Thursday, 8 September 2016

Another Double!! Get In There!

Hello bloggers!

I tell you one thing, mojo or not, I am flipping doing it!  Stuff this getting old shit!  I ain't 'avin' it!  It's going to be kicking and screaming and running and sweating into the next 'phase' of my life!  I know rest days are good, but I do have rests, for the rest of the day and evening (unless it's a double day!)  And I know if I start to feel too tired, or my body starts to complain too much then I will deal with it rather than ignore it!

My first of todays runs was through the woods.  I didn't know who was going to be with me today.  Some of my Thursday group 1's  have moved onto the middle group and Little.J. was away.  But Diane was feeling a little sore.  She had done the Weald 10k and was still suffering, so she wanted to go a little more gentle than group 2 or 3.   I knew I wanted to do track in the evening, so the route I chose was the easy way round, going through Petts Wood, right up to the top and then along the back of the woods to Goss Hill and then down again.  I was thinking of going out to the road, and under the rail bridges, but I decided against that, Maybe try do that route next week if I have time!

It was a really great run with Diane, we chatted and laughed and really had a good social run.  Sometimes you really need to do that!  I was feeling a little tired, I am not a good morning person, just ask the kids that!  And if I haven't had my shot of caffiene then I am not even human!  But this mornings run was just like a shot of caffiene, it made me human!

So Geeky stats for you.

Track Is Back!

It's not the rec anymore.  It's become too dark to continue with our core training, so, for me, it's back to the track for the winter!  I was tempted to  'have a rest' just like the other Thursday rec'ers are doing.  They will be doing pavement pounding in a week or two!  But I know if I start resting then it may just be that be harder to start again.  I was going to cycle over too, but I talked myself out of it.  My excuses were quite logical. For one, I didn't want to wear myself out before I got there, I really wanted to do the whole of the session without stopping 'unofficially'. and two, if I did cycle, and then I worked really hard, then I might be too exhausted to ride home, and be a danger to myself or other road users!  See I told you the excuses were logical! I am the queen of excuses!   Oh and thirdly.......I was just running a little late, I was sat watching the telly!

It seemed the whole world and her husband was running late too, the traffic on the roads! I made it just in time, sort of.  I missed what the session was going to be.  But after our warm ups (which nigh on knackered me anyway!) we were lined up on the start line and  PhysioMike quickly ran through what we were going to be doing, which basically, as a chap said  "When PhysioMike blows the whistle run, when he blows it again, rest, and repeat!"  I think I can do that!  No problem!! She says! 

But for the first whistle it was running at just faster than 5k pace, for 30 seconds, then 1.30 (I think) and then 4 minutes, with a 90 second 'rest' in between!  Do that 3 times!  Now I do like running to the whistle, It saves me counting laps! I can get so confused at how many laps I have done after oooooo say the first.........half lap!    The whistle I can listen out for, I can think "It's coming, any second now, just keep running"  It does help!  Where as those laps, that finish line, mocking you, and it seems to stretch away from you as you're trying to run towards it! 

It felt good to be back at track. Running with the speedsters.  It gets one used to be passed by when one is on races! But knowing that I am running the best that I can is all I need to keep me doing what I am doing.  And not only that, just as the Thursday Rec crew, the Tracksters are just as encouraging to me as they've always been! "Well done Old girl" "Keep going you doing great" were just some of the lovely things they were saying to me as they passed by. What a blimmin great running club I am in!  Since my last time at track it seems that quite a few others have found the virtures of running on a spongy track!  Some new people I have not seen before, and one chap introduced himself to me, just as I was flagging on the very last 'cool down' lap, Richard his name is, "Come on nearly done".  It was just what I needed, as I was thinking right then I would just walk the last hundred meters, after all it's just a cool down lap before the strethces!

It really was a fabulous session, and I did feel good to have ran in all the running sections, and kept moving when it was the rest sections!  Yup, I am going to be back on form soon!

Geeky stats.

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