Sunday, 31 December 2017

Last parkrun Of The Year!

Hello blog lovers.

So this is is, the last parkrun for 2017.  How have I done over the year? Well, pretty poor really!  I haven't improved my times at all.  But it was still good to be at parkrun for the last of 2017!

I have decided that I will try and try and try to do my best!  No more laziness, no more listening out for quiet little voices in my brain to keep me going, no looking for anyone else to kick me up the bum, as I have said to our beginners on both of our courses this year, all the hard work is what you put in yourself, alone. We are there to show you how to get started, to warm ups, to cool downs, to pacing yourself, to showing you that there is still a little bit of extra energy inside when you think there isn't.  We show that listening to encouragement, goes a long way,  motivation from your running buddies can get your so far, but if you don't get yourself out of the door then those things are useless!  So from the 2nd January (I always chose the 2nd as I am usually still drinking well into the 1st of Jan, there will be no more smoking, no drinking, no sugar, no chocolate or fatty foods. Takeaways will be cut down to just a treat for special reasons, snacks will be out of the door.  If I am to improve on my parkrun times then I am going to have to knuckle down, I need to stop looking for excuses, I need to work hard, me, just me!  Can I do it, who blimmin knows, but I will try my hardest again, with this time taking no prisoners.  It could get messy!  Last time I tried to push myself real hard at parkrun with NaggyNeighbour pacing me I nearly threw up!

It was also some milestone parkruns for a couple of our PWR's, Chris and Matt, 200th and 250th!  There will be cake.......well for those that can get around in time!  Our usual crowd were not with us, J.J., LittleJ, Tracy, Carole and Michael, but I am sure they will be back to it in the new year.  K was there and so was PinkladyJo.  With all the preliminaries done we set off for the last parkrun 2017, and for me it will be the last of the year too!

The weather was just perfect for running, considering it was December, my temp gauge on the car said it was 12 degrees!  I had on about three layers, I had left on layer, my windproof jacket in the car, by the time I got to the top of the park the next layer was coming off and I tied it around my waist!  The last 3 months had taken it's toll, since the wedding my smoking has really subsided at all, and it noticed!  The little 'food baby' that I had been 'nourishing' was also making it self know as I was feeling bloated and fat!  "Look to next year Old Girl, next year could be your year......if you try"

I was running around thinking about this year.  This year marked 10 years that my mum had died, the reason I started running in the first place! Ten years ago when mum first told us that "Everything is all right, I am just under the doctor for something"  Well that something turned started an era of changes, changes I didn't like, changes that if I could stop in it's tracks I would have done. Ok, it wasn't all bad, there were some fantastic highs in there that would never have happened if that one awful thing didn't happen.  I wouldn't be running for start. I wouldn't have done the London Marathon for a start, TWICE! I wouldn't be a leader in a fantastic running group!   I would be the big fat Old Couch potato that I had been up till that point.

So, enough self pitying, enough negativity.  I ran parkrun, I finished parkrun, in 41:08 official time, (I forgot to put my Garmin on) and that's it.

Happy New Year to all of you who read my blogs, I really do appreciate your support and comments and encouragment over the year!  Here's to a brighter, faster, fitter 2018!

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