Thursday, 7 March 2019

Track Thursday!

Hello readers

So, track! It was really touch and go if I would get there this evening.  When I left work it was raining, only very gentle rain, but still wet stuff falling down.  It was also blimmin cold and windy, really not run inspiring at all.  But the fact that I have that half marathon in April is what is spurring me on to at least go to every club run that I can, even if I can't get out to do a long run somewhere! 

I whatsapped my group this morning that I would be going, and then SnappyH said that she would like to go too!  Of course I said "Yes, no probs, I'll pick you up" thinking that Naggy would no doubt be nagging me to go anyway.  But then this evening comes along, and as I said, it was raining, it was cold and blowing up a bit!  SnappyH whatsapped our Angels group that she had bought new run pants that she wanted to try out.  Then Naggy said that she was coming because she was getting her hair done, I remembered then that she had that appointment and wouldn't be able to come along.  I kind of put a message up saying that I was still up for it, with a question mark at the end.  In the meantime between me putting that in the group SnappyH was putting messages all over the place, in Fb and Whatsapp, saying about going to the pub instead with a hashtag of "Must be strong"!  It was really tough choice.  Although I wouldn't have gone to the pub, I would have stayed in my blanket!  But then the next message I saw was that SnappyH had squeezed into her brand new compression running tights and was taking them off until after track!  Darn it!  How can I disappoint her, I have to go now, no staying in my blanket now!

So I got changed and went to pick up SnappyH.  We were about 3 minutes late and everybody was just starting the warm ups so I actually missed what the session was and I hadn't really looked on Facebook to see what it was either.  Oh well, it will be a surprise!  SnappyH and I joined in with the warm ups, a round around the warm up patch, with some drills.  Jane asked us to this new drill, walking like a crab!  Do you know how hard that is, oh boy, does it hurt your thighs or what!  I don't think I was quite warmed up enough for that one as my back had just a little twinge and I stopped it immediately that it happened and then just walked it out!  But I was ready, we did a couple of faster paced sprints and then walked over to our start line at the 200m mark. 

The session, as SnappyH had told me on the warm up patch, was two lots of 1200m with a 90 sec rest, then an 800m 90 sec followed by 400m, lastly a 200 sprinty bit!  We did this session a couple of weeks ago, it was tough then and no doubt it was going to be tough this time.  I was determined to do the whole session, without making everyone wait for me to finish!  A tough call for me, I will just have to see how I do.  We started the running, the first three laps on the track.  The three laps are not going to be the fast laps, I am hoping that I will get faster for the shorter reps!  That's is what we should be doing after all!  The first three laps done, I was knackered, I felt bloated and fat.  You know that saying that all the really healthy, leaf eating people say about 'You are what you eat'? Well, this is me, running around the track this evening!

So, the next three laps to do!  Jane did say that maybe I should do less, so that I could get the speedy bits in, but I really want to do the endurance right now.  The half marathon is not going to run itself you know!  Well, it will still go ahead obvs, with or without me, but I really want to do the best I can this time, I am not even thinking about pb's but I am think quality running at least!    That rep was harder, and I even.......I can't believe I am saying this, but I even did some walking bits!  Tut, tut!  If Naggy was there I would have so got it in the neck! 

So the next bit was a two lap and then a one lap and then a half lap.  I decided that I was going to do two one laps and then a half lap.  At least that way I will hopefully finish with everyone else more or less at the same time.  So that's what I did. 

I was pretty pleased with that, I pushed harder for the last 100 metres and sprinted to the finish!  Apple turnover staying exactly where I put it this afternoon! Thankfully!  All over, all done, finished.  It was pretty good, I felt good that I did it, I always do.  It's just that getting out there in the first place.  SnappyH's pants was the motivator today, even though she did try and tempt us all to a pint, or aperolespritz or what ever it is that is her fav tipple!

Here's my geeky stats!

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