Thursday, 14 September 2017

Back At Track!

Hello bloggers!

It's that time of year again, the summer core training has finished and track is calling!  I usually decide to relax for a few weeks, not do any running on a Thursday evening, you know, have a little break!  But then I usually find it blimmin hard to get back into it and find something very interesting on the telly that I really do need to watch!

My lovely middle childs wedding is coming up real soon, I can't believe that is just over a month away, that is the reason that I am not sitting down watching telly!  I am so excited about it!  We haven't had a wedding in the family for quite some time!  And it really is motivational, when you have something excited to look forward to, you tend to go all out!

I turned up at track, early, well I thought I was going to have Tracy with me but she is having a bit of a rest, I think maybe she been going to crazy with her exercise, and I was chatting to some Track Newbies, Wendy, Emma and Hannah!  They all looked terrified, I tried to reassure them that it was going to be just fine, but I think PhysioMiketheMod (he has quite a few nick names actually!) did a better job reassuring them, and of course explaining all about track.

Our session this evening was 5 reps of 800 metres. that's 5 times twice around the track with 90 seconds rest.  The faster runners, those that run parkrun in 28 mins or faster, will be doing 2 and half laps with 90 seconds rest.  We started of with a tempo run  I smiled. I smiled because not only was I back at track, with strangely I have missed, but I smiled because just as we ran to the first corner everybody was already pulling away in front of me, I was still at the back!  It's fine, it's no problem.  Being the only group 1 representative is good!  Maybe I can persuade some other group 1's to come along and join in.  It is a great way of getting faster, you just ask some of the tracksters!  They have all improved their speed!  I am hoping to do the same.....not that I am competitive or anything.....well, maybe just a bit!

We did some drills and then we started with the session.  On the first rep I noticed that Hannah was behind me!  That's my place usually, I can only presume that she just over did the first tempo runs and stuff!  She normally is way ahead of me.  I think it actually gave me a little bit of a boost, and I kept trying to keep just a little bit of a gap between us.  I don't think she knew how much she was helping me to keep going.  I think maybe I should have felt a bit concerned that she was behind me because she could have actually injured herself!  I kept going though, I felt sure that if she was hurting then she would stop running, so I continued to 'use her' as my pacer from behind.

By the 3rd rep I started looking at the time each time I finished a 2 lap rep, because usually I don't have enough time to finish one of these sessions and  have to finish on a short rep, but it seems I am going to be able to do the whole session the PhysioMikeTheMod has for us!

On the very last lap I had a bit of a blip, a had a little pain in my left knee!  I tried to ignore it but it wouldn't go.  So I slowed down and started walking for a bit, it eased off.  Maybe I really was just pushing slightly to hard for a first track session back.  But it still felt great, the other runners are just as friendly and encouraging as ever,  the Ponds were there, Stephen and Matthew, running as fast as ever!  No wonder they are doing brilliantly in all their races and parkruns!

Geeky stats for you.


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