Hello blog lovers!
It's a 'soft' evening, as my Old Boy would say! A gentle misting of very light rain was coming down. But I don't think it will last for our entire run! Besides, we won't notice it, we're hard core! I picked up Tracy and then we drove to J.J.'s house LittleJ was already there. It's our routine now, we go there for a pre chat before our chatty run!
We all walked over to the rec, still chatting, and waited for the rest of PWR to arrive. It was strangely mild for a November, I know the weather has been so much colder already this winter, surely we can't be over winter yet! Over the next 10 minutes the rec started to fill with all the PWR's. It was soon time to make the announcements and tell everyone of our routes this evening. Our route was going to be the fairly flat route, with just the one hill.....ooops I mean incline, going up Kings Way. Then it's on towards Petts Wood and the 'Troll Bridge'. Of course I told them all to run over this as quiet as possible. They must have flew over the bridge because I couldn't hear a thing!
We ran around Crest View road, my group of 10 started to split into two groups. So I had the faster runners run all the way to the end of the road and then to turn around and head back and run all the way to the sweepers, and then run with them till we got to the end of the road. These loop backs work so well. It keeps the faster runners nice and warm, they don't cool down and the back runners don't feel like they are keeping anyone waiting around. It's a win/win
We used this technique all they way along Crescent Drive and Shepperton Road. It's a great way to keep everyone running together and having little breaks together. At the rec I had in mind to go to Tudor way from here, and then do the undulations of Great Thrift and Hazlemeer. But once we got to the end of Shepperton I decided that we would go the easier route of Beaumont which is over the bridge.
I am so glad that I did though. The Christmas lights down there are just so lovely. I am going to try and find some other little 3 mile routes around here to find some more Christmas lights. My group all stopped under a tree lit up with blue lights. I just had to get a picture of them all! Here, look at this, don't they all look angelic, J.J., LittleJ, Tracy, Michael, Carole, Martina, Anne-Marie, Becky then other name escapes me....it's my age I think!
We were nearly back at the rec. Once we were on Tudor Way and asked Michael to lead the way with the faster runners back to the rec, and then I took up sweeping duties after saying to J.J. and LittleJ they they should run back to the rec at their pace. Me and Tracy will finish this together. Nice and steady run, perfectly and evenly paced. I tried to use a beat that PhysioMike has on his phone. It's a metronome thingy, but it works well. We ran all the way to the gate like that. Tracy was pleased with herself. She was in two minds whether to come out tonight. I am glad she came out tonight, its the determination that keeps us going. I know 2017 I shall be back fully in my right frame of mind, I shall be back to running and cycling and losing weight! It needs to be done! Determination and hard work! That's what I have planned!
So geeky stats, and you will see that the numbers also include time doing our stretches!
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