Hello blog lovers!
So this afternoons activities dictated exactly what sort of run I should be doing! Me and young Kirsty had a lovely afternoon at Creams! I have never been into a place like it before, the smell alone will put two pounds on your hips! As soon as you look at all the deliciousness there is on offer then you put on at least another three pounds! You getting the picture here! It's such a deliciously, calorie laden place!
I just had to plan on doing a good route to work it off! It does mean that my fellow group 1'ers will have to do it too! I hope at least one of them as also eaten cake too and were looking forward to it! At least it's a route that we have done before. When I first planned it out on plotaroute it looked pretty good. It wasn't until we actually did the route that I realised the undulations that was hiding in there! I should remember to look at the profile of routes when I plan them.. But this route was just perfect for today!
When we ran out of the rec there were still a couple of groups still having the group chats. It seemed that everyone was heading in the same direction too! Up Birchwood Road! We started running up there, I didn't want to stop, we needed to get to the top and then take a little breather, but I was on a mission, I knew that J.J. and Janet are perfectly able to sweep at the back, I just set my sights on the top! While we were running up we were over taken by DavidMarmite, leading his group! I counted five of them that passed me, "That's a small group" I said, but then there were a couple more that passed by, and then some more, and before we got to the top there were still more! Matt'the'Mat said that we had a couple of stragglers at the back. Now I'm not quite sure what group he was in, but DavidMarmite was leading group 6, but I also saw Wendy who was debuting as a leader for group 2 because IllustriousLeader and DiscoRich were there supporting her! But J.J. and Janet were flattered to that Matt'the'Mat thought they were in one of the faster groups! We did take that hill pretty hard! I think we all just wanted to do it!
We turned left while the other two groups turned right. We crossed over but then I noticed that group 2 was coming our way, so we stood back to let them pass and clapped and cheered them as they did so. Just as we were about to get back to running again I saw yet another group coming up, so again, I stood my group back while we cheered and high fived that group! Im not sure what group that was, maybe group 5? It was a busy bit of Petts Wood that's for sure.
And so for the hilly bit, going down is always the pleasure, and then the climb back up again. We used the steepest shortest bit of road, on this part of the route, to do some hill training. Three times run up the hill, (just twice running down it, I don't want to spoil us) without resting this time. It is only a short bit of road but with the bit of challenge of non stop it should make for a good workout! Everybody did it, with maybe just a little grumbling for the sweepers! Michael did it four times, it must be a guy thing! Then we continued our way back to Orpington road.
From there I said to them that we will be running all along to the round about and then 'Down!' to Crossways! I mentioned that we will be running up to the memorial hall, but I may have just quietly said that bit! I must say tho, although all the running bits we were running faster than group 1 should be doing, but with the stops and walks it will all make up to a perfectly paced group 1 run.....honest! I think the unanimous cry of todays run is......."Don't eat pancakes on a Tuesday any more Old Girl" Well, I can't promise that, but I can promise that every run we do is filled with fun! It felt like a great run today, and everyone seem to have kept up and enjoyed it.......well nearly everyone! J.J. said that poor LittleJ had to put up with her moaning all the way!
Geeky stats, perfectly paced, well, a bit slower than usual, but still a great run!
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