It's been a while, hasn't it! It is holiday season, lots of days off, lots of eating, drinking and all! But now I am back to it! I have a dress I need to be looking for, Mother of the Bride! The wedding is in October, so I have a few weeks left to tone, lose some weight and get back on track!
I got back from my holiday on Tuesday afternoon, but I didn't go to club run, RefMichael had taken out group 1, I had lots of washing to do! But on Wednesday morning I went out for a solo run, well, when I say solo run I had little doodles with me, my daughters dog. He likes to come out for a little 2 to 2.5 mile run before he starts wanting a carry home! But he also likes to sniff every single tree, bush, blade of blimmin grass that any dog....nay, any animal has been near it. And also when he sees some other little fur babies out with their human mums and dads, then he likes to sit and wait for them to get near to him before he moves! My run on Wednesday morning wasn't particularly fast, I could feel the tightness in my chest, the soreness in my calves! I had been doing a lot off hill walking on my holidays, Cornwall and Devon are very hilly places! I was quite thankful that little doodles was needing to sniff every blade of grass but it felt so good that I had at least made a start on my new healthy lifestyle choices (again!) Blowing away the cobwebs, stretching the limbs again and getting into the right mindset to be able to keep it going, to keep it up! I need to, I don't want to be looking like Les Dawson as 'Ada' in the wedding photographs!
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Me, if I don't watch it! |
Anyway here's my geeky stats for mine and doodles run.
I ran with Tracy and LittleJ this morning, it was good to see LittleJ back to running, she has been out of action for about a month, I chose the nice round loop, going the easier way up to the top of the woods. It was a good route for LittleJ, because if she felt she couldn't do any more at least we could all get to the top of the hill first and then she could walk back on the roads, but it really wasn't necessary, because she kept with us for the whole of the 3 miles, a good walk run but it felt so good being in the woods, running with my pals! We all kept on chatting after our run so we ended up going for a coffee! A Costa Coffee run on a Thursday morning, we like to bend the rules!
Here's our geeky stats!
So the last one for this evening is about this evenings Core and Speed session. This week it was lead by RefMichael, his first time leading these Thursday evenings. He and Carole have come a long way since Feb 2016! Anyway, he did brilliantly, in fact his first speed session was tough one! But before that we did the usual 2 laps of the green and the drills, then it was into his first tough speed session. It was the caterpillar/train style exercise, but with a slight difference. Instead of the person at the back having to run all the way to the front of the train/caterpillar, at Michaels whistle the person at the front had to run all the way around the cricket field to get to the back! My goodness it was tough. I thought maybe the slower group 1's should be at the front, setting the pace so that when the first one took off on a sprint to get to the back it should be do-able. Well I was at the front, I was first to do the sprint all the way around the cricket green, (the bit that we are not allowed to walk on!) and oh boy was it tough! Michael had blown the whistle at least 2 or three more times by the time I eventually got to the back of the line It was tough, real tough, but i really wanted to get to the end of the line!
We did it again, only but the way that we have always done it before, running from the back to the front on the whistle! It was easier that way, but still great fun!
After that we took a drink and then did the core sessions, 9 different kinds of core exercise, I know it was 9 because there were nine of us and RefMichael asked us all to choose one each that we could do! Planks, lunges, bicycles, sit ups and some others which I just can't think of right now! All working on our core and strength! With our favourite par luffs it was all done for another week! And it may be all the we have left on the rec, because of the fading light!
A great session though, and that's three lots of exercises done since I got back from my holidays!
Not a bad start!
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