shout out!  But as soon as the run began CarolWithAnE soon put some space between us!  I ran/walked the rest of the run with Shalini, who is now going to be expanding her family!  With that in mind all the time we both 'Jeffed' our way around.  We stuck to the 30/30 although sometimes we were chatting and missed a few 'vibrations' on my Garmin, so our running was longer in some places!  But just like the first time I tried the 'formula' we still had a good work out!

We were nearing the finish funnel and this young lady started to talk to us. I wish I could remember her name, her name was Caroline.  She is a cancer survivor and is doing her best to keep fit. She also does podcasts as well to try and encourage other cancer patients to run, Out Run Cancer, as she says!  She had asked about what me and Shalini were doing, the whole 'Jeffing' thing, because she said that she was trying to keep up with us and we were walking as well! She asked if I would have a quick interview for her podcast, I said yes of course, I also asked her to come back to the pavilion for some cake and a chat with our CarolWithAnE!  The best bit of that run was when we got back to the finish line!  To be precise back into the pavilion! Most of us were back, CarolWithAnE was waiting there with her sister and niece, and this beautiful cake that her niece had made.  There were other cakes there to, and Auriols date bar!  I think I must have put on the calories that I lost doing that run!

Club run

So, club run.  It was also our prayer meet up week too, I am sure we were all quietly praying for the rain to stop now!  But fortunately it wasn't raining that evening, although it was still quite damp out! 
I was leader, it was also move up Tuesday week!  I always like to have a little challenge for us in Group 1 just to feel like we have moved up!  But also, Shalini was with us and her growing bump, so I decided to do the hill training, and then Shalini can opt to do as much as she feels!  So Kevington road it was!

There was only four of us running in group 1 but we all kept together really well, in fact sometimes I was leading from the back!  I am deffo going to have to try and kick start my fat arse to do more running!  The days are lighter, yes wetter, but I am not made of sugar!  What I need is someone to literally drag my ass out during the day, just for a 3 miler, just to keep the fat burning going, just to keep my fitness level going up and up! It's not hard is it!??

Anyway, we did it, we all did pretty well!  We even ran up the little hill three times as our 'lets put some extra effort into moveup Tuesday' week!  

Here's our geeky stats.