Monday, 19 February 2018

Running - I have been doing it! Honest

Hello blog readers.
The face of a runner, not a jogger!

As the title suggests, I have been running, just not as much as I usually do due to things happening and......'can't-be-arseditus'.  Quite a serious thing that is, it makes you just want to sit under your blanket and watch t.v.!  I just think to myself thank goodness for my running club, because I do get out then, I am leading, so I need to be there.

The runs that I haven't logged are my Thursday 8th February morning solo run, Solo run for the 15th February and m parkrun, just this Saturday gone!  I know, I have a lot of catching up to do!  There is also quite a few days missing from running, for those of you who may be scrutinising how many days I am writing about!  There's a Tuesday missing and a parkrun missing, and a couple of Thursday evening runs missing! Tut tut!  But that dreadful disease that runners hate just over took me, 'Can't-be-arsedites'!

I need to get back to discipline!  I need to kick myself up the backside again!  Anyway, Thursday 8th, I ran.....and I enjoyed it.  I had to run early because I needed to be elsewhere, and usually our Thursday runs get back just that little bit too late.  I decided that I would do my Thursday solo runs, if I have to do a solo run, at Normans Park.  It's a great little route, I know exactly how far it is, and I can push myself each time, get back, clean up and get to where I need to be! I was just so pleased when I looked at my Garmin after it peeped at the 3 mile and I was so pleased when I saw that it said 36:03 mins!  Ok, so park run we add on that little bit extra, but still, 36:03 for 3 miles, I could live with that!

My next run was Thursday again,  I had missed out on my club run because I was 'captured' at Kings College Hospital waiting for transport home with Kirsty!  Oh my goodness, over 4 hours waiting, after the transport was booked in the morning!  Sheesh!  So, I didn't get to run then, Thursday morning I again needed to be with Kirsty early, so I opted for Normans Park again.  Let me see if I can beat the clock again to the 3 mile mark!  I pushed, I nagged, I tried to be kind (you know, things like it's been a hard week etc) but I wasn't sure I had it in my legs.  Have I lost just a little bit, sitting around, eating, etc.  Well the 'scores on the doors' will tell!  And, tell they did.  The three mile mark and boom! Quicker! only by seconds, but it's quicker! Pleased with that!

Next one is parkrun, last Saturday.  I went with NaggyNeighbour, I knew there were going to be a few mates not showing up for this parkrun, so I thought I might just try and knock a few seconds off from what I have been doing.  It's a bit harder during parkrun time as there are loads of runners infront.  A lot of weaving, ducking and diving out o the way.  But then as we were walking along I spied Wendimoo!  Whoop whoop, she is back!  It was so good to see her!  Of course I had to run with her.  She has lost her mojo too, it's been a bit of an epidemic!  Carole and Michael were there, and Charley and Debs, and loads of others that run in the faster groups.  It was also a few milestone runs for people, 250, 100, of course that means cake at the end!  Usually the faster runners get there first, I was hoping that maybe one of the milestoners was a slower runner!  I may have a chance of getting a bit of cake!

Me and Wendimoo ran the whole way around chatting, oh how I have missed Wendimoos chattering!  But I was concerned about her pain in her hip.  She wouldn't let off though and kept going.  We chose trees to run to then have a walking break and then get back to the running.  We were doing really well, Wendimoo has missed quite a few parkruns while she has been oop north, mind you I don't blame her, her local parkrun had a couple of cheeky little hills in there!  As we were approaching the last short straight towards the finish funnel I said to her to keep it steady, don't speed up, no sprint finish this time round!  Did she listen to me? Did she 'eckers like! "I having him" she said as she spied a chap in front of her, "I'm passing him" And she did, but she still wasn't satisfied, she still kept on going faster!  I then saw her next race, I knew she was going to take the next runner! And she did!  She don't listen to me, "Take it easy, no need to speed, remember your hip!"  Then she started to pull away from me, I was running faster, she certainly wasn't taking my advice about taking it easy!  So I just had to do it!  I just started to run faster.  Now if you know Wendimoo she has these long legs, she can cover more ground than me with her long stride, I was going ten to the dozen to keep her just behind me!  And I did it!  We both beat the lady that Wendi raced, and I am sure she was trying to sneak in front of us when we were in the funnel "Stay in order that you came in" I heard one of the funnel managers say!

It was a good run, Wendi had run the faster parkrun that she has done in a while, but of course Norman Park is a nice flat route! I have put the parkrun geeky stats up, but if you click back then you will see the other runs. 

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