Monday, 29 July 2019

Solo Run - No Discipline!

Hello readers

I decided that I need to just get off my ass and do something.  Going just twice or three times a week is just not cutting it anymore.  I have been having salads for lunch and dinners for a whole week now, with a nice relaxing for the weekend.  You think that would do it.  My sugar intake has gone down slightly, well, I just drink less tea and more coffee!  You thing that would do it too, wouldn't ya?  Well, this week I have lost the grand total of nothing and gained a full blimmin pound!  The only think that I haven't increased is my exercise, I need to burn off those calories somehow.   Maybe by metabolic rate has slowed down (as well as my parkrun times!) I can't really eat much less.......I love food!  But I am going to try and record every mince morsel that goes in my mouth!  That MyFitnessPal thing is going to nag me stupid to record my breakfasts, lunches and dinners like there's no tomorrow!  I am going to have to try and be totally, utterly honest with myself too, the sneaky biscuits at friends house etc! 

So this was a solo run, just me, my Garmin and Jabra .....nagging me!  I was heading for Normans Park, "Why don't you just run around the estate?" the Old Boy said to me "Because there are too many short cuts" I replied.  If I got back to my house in less than three miles then I knew I wouldn't run around the block to 'make it so' as the captain says in Star Trek!  I got in the car and drove there.  Maybe if I keep it up I can start running there. It would make it up to about 5 miles then but lets not think about that!  I am struggling getting my ass in gear for a 3 miler!  Out the car with my music already filling my ears as I get Jabra ready to do her 'stuff'.  Also got my Garmin ready to record it and send it direct t Strava!  Then I can say 'It happened!' 

I was a bit worried about my knees, there were really playing up on Saturday, so much so that I had to walk most of parkrun that day but I had a plan.  Plan a run/walk.  Don't over do it, run for 4  mins walk for 1, it's what I would advise all those who are planning to come back after an injury!  So I need to take my own advice too.  I set my Garmin up to do the run/walk like that, Jabra was in 'pace mode' where I need to run at a certain pace, and my head was set in 'Just do it' mode.  I started Jabra, it gave me a count down from 10, I started my Garmin as soon as Jabra kicked in, the music was set at 155 beats per minute, what else could I possible want!  Apart from fast feet, lighter body, fitter lungs, stronger muscles! 

As so my run begins!  There are loads of people about, dads with their kids on bikes and scooters, mums and dads pushing buggies, runners, walkers, cyclists, it's quite busy at that time in the evening.  I was fortunate that I got let off a little earlier today so that I could be here at this time!  Psychologically I was thinking I was 'let off' for an hour so don't waste it, use it!  Instead of sitting on my ass I got into my running gear!  And now I am running, looking at all this happening in the park! 

I was feeling a bit....puffed up and know, "Look at me, I am running...on my own" type of proudness!  As if anyone in the park would give two f.f.f.f. flying hoots about that!  But it does make you try and run like a professional, in my case it didn't last long, just 4 minutes!  But my first four minutes my knees didn't hurt!  It felt good!  Jabra said "Slow down to reach your target pace" It felt good!  I hardly ever get told to slow down, well a couple of times when I was leading group 1.  But I am sure that is not going to happen on my next lead!  I am way to heavy these days!

Three laps, that's what I was planning, or 3 miles.  Three laps of Normans Park just makes me get a bit miffed, 2 laps I can do, I like doing 2 laps.  But that means going cross country, running along by the river over the grass!  Yeah, I could do that, or I could just stick to the path, saves going over wibbly wobbly grass!  That was my plan, but as you know, my plans change with the second hand of a clock! It's why I come to Norman Park to run, just so that I don't find a short cut home along the roads around my area! 

I did the first lap, then my head space kicked in "You gotta do that again! And then.....AGAIN!"  I was dreading it.  No SnappyH to chase down, no Naggy to run away from!  That puffed up proud feeling moment came crashing down!  Even with my interval run/walk style!  So my plan was to cut across country, follow the water line and back again.  It will mean I will have look as if I am starting another lap  when I reach my start point again, but then I will do a U Turn and run so that I can get to 3 miles!  Next time I will just do the Summer parkrun route from the beginning, maybe I will still to the plan! 

But I think I will pat myself on the back, just a small one, I don't want to get to big headed, after all, it's the first week done of a healthier life style!  I do crave sugar though!

This is me, just finished the run, standing by car!  I even done some stretches to cool down!

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