Monday, 2 April 2018

Beginners Easter Weekend

Hello Blog readers.

I am a bit late in writing up my blog (as usual) but it is Easter, and there was all those visits to do, people to see, wine to be drunk! You know how it is! 

So the Saturday just gone, it was our unofficial meet up, although with almost all of the group there plus a couple more new people I don't think anyway has gone away this Easter.  The weather is a bit pants though, probably just as well!  It was really good seeing all the people there, with "KneesMan" back with us this week.  Although probably not so much impressive this week, as there was no snow storm!  But, I guess it was still pretty chilly and wet out!  I am still in my long pants, I am not ready to show off my shins just yet!

I was leading this unofficial get together, mainly as ZippySherry had forgotten her watch and whistle, while RefMichael was suffering a bit from a cold.  We began with the usual 2 lap walk of the rec, which is where everyone started plotting the driest route possible around it.  Some where taking the wide path, others where keeping as close to the middle as they could, away from the very soggy bits around.  I was thinking that it was all tactics, to see which route, which path around the rec (you know it's just a great big bit of grass, about 400 metres or so)  would they take so they could get maximum speed, less slippy, more running done!  Athletes in the making!

Then it was our drills.  ZippySherry became our 'moving' cones, as we skipped, butt kicked and side skipped our way towards her and back. And then our running started.  All nicely warmed up we were ready to repeat  our week 3 session of running 3 walking 3 minutes.  It's going to be just fine, they did it last week and had big smiles on their faces!  Well, the new people hadn't done it, but I am sure they will do as much as they can for their first session.

It was about this time that Michael (another Michael and another LiRF) came along to the rec.  He had 'normal' clothes and shoes on, he said something about haircut.  His wife Claudia was joining us today, 1, for getting a gentle run in with mates as she has been running for a while and 2, to help and encourage all our newbies.  Michael was itching to go running along side everyone, but with those 'normal trainers' and jeans on he was very hesitant, so he took some video footage of us all.  In the end though the call to run was all too much for him and he whipped off his coat and came to join in the muddy fun!  I often think that maybe I should give a warning out at the beginning of the course that running can become addictive and you really want to run along with people instead of just standing and watching!  In fact that is not the only warning!  There is shoe envy, there is running top envy, running pants envy, Garmin envy!  It becomes ridiculous the amount of stuff you want when you become an athlete!  Ok, the amount of stuff I want! But maybe I should save that till the end of the course, on Graduation days!

We did our running, 5 reps of 3 mins walk/3 mins run, well apart from the very last running rep, that seemed to have turned into a 4 minute run! Not to point the finger or anything, and I know it's become a blame culture.......but it was all RefMichaels idea!  I totally agreed to do it tho!  You never know what you can do until you try it!  How can you possibly answer the question of "Can you run for 4 minutes non stop?" until you actually try it!  So, now when I ask them next week, "Who can run for 4 minutes non stop?" they will all know the answer!

With just our cool down stretches to do our session was done.  I must say though, when we were stretching out we did look pretty awesome!  I took a picture of it, pano style, I am just not sure how to get that on my blog!  Oh well.

I'm looking forward to next weeks session with these up and coming athletes as they will be running for longer than they will be walking!  Bring it on!

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