Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Club Run - No Prosecco!

Hello blog readers

Club run this evening, and it seems like it's all back to normal, the marathoners are back with us in group 12, well sort of, they still met up at 7:45, but then they do runs some miles!  Everyone back, easing the way into their normal group runs, and just feeling like they are back at home!

The one thing about running, not matter what you are feeling, you feel better after a run!  You got a headache, go for a run! You feel fed up, got for a run! You got a bit of a chesty thing going on, go for a run......get it all out of you!  Well, if it is a real bad chesty thing, then maybe not go for a run!  But I think you all get my drift!  This is how some of my group 1's were feeling today.  I did have a route planned that didn't include the woods.  It was all pavement pounding, but we still had light, we could just touch on the woods and just breath in some of the fresh air!  That really would pick us all up.

So I quickly come up with plan B, in through Dog Poo ally, up the right side path and then out to Marlings Park road to do the little Kevington loop.  It has some hills in there, which I do like to throw into our route especially when it's move up week (I need to challenge some of my group so they know that next time they can move up to the next group) plus it's not a hugely long route, it's just about 3 miles!  Perfect really for our group 1.

So we left for the woods! Oh my goodness, how good does it feel to be running through here!  It's only just the edge of the woods, but still, if feels good.  And when you are feeling a bit.....meh.....there is just no better place to be than away from houses, cars, traffic, noise.  Running along with your buddies, chatting, breathing in that fresh air!  I love summer, me!  Can't wait till it's completely light evenings so we can do our whole run through the woods.

But, we did have to come out.  We came out just opposite the road that we needed, I didn't even know this little entrance was here, one of the other ladies showed me, so we had just a little bit extra of running through the woods.  We crossed over the road and then started our little loop.  The hill is always a welcome sight!......Pahh haaa.......Sorry, I do try and see if can convince myself that I like hills!

We attacked that little hill, we ran up it, we beat it and we didn't stop until we were at the top of it! That is the first hill done, and it's the biggest one of the route too.  The other littler (is that a word) hill is the one that we get to do 2 times! Yay! Flipping Nora, I'm going do dally!  I really seems as if I a loving these hills! But most of us ran up and down it twice.  Some of our group just ran up it and waited until the sweepers got to us, others ran up it twice, although as they were running down, they didn't actually realise that we were going to be running up it again!

We had a couple of the beginners with us, seeing how we work, the distance.  They were doing really well.  One of them was in the front with me the whole time, I can see her going into group 2 next week!  Oh and speaking of group 2......I will be running with them next week!  Charley is back running and is ready to get back to leading!  So I can start pushing myself too!  Not only that, but in a couple of months there will be couple more people that I can add on the group 1 rota!  On wards and upwards!

We ran back along Orpington road towards the roundabout and then all the way down to Crossways.  I looked at my Garmin.  We had .31 miles to do to reach our minimum distance of 3 miles!  Hmm, time was against us but I knew, all we had to do was to run all the into the park, that should get the mileage in!  We did it.  Just about the other side of the car park was the three mile mark, but I kept them running until we got outside the Pavilion.  We did 3.2 miles, 5k precisely!  Perfect.  A great run with all my buddies, J.J. and Carole, Kay and Tracy was sweeping, and Charley and her mum with all the others in between!  Love a club run, me!

Geeky stats.

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