Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Awards Evening

Hello blog lovers

Yesterday we had a special cub night, it was our awards night!  We still had a usual group runs of course, so for those that were receiving their coveted Grand Prix trophies, well unless KevTwoBalls can photoshop them, will reflect the fact that it was a very warm evening for running! There were ten groups so ten lots of winners, plus the trophy for the members 10k to be award too!
But first off, is the run.  We were beginning the run at a completely different place, from the Bickley Hotel which means that I wouldn't be using my usual routes around the woods.  I still wanted to run through the woods though, it was a very warm evening and just perfect for going running in the woods.  I suddenly realised that I needed to 'map out' a 3 miler only a few hours before we had to meet at the hotel!  But I was doing things and completely forgot about it again until I arrived at the venue.  When it came to the leaders giving out the info for the route, well I kind of just said "We will find a route!" but pace and distance as per usual!  The group 1's looked a bit dubious, maybe a bit worried, but I assured them that "It'll be just fine, trust me, I'm a Leader"  Oh, that reminds me, my new up to date LiRF card came through from England Athletics, stating just that!

Once we were all ready we started on our 3 mile run!  At least I was hoping it will be about that!  As I said, it really was a very warm evening, I was looking forward to getting into the woods to find some shade.  I was making the route up in my head as I was running down Thornet wood land so that we can run down Barfields Road, the road that leads to Goss hill!  I couldn't think of a flat route, not without going through the woods, but I think everyone enjoys the woods, and besides, nobody really notices the distances when you are running in the woods, it's just too lovely to be interested in things like that!

To keep things all nice and happy I didn't take them up Goss Hill, no, we will be running down that particular Nemesis!  We took the right hand path and ran along by the river, I am sure if we keep running quickly the mozzies won't be able to land on us to have their dinner!  Oh my goodness, I hate bitey things, bitey things are equipped with a particular set of skills, and they will use those skills and then it will find me, and when it finds me, it will eat me! Seriously, I have only just discovered that taking an antihistamine tablet helps the impending mountain of a spot that will appear after being bitten, plus the the bite cream too! Fecking hate bitey things, but I so love running in the woods.

Right, back to the running.  I led them to Botany Bay lane, and we turned right to got along by the rail line, and so the climbing starts.  We were running along here and another group came along, I think it was maybe group 5, it had DiscoRich as sweeper anyway, they were coming in the opposite direction, we hi-fived as we passed by.

Normally I would have probably taken this group over the bridges, and back through Jubilee Park, but the Jubilee bridge is still missing!  Network Rail, get a move on will you! I didn't want to take them all the way to the middle path because then the route will be just that little bit further than a normal Tuesday run, so I took them up a path I've not used in a club run before, mainly because I always get slightly lost (ish) I mean, you can't really get lost in the woods, but you can end up on paths that you didn't intend to!

Up the first left path just after running the the river on our right!  It is up as well, it's a path that is used for our 10k route, just 'hugging' the field on our left.  I know when I see the field that I have done the right path, more or less!  And there it was, even before I saw the field and we ran over the little wooden bridge, I knew that we were on the right track!  Phew, maybe we will even get to the bar before all the other groups get there now!

Once we got to the top of the woods we just had to run along by the back of Coopers school to Botany Bay Lane and then along the little path that leads to the top of Goss hill!  Nearly done!  I sent the faster runners down the hill first and asked them to wait for me at the bottom.  I do love a down hill (I'm sure I have mentioned that before!) and it was sheer bliss running down there.  Before I got to the bottom of the hill I could hear a loud cheering, obviously another group had got to this point, the same time as us!  They will be at the bar before us! Oh well!  Once we were all re-grouped it was just the last two up hill roads to do, Barfield and Thornet Wood and then.......the social after!

The awards evening was a brilliant affair!  I just love the fact that we don't have a 'special evening' for it, I mean, we don't all just turn up to the venue, all suited and booted, smelling as fresh as Gucci or Armani, or Channel!  No, we all go for a run, in mid summer, and come back and receive awards in a vests, shorts, lycra, smelling as the entire laundry of Team GB after the Olympics!  We are athletes you know.

I didn't win a trophy this year, there were just not enough group 1's taking part!  I think there are just only so many trophies I can win like that way! Grand Prix is not about competing aagainst yourself, its a healthy competing against your mates.  None of your namby pamby "everyone's a winner" Good honest healthy competition. Anyway I don't think I did half as many races as I needed to anyway, just because of that I didn't want to be the only one again!

Mind you, I was still so very surprised to be called up to receive something!  A bottle of prosecco!  I couldn't believe it!  Getting something for doing the beginners group! Both me and ZippySherry got one!  I haven't the heart to tell them that I am only there to recruit members to group 1, just so that I don't have to run in the faster groups!  Well, actually I love beginners group, just letting someone know that they can run 5k from being a couch potato is reward enough for me!

Here's some pictures from the evening

Club captains, Stephen and Emily

Thanks guys!
Sonja, David Moy and me!

The venue

Me and Matthew

selling club kit!


And more winners

There were so many winners last night!  It was a great evening!

Anyway here's a geeky stats, and I forget to switch off my Garmin so there is a long pause after we got to the venue! We covered about 3.5 miles in just under the hour I think. so not too bad, and some of my group 1's actually got there before me because I sent them to the end at their own pace!

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